
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Filem
Peringkat tidak cukup
82 Chs


Together, Raj and Karthikeya secured the diamond back in its rightful place. As they carefully placed the diamond at the feet of the Subrahmanya Swami statue, a brilliant glow emanated from the gem, spreading its light throughout the temple. The brightness extended beyond the temple walls, reaching the village and catching the attention of everyone nearby.

In the village, people stopped in their tracks, looking towards the temple in awe. Karthikeya's family, Srivalli, and her father, who were all devotees of Subrahmanya Swami, felt an overwhelming sense of divine presence. They immediately fell to their knees, hands folded in prayer, thanking the deity for his protection and blessings.

"Subrahmanya Swami is still present in the temple!" someone shouted. The cry was taken up by others, and soon, the entire village echoed with chants of devotion and gratitude.

The villagers, filled with renewed faith and excitement, rushed to the temple. They burst into the main hall where the statue of Subrahmanya Swami stood, bathed in the diamond's radiant light. There, they found Raj and Karthikeya standing before the deity.

Raj and Karthikeya turned to face the crowd. Raj, with a calm yet authoritative voice, began to explain everything that had transpired. He told them about the plot to steal the diamond, the fight with the intruders, and how they had managed to save the temple from desecration. Karthikeya confirmed Raj's words, adding details about the divine significance of the diamond and the importance of preserving their heritage.

The villagers listened intently, their initial skepticism melting away. They were moved by the bravery and dedication of Raj and Karthikeya. Realizing that their temple had been saved from a great threat, they expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the two men.

Dr. Ravi, who had arrived with the crowd, stepped forward to check on Raj. "Let me see your injuries," he said, concern evident in his voice.

Dr. Srivalli also moved towards Karthikeya, her eyes filled with worry. "We need to make sure you're both alright," she insisted, examining the bruises and cuts that marked Karthikeya's skin.

Raj winced as Dr. Ravi inspected a particularly nasty bruise on his side. "You've taken quite a beating," Ravi said, his tone half-admiring, half-reproachful. "You should really rest and recover."

Karthikeya smiled reassuringly at Srivalli. "We're okay, thanks to everyone's concern. "

The villagers nodded in agreement, their respect for Raj and Karthikeya growing with each passing moment. The temple's divine light had not only protected its sanctity but had also united the people in a shared sense of faith and community.

In the glow of the diamond and the deity's presence, the village of Subrahmanyapuram found hope and faith renewed, and the story of Raj and Karthikeya's bravery became a legend that would be told for generations to come.


As Dr. Srivalli tended to Karthikeya's bruises, her worry was evident. "How could you be so reckless?" she scolded him gently, her hands carefully applying antiseptic to a cut on his forehead. "You could have been seriously hurt!"

Karthikeya winced at the sting of the antiseptic but smiled at her concern. "I'm fine, Srivalli. Really, it's just a few scratches."

Dr. Srivalli's eyes softened. "I know, but I can't help but worry. You always put yourself in danger without thinking about the consequences."

Raj, watching the scene unfold, couldn't help but tease them. "You know, Karthikeya, it hurt more watching this love-filled scene than fighting those two trained professionals."

Everyone laughed, including Dr. Ravi, who was attending to Raj's injuries. "That's Karthikeya and Srivalli for you," Ravi said, shaking his head with a smile. "Always the dramatic duo."

Raj winced as Ravi applied pressure to a particularly painful bruise on his side. "Ouch! Easy there, doc. I need to be in one piece to make a few important calls."

Once Ravi finished patching him up, Raj stepped outside the temple to make a phone call. He dialed his father, Jayaram, and waited as the phone rang. Jayaram answered on the second ring.

"Raj? Is everything alright?" Jayaram's voice came

"Yes, Dad, I'm fine. But a lot has happened, and I need to fill you in," Raj replied. He quickly recounted the events of the night, explaining how they had thwarted the theft of the temple's diamond and the involvement of Prudhvi Raj and the two foreigners.

Jayaram listened intently, his voice calm but firm. "I'll contact the DGI immediately and have them send people to deal with Prudhvi Raj and those foreigners. You've done well, Raj. I'm proud of you."

Raj felt a surge of relief. "Thanks, Dad. Also, I was thinking we should bring the family to the temple on the next Kartika Purnima. It's a special place, and I think it would be meaningful for all of us."

Jayaram agreed. "That's a good idea. We'll make arrangements for that."

As Raj hung up the phone, he felt a sense of accomplishment. He had not only helped save the temple but also ensured that justice would be served. He rejoined Karthikeya and the others inside the temple, feeling a renewed sense of purpose.

"Everything okay?" Karthikeya asked, noticing Raj's thoughtful expression.

"Yes," Raj nodded. "I just spoke to my father. The authorities will take care of Prudhvi Raj and the others. And we're planning to bring my family here on the next Kartika Purnima."

Karthikeya smiled. "That's great news. This temple deserves to be celebrated and protected."

Dr. Srivalli, still holding Karthikeya's hand, looked at Raj with gratitude. "Thank you for everything, Raj. You didn't just help us; you helped preserve a piece of our heritage."