
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Filem
Peringkat tidak cukup
82 Chs

Pack your bags

A cozy café with a relaxed ambiance, where Raj has arranged a meeting with Amulya and her investor, Sudharsanam. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air as they settle around a table.

Raj: (smiling warmly as he approaches the table) Good afternoon, Amulya, Sudharsanam. I'm Raj.

Amulya: (returning the smile, extending her hand) Pleasure to meet you, Raj.

Sudharsanam: (nodding curtly) Sudharsanam.

Raj graciously pulls out a chair for Amulya, a gesture of respect and courtesy.

Raj: (seating himself) Thank you both for meeting with me today. I've been following the success of your travel startup, Amulya. Impressive work.

Amulya: (grateful) Thank you, Raj. It's been a journey, but we're proud of what we've achieved.

Sudharsanam: (interjecting, with a condescending tone) Yes, well, Amulya wouldn't be where she is without my investment and guidance.

Amulya's expression remains composed, though there's a flicker of annoyance in her eyes.

Raj: (maintaining his calm demeanor) Of course, Sudharsanam, your support has undoubtedly played a role. However, it's clear that Amulya's vision and hard work have been the driving forces behind the company's success.

Sudharsanam bristles at Raj's response, but before he can retort, Raj continues.

Raj: (addressing Sudharsanam directly) In fact, I'm so impressed by what Amulya has achieved that I'm interested in investing in her company. And not just as a passive investor—I want to be actively involved in helping it grow.

Amulya's eyes widen in surprise, a spark of hope igniting within her.

Amulya: (tentatively) That's... wonderful to hear, Raj.

Sudharsanam: (attempting to regain control of the conversation) Now, wait just a minute—

Raj raises a hand, cutting him off.

Raj: (firmly) Sudharsanam, I believe our discussion would be best continued outside. There's someone waiting for you.

Raj discreetly points towards a figure standing at a distance, prompting Sudharsanam to glance over his shoulder. Seeing some one in suit, Sudharsanam frowns but stands up nonetheless, sensing the underlying authority in Raj's tone.

Sudharsanam: (grudgingly) Very well. We'll continue this later, Amulya.

As Sudharsanam walks away, Raj turns his attention back to Amulya, a reassuring smile on his face.

The café buzzes with the low hum of conversation as Raj and Amulya continue their discussion, now free from Sudharsanam's presence. The atmosphere is one of excitement and possibility as they delve deeper into the future of Amulya's company.

Raj: (leaning forward, a determined gleam in his eyes) Amulya, I believe in your vision and the potential of your company. That's why I'm proposing a partnership where I'll take 50% ownership in the company for double its current valuation.

Amulya: (taken aback, but intrigued) Double the valuation? That's... quite generous, Raj.

Raj: (nodding) I see immense potential in what you've built, Amulya. With my support and guidance, I'm confident we can take your company to new heights. You'll continue as CEO, leading the company with your vision, while I provide the resources and expertise to help it flourish.

Amulya: (impressed) That's a bold proposition, Raj. But it's also incredibly exciting. I've always believed in the untapped potential of our business model, and with your backing, I have no doubt we can scale it across India.

Raj: (smiling) Exactly. We'll leverage your innovative approach and my resources to expand our reach and disrupt the market. I envision us becoming a unicorn startup within a year, with branches in every major city in India.

Amulya: (nodding, her enthusiasm growing) That's an ambitious goal, but I believe we're more than capable of achieving it together. I'm grateful for your faith in me and your willingness to support my vision.

Raj: (reassuringly) Amulya, I'm here to help you succeed in every way possible. Consider me not just an investor, but a partner and mentor. Together, we'll navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities that come our way.

As their conversation draws to a close, Raj and Amulya shake hands, sealing their agreement with a firm and resolute grasp.

Raj: (with a smile) It's settled then. We'll meet again to finalize the details, but for now, let's celebrate this exciting new chapter for your company.

Amulya: (gratefully) Thank you, Raj. I look forward to our future collaboration. And once again, thank you for how you handled the situation with Sudharsanam. Your professionalism and decisiveness were truly impressive.

just want leave at publish 15 before sleeping

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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