
Forks Highschool part 1

I woke up to the sun shining in my face.

I took a shower then got dressed in a black suit before I went downstairs.

As I went down I saw Charlie sitting at the table while Bella was setting the table with breakfast.

"Morning Elijah" Said both Charlie and Bella.

"Good Morning to you both too"

"Are you going to ride with me to school, Elijah?" asked Bella.

"No I have my own car" I tell her before sitting down and beginning to eat.

When I finished, Me and Bella both left the house and went to separate cars.

As I opened the garage I saw my black 2010 Lincoln MKZ.

When I got in the car I started to drive to Forks HIghschool with Bella behind me.

As I parked in a place that only had A BMW and a Jeep around I heard Bella's truck parking on the other side of the parking lot.

When I got out of my car I saw Bella making her way over here, and saw that ots of people were looking at us.

"Nervous?" I asked Bella.

"A Little are you not?"

"Not really" I state.

"Come on let's go" I tell Bella as we start to walk up to the doors where we are stopped by a kid who said his name was Eric.

"Are you guys the new kids?" ask Eric.

"Yes" we both say at the same time.

"Cool, My name is Eric I'm the guy you can ask anything of Bella, Including a shoulder to cry on or a person to Hug."

As he was talking I looked at Bella and saw she was not very comfortable.

"Now that's not very respectful now is it?"

I ask him when he stops talking to look at me.

"Who are you?" He asked with an almost accusing tone of voice.

"I'm her older brother" I tell him which seems to have made him realize his mistake and slowly starts to walk away.

"Thank you" Bella tells me and I just look at her and say,

"That's what family is for"

As we walked and finally arrived at the office the lady at the desk ask us,

"Are you guys chief Swans kids?"

"Yes" Bella says

"Hm" the lady says as she nods her head and then gives us each a piece of paper.

As I was a senior and Bella was a junior we didn't have any classes together so we just agreed to meet at lunch.

When I arrived at my first class which was Anatomy I saw an empty seat next to a boy who looked to be in pain.

"Hello" I say to him in which he nods back before continuing to sit up front.

As the teacher walks in and doesn't even bother to check if I am a new student or not he begins to teach, I just sit there looking out the window.

All of a sudden the boy next to me turns toward me and introduces himself as Jasper hale.

"Hello, my name is Jasper Hale. It's nice to meet you."

With a southern accent which reminds me of the 1800's.

Huh, how would I know what an 1800's accent was like I think to myself before I look up and see Jasper is still looking at me.

"Oh, My name is Elijah"

"Elijah Mikaelson" I tell him in which he nods before facing forward again.

When the bell rings I get up and walk out of class to see a little short girl of about 5'2 waiting at the door.

When she sees me she waves and then comes up to me and introduces herself.

"Hi, I'm Alice" she says in a rather excited tone.

"I'm Elijah" I tell her before Jasper walks up behind me and she latches onto his arm.

"I see you have met my boyfriend sorry if he was rude he is a rather quiet person"

She says while looking at Jasper which causes him to smile which surprises me for a second.

When she stops looking at him she asks me what my next class is in which I tell her it is gym.

"Ah, My brother is in that class" She tells me which leads me into asking who.

"He's a big guy with black hair, it's hard to miss him," she tells me before saying goodbye.

"Bye, Elijah let's talk again soon" she says before her and jasper start to walk away.

When I arrived in gym class the teacher told us to split the gym in half with the boys playing basketball and the girls playing volleyball on the other.

"As I go into the locker room I see a tall, big guy looking at me with an amused smile.

"Hey" he says

"The name is Emmett Cullen"

"Ah, your the brother of Ms. Alice?" I ask

"Yep that's me" He say

"So that means you have met Jasper?" he ask

"Yes" I say after we walk out of the locker room he asks.

"So what was with the suit?"

"I like to stay clean, it keeps me calm." I told him.

He looks at me strangely for a second before shrugging his shoulders.

After Gym I split ways with Emmett and head to lunch where I plan to meet Bella.