
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Filem
Peringkat tidak cukup
82 Chs

Love life

The evening is quiet as Raj walks through the hallways of the family mansion, his mind made up. He's heading towards Nandini's room, where he plans to end their relationship. He feels a mix of determination and sadness, knowing that this is the right decision.

Raj: (knocking gently on Nandini's door) Nandini, it's me. Can we talk?

Nandini: (opening the door, looking surprised but smiling) Raj, come in. What's on your mind?

Raj steps into the room, taking a deep breath as he gathers his thoughts. Nandini motions for him to sit, but he remains standing, his expression serious.

Raj: (softly) Nandini, I've been thinking a lot lately. About us, about our relationship. And I've come to a realization.

Nandini: (nervously) What do you mean, Raj? Is something wrong?

Raj: (looking into her eyes) I don't have feelings for you in the way I thought I did. I mistook my affection for you as a friend for something more, but it's not love. And I don't think it's fair to either of us to continue this relationship when my feelings aren't genuine.

Nandini: (tears welling up, but trying to stay composed) Raj, are you sure? I thought we had something special.

Raj: (nodding) I'm sure, Nandini. We haven't progressed that far in our relationship, and I think it's best to end things now before it becomes more complicated. It's the right time to break up.

Nandini looks down, her fingers nervously twisting together. She takes a moment to compose herself before speaking.

Nandini: (reluctantly) If that's how you feel, then I agree. It's better to end it now. I don't want to be with someone who doesn't truly love me.

Raj: (softly) Thank you for understanding. I'm really sorry if I've hurt you.

Nandini: (forcing a smile) It's okay, Raj. I'll be fine. I guess I need to figure out what I want too.

Raj: (nodding) If you ever need a friend, I'll always be here for you.

Nandini gives him a small nod, a single tear escaping down her cheek. Raj hesitates for a moment, then turns to leave, feeling a mixture of relief and sadness.

Nandini: (calling after him) Raj?

Raj: (turning back) Yes, Nandini?

Nandini: (softly) Take care of yourself, okay?

Raj: (smiling faintly) You too, Nandini.

As Raj walks out of the room, he feels a weight lift off his shoulders. It wasn't an easy conversation, but it was necessary. He knows that he made the right choice, for both of them.

Raj, feeling emotionally drained after breaking up with Nandini, walks towards his mother Yasu's room seeking comfort. The house is quiet, the soft hum of night filling the air.

Raj: (knocking gently on the door) Mom, are you still awake?

Yasu: (opening the door, looking concerned) Raj, what's wrong? Come in, sit down.

Raj enters the room, his shoulders slumped. Yasu guides him to a chair, sitting down next to him, her expression filled with concern.

Yasu: (softly) What happened, Raj? You look troubled.

Raj: (taking a deep breath) I just broke up with Nandini. I realized that I don't love her the way I thought I did. I confused my feelings of affection for her as a friend with love. It wasn't fair to her or to me.

Yasu: (squeezing his hand) Oh, Raj. I'm sorry you're going through this. It's never easy to end a relationship, even when it's the right thing to do.

Raj: (looking down) I feel so confused, Mom. I thought I was doing the right thing by being with her, but it just didn't feel right. And now, I've hurt her.

Yasu: (gently) Sometimes, the hardest decisions are the ones that are best for everyone involved. It takes courage to be honest about your feelings, even if it causes pain in the short term. It shows maturity, Raj.

Raj: (sighing) I just wish I'd realized it sooner. I don't want to be someone who hurts others.

Yasu: (stroking his hair) You did the right thing by being honest with her. It's better than letting a relationship continue under false pretenses. Nandini will understand in time, and she'll appreciate your honesty.

Raj: (nodding) I hope so. It's just... everything feels so overwhelming right now. Between work and personal life, it's hard to find balance.

Yasu: (smiling softly) It's a lot to handle, but you're doing a great job. I've seen how hard you're working, how dedicated you are. You're making me and your father proud.

Raj: (looking up) Thanks, Mom. That means a lot. It's just been a rough day.

Yasu: (pulling him into a hug) I'm here for you, Raj. Anytime you need to talk or just need a hug, I'm here. You don't have to go through this alone.

Raj: (hugging her tightly) Thanks, Mom. I really needed this.

Yasu: (kissing his forehead) Everything will be okay, Raj. You're strong, and you'll get through this. And remember, it's okay to lean on your family when things get tough.

Raj feels a sense of relief wash over him as he holds his mother. The weight of the day's events starts to lift, replaced by the comfort of his mother's love and support. He knows that, with his family by his side, he can face whatever challenges come his way.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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