
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Filem
Peringkat tidak cukup
82 Chs

Case closed

Raj moved methodically through the house, scanning every corner of each room, putting on the appearance of conducting a legitimate raid. PK, watching from a distance, smirked, seeing that the officers hadn't found anything incriminating.

Raj's inner thuoghts:So, PK thinks he's outsmarted us. Time to get serious.

Raj made his way to the kitchen, where a group of house workers were busy with their tasks. "How much does your boss eat?" he asked, his tone casual but firm.

One of the workers, a young man with nervous eyes, replied, "Sir eats 4 idlis, 2 rotis, and 1 dish of sambar."

Raj raised an eyebrow, glancing at the six large gas cylinders lined up against the wall. "Isn't six cylinders a bit excessive for such a meager amount of food?" he remarked.

He moved closer to the cylinders, inspecting them one by one. "Let's see what's really going on here," he muttered under his breath. With a swift motion, Raj grabbed two of the cylinders and carried them to the hall. He then smashed them onto the ground with a loud crash. The cylinders burst open, spilling out gold bars, various USB drives, and silver coins.

Raj turned to PK with a menacing smile, satisfaction gleaming in his eyes. PK's confident smirk vanished, replaced by a look of shock and fear. He felt a chill run down his spine.

"Interesting storage choice, PK," Raj said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Let's continue."

Raj continued his search, moving through the house with an air of authority. He reached the garage and noticed an old car with fresh tracks indicating recent movement. "Move the car," he ordered one of the actors posing as a constable.

The car was pushed aside, revealing a hidden compartment beneath. Raj pointed to the water tank on the ground. "Open it," he commanded.

The team pried open the tank, and inside, they discovered a massive stash of money and gold. They hauled the contents out and brought them into the hall, adding to the growing pile of incriminating evidence.

Raj then approached a large portrait of PK hanging in the living room. He paused, staring at PK, who was now visibly shaken and had closed his eyes, unwilling to witness the unfolding disaster.

Raj smashed the portrait with a single, forceful blow, revealing a hidden safe behind it. Inside were stacks of documents, each one potentially more damning than the last.

Holding up the documents, Raj turned to PK. "You've hidden a lot, but not well enough," he said, his voice cold and unwavering.

PK's eyes opened slowly, filled with a mix of dread and defeat. The facade of his untouchable empire was crumbling around him, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Raj's inner thuoghts:Every corner, every secret—I've uncovered them all, PK. Your reign of terror is over. Today, justice will be served.

Raj stepped back, surveying the scene. The fake raid had turned into a real discovery of PK's hidden treasures and illicit dealings. It was a sight to behold, and Raj knew they had succeeded. The performance had been flawless, and PK was finally facing the consequences of his actions.

 back to court


Raj stood in the courtroom, a wave of tension palpable in the air as he emerged from his flashback. He looked directly at the judge, his expression resolute.

"Madam Judge, I would like to present some hard evidence for this case," Raj stated firmly.

Immediately, the defense attorney jumped up, a look of panic on his face. "Your Honor, we cannot accept evidence that has not been submitted to the police!"

The judge, a stern yet fair woman, overruled the objection with a decisive bang of her gavel. "Overruled. Mr. Raj, you may proceed."

Raj nodded and turned to face the court, his hands steady as he brought forth a laptop and connected it to the courtroom's projector system. The lights dimmed slightly, and the screen flickered to life.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what you are about to see is irrefutable proof of the heinous crimes committed by Ravi, Mani, Vamsi, and Sundeep, as well as the involvement of PK and his associates in covering up these crimes," Raj announced.

He played the first video, showing the horrific footage of Kiara's rape, filmed by Ravi, Mani, Vamsi, and Sundeep. The courtroom fell into a shocked silence, the brutality of the act leaving everyone stunned. Gasps of horror filled the room, and many people turned away, unable to watch the atrocity.

Raj paused the video, allowing the gravity of the situation to sink in. He then played the next clip, showing Kottai Veeran taking Kiara into a car, captured by the hostel's surveillance cameras.

The evidence was overwhelming. The room was filled with a heavy silence, the weight of the truth bearing down on everyone present. Deepthi, unable to contain her emotions, began to cry, her sobs echoing softly in the courtroom. Sathya and Geetha held her, providing the support she desperately needed. Daya, sitting nearby, watched the scene with a mix of sorrow and relief, knowing that justice was finally within reach.

The judge, her face stern and composed, took a moment to process the evidence before addressing the court. "This evidence clearly shows the involvement and brutality of the accused. The court finds Ravi, Mani, Vamsi, and Sundeep guilty of rape and murder. The sentence is death by hanging."

A collective gasp filled the courtroom. The families of the victims, who had been silently hoping for justice, found solace in the judge's words.

The judge continued, "As for PK and his associates, for aiding and abetting these crimes, I sentence them to 20 years in prison."

A murmur of approval swept through the room. Justice, long overdue, was finally being served. Raj stood tall, a sense of accomplishment washing over him. The battle had been long and grueling, but today, the truth had triumphed.

As the courtroom began to disperse, Raj looked over at Deepthi, Sathya, Geetha, and Daya. Their faces, though marked by the pain of their loss, showed a glimmer of hope and relief. Raj knew that while the scars of this tragedy would never fully heal, they had at least taken the first step towards healing.