
In Twilight

Fools, that is all I see around me, cold corpses fighting overgrown mutts to see who held the biggest dong. The worst thing is my sister seems to be in the mix of it all. Why couldn't she have been one of the normal sheeple and ignored that emo kid and his dark faze. Alas, it's time to show the fools not to poke a sleeping dragon.

GingerGiant · Filem
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

God do be kind

When ye boi entered the sacred grounds that were guarded by a fierce guardian, something so strong even I, a god, had little chance against, Sock, such a mighty foe, Taming the beast was a trying task as it took multiple belly rubs and head pats along with a promise to bring him next time.

Taking a shower to rid my holy form of the sinful substance called sand. I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere. Laying upon my throne, I contemplated the trip to the beach where sis found yet another target.

She has fallen too deep into the abyss, first necrophilia, then it would have been incest if ye boi hadn't stopped it, and now its bestiality. She needs to be stopped before she goes too far and does something terrible.


Entering the demon's residence, I saw her on her computer; it didn't look like she had noticed my divine presence, heretic! Sneaking behind the beast, I grab her into a headlock and declare chemical warfare as I boost a mighty gas attack into her defenceless face. It held great effect as the beast needed to gasp for air to live.

Looking at the Pc screen, I spot that she was looking at Quileute legends, something about some two-sided character called Dokibatt and K'wa'iti transforming a doggo into a man. This must be why the doggo's friends looked at me weirdly.

"What was that for!" screamed the now recovered beast. She pounces and forces me onto the floor, but I ain't no wet wipe. Headbutting her and forcing her off me, I get ready to counterattack; however no attack comes.

Instead, I was greeted by a teary-eyed sister holding a bloody nose. Well, shit.

"WHAT THE FUCK BOB!" screeched the fiend. This didn't look like its gonna end well.

"You started it. Ye shouldn't have ignored my divine presence." it serves the wench right, my holy form should be praised and acknowledged whenever I enter a room, yet she didn't even look my way.

"You made me bleed!" alright, she might have a point, but ye boi ain't gonna tell her that, so I used an age-old technique, diverting attention.

"What's this your looking at" I feigned interest. But, alas, it seemed even that held little to no effect; if her increasing glare was anything to go off, I might have to pull out a move that could warp the very fabrics of reality if deployed.

"Dinners ready!" phew~ that's good seems reality survives another day. I ignore the yells behind me to stop and make a break for the door, salvation just in sight. I can already feel its warm embrace calling out for me.


It canny be! A forbidden move thought to be lost to time, something so cruel even the devil looks at in disgust. The pillow toss struck me on the back of the head. The world would have shattered had I not bravely taken the hit.

Turning to face the world-destroyer, my very own sister, A confrontation foretold since our first meeting in the womb, I had always known this day would come but would the world be able to bear the force this battle would use produce?

Barely a millisecond passed as my thoughts raced, my supreme mind searching for a way to stop the upcoming fight lest the world, no, the universe, not survive.

Moving at speeds faster than she could perceive, I grabbed the world-ending artefact that had struck my skull not long ago and catapulted it towards her face. My aim was true, but I knew it wouldn't be enough to lay a scratch upon her face, not someone with the same blood as me.

Using her lack of sight to my advantage, I flash behind her. I hoped this method would work for the sake of this world, but I knew doing this could be the end for me, a double-edged sword per se. So, while she was still unaware, I pounced like a tiger on a lamb; she had no chance to retaliate.


The earth shook as my attack landed. Reality cried in anguish as it connected. Thousands of parallel universes ended because of this move, yet I knew their sacrifice wasn't in vain. The beast had been quelled for now.

"Bob! Bells!" Dad came running upstairs, probably also feeling the aftermath of our fight. He arrived in the room to see me pacifying my sister.

"Bob! stop tickling your sister and take cover for the earthquake!" Doing as he says, the earth rejoyces as my lack of attacking causes it to go silent once again. Father started to scold us for being so reckless, and I had to agree that it was irresponsible of us to fight and put the world at stake.

Watching him leave the room, I turned to Bella before leaving after him. Having recovered from my attacks, she looked to be in peak condition once more.

"You should be careful when talking to the Cullens bells; I don't want you getting hurt," I said, being completely serious. While she was strong physically, it wasn't the same mentally. Should that emo prick hurt her? Not even the gods could block my wrath. Only I could hurt her. It's a brothers, right.


Righto lads n lasses, I know I said no chap today; however, I, your god, heard your prays and have answered with a short chap.

I just want to clear up some misunderstandings some people have.

1. no, this isn't dropped. Like lads, I said my phone broke, and writing on my PC takes much more time. I have no idea what gave yall such silly notions.

2. some people think I'm lying about my phone, and to them, I say, what do I gain from lying? Like, I ain't getting anything out of this book, so if ye boi wanted a break, I would just say so.

3. I write on my phone cus I feel it brings out my chaotic side more.

4. this chap took around 5 hours to write. This shows how slow my writing skills are on PC. I dunno why I just get easily distracted while on PC.

Tell me what ye think of this chap ayyy?