
In This Corner Of The Multiverse

A man gets a chance at eternity, a leap into the multiverse. The catch? No cheats, no powers, no golden fingers. Watch as he crawls, schemes and bleeds for every inch of ground and every bit of power in a multiverse of world ending threats that could sneeze him out of existence. With science and technology, he will rise to new heights, conquer worlds and most importantly, have buttloads of fun. And Bon Voyage~ 7 ch/ week. 100 power stones = Extra chapter. Thanks to LordValmar for the cover fanart. First world : Rick And Morty. Second World : Heroes (TV) Third World : Star Wars Fourth World : Worm (Novel) Fifth World : One Piece (Anime) Sixth World : Marvel Cinematic Universe (Films) __________ If you feel like buying me a cup of coffee, you can support me here. Patr-eon.com/goldenfingers Thsnks for reading! __________ Doscord server : https://discord.gg/jWg6Eu6hFS

GoldFinger · Komik
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354 Chs

Exorcising Kizaru.

"Kneel peasant! Why are you not kneeling?!" The mustached man in the bubble helmet screamed at the top of his lungs.

I on the other hand just ignired him and turned to Clockblocker.

"You ever wonder what it's like to be on this side of an expose?" I asked with a wide flashing grin.

"Oh. You're going to do it here too aren't you?" He asked, excited, as I pulled out a modified den den mushi from my coat.

"What do you think?" I laughed, placing it on Riley's shoulder, facing it to the us and connected it to the rest of the world's den den mushis.

"Riley, can you keep me and them in frame?" I asked.

Riley touched the snail, and looked it over as her power began to fill in the details before she nodded.

"You can count on me!" She said with a thumbs up.

"How dare you ignore me!? Kneeeeel!" The grown man whined like a baby.

"Ugh. You know usually people with voices like yours learn to shut your mouths as kids but apparently you weren't the sharpest tool in the shed huh?

Seriously, you sound like nails on chalkboard. Shut your mouth before I shut it for you." I said, picking my ear.

"Make him kneel!" The World Noble cried, taking out a golden pistol from his peacock robe.

The bodyguard following them walked out from the retinue and up to me and raised a knife hand above me.

"Kneel!" He said, bringing it down, only for him to hit my forcefield, activating the recoil feature.

It not only countered the man's force but gave him a dose of his own medicine as well, reflecting the blow back into him at the point of contact.

"Gyaaah!" The man cried out, holding his mangled hand as the other guards went on alert.

I could see the moustached man's face shift from anger to a tinge of fear.

"What happened? Weren't you going to make me kneel?" I mocked.

"Kill him! Kill him!" The moustached man cried, when his daughter by his side added.

"And get me the panda boy! He is so cute! I want him! I want to see him break~" She cooed, sadistically.

I looked at the girl that looked barely 8 years old and raised an eyebrow.

They're just all rotten to the core huh?

Not even an 8 year old is innocent.

I wonder how many other kids like Star she has tormented? Enslaved? Killed?

"Yes. Leave the panda boy alone. This Saint Rosward's daughter has laid claim on him. Kill the rest."

"Father! I want the blonde creature too! Both of them!" The teen boy beside him whined.

"You heard him. What are you waiting for?! I'll have you out to death for disobeying orders!" Rosward screamed at his guards who were hesitating after seeing the first man get mangled.

"Yeah guys? What are you waiting for?" I asked mischievously.

They gulped and drew their swords, fanning out around us, attacking all members of my group simultaneously thinking I wouldn't be able to protect them all.

Smart strategy. They could take a hostage and try to force me to yield.

And it would have worked for anyone else.

Anyone but not me.

"Hehehehehe now we're talking. I like smart guys like you. Too bad you met me today, else you might have gone on to live great and successful lives.

Attacking me though?

You just signed your death sentence!"

I connected to my nano swarm and pushed it into their brains.

"Die!" I said, and my nano swarm devoured their brains.

One by the, like flower petals the guards fell down in a circle around us, bleeding out of their noses.

"Devil fruit!" Someone cried out from the crowd.

"It's not a devil fruit!" I corrected.

"It's science! Better than any magic fruit or martial skill! Get it right!"


Just then in the middle of my speech the World Noble shot me to no avail.

The seastone bullet smashed and shattered against my forcefield, falling to the floor in pieces.

"Ooh, seastone bullets? Very expensive. But I guess you're not World Nobles for nothing huh? You make good money getting fat off the back of the rest of the world. I like that. I did the same myself a while back you know? Except with markedly less slavery and more mechanized industry. Game recognize game, dawg!" I raised a fistbump to them.

He didn't respond.

"No? Okay. Fair enough. Though what part of 'this is not a devil fruit power' did you not get? I thought I was being very clear with that. Or maybe you're just dumb? I mean that's got to be it right? I just took down what....eight of your men with a word. You think that one more bullet was going to be the thing that took me down? Clearly you have no survival instinct. A failure as a human being is what you are." I said, walking towards him.

"I am no human! I am a Celestial Dragon! Y-you dare to challenge my authority?! I'll have you killed!" He tried threatening me, even as he scooted back on his chariot.

"W-hat do you think you're d-doing?" He cried.

"This." I said, smiling and raised a hand.


I gave him a firm slap across the cheeks, in full view of the people of Sabaody and the entire world.

"You da-"


"What a-"


"You don't kn-"




"I'll do anythi-"

Another backhanded slap landed on his cheeks as tears flowed down his face.


This is so satisfying.

I looked at him, down on the dirty ground, shaking and reveled in the fear in his eyes.


That's what I like!

I raised another hand at the man and he shrunk back.

I still slapped him though.

"I didn't even say anything this time?!" Rosward cried.

I smiled.

It was an old asian technique, passed down through the generations from father to son, mother to daughter.

The unfairness just adds a cherry to the cake of psychological damage.

"You talking back to me?!" I glared at him, raising my hand again as he curled up in a ball.

"Uhuhuhu!" He cried.

"That's more like it! Know your place." I laughed.

I turned to the merman slaves, and considered for a moment.

It would certainly make a good showing for my future trip down under if I freed them here.

And I have time to spare before reinforcements show up to get their ass handed to them.

Let's make this a good show.

"Papa, can we free the slaves?" Star asked.

"Of course, Star. I was just about to do that." I said.

I commanded my nano swarm and tore through the collars on their necks, letting them fall to the floor with a deafening thud.

Damn, how heavy were those things? Can steel even get that heavy? Or is this some special alloy?

Maybe I'll take it with me and find out!

In the meantime, I need to set something up for the near future.

Silently, I sent a message to the A.I. and had it teleport a chunk of my nano swarm to the slave pits on Mariejoise and begin freeing them alongside a droid to instruct them to keep quiet and guide them out of the pits and into my portals.

After all, if I'm doing this, and I AM doing this, why not go a hundred percent and do a perfect run?

It's more fun that way!

Today, I will wipe out Mariejoise from the face of this planet.

I looked down at the fishmen slaves who were still bowed down and patted them on their shoulders.

"Why aren't you getting up? You're free now!" I said.

They didn't respond, only shaking in fear at first.

"What's up with you guys? Sheesh." I said, turning back to see Rosaward trying to slowly crawl away.

"Oi! Where do you think you're going?" I asked, severing his tendons with my nanobots, as he collapsed onto the floor in a heap.

"Waah! Why can't I mov-" He asked when I levelled a glare at him and raised a hand in his direction, shutting him up.

Then, a fishman spoke up.

"You shouldn't have done that.... they'll kill you...us...all of us!" He cried, tears falling to the floor.

"This is why we didn't get up. There is no escape from them. They'll find us.... they'll kill us. And that's...if we're lucky." The other fishman shuddered, croaking out of a parched throat.

"That's right! You've doomed us all!" A person from the kneeling crowd shouted.

"We just wanted to live our lives! We didn't mind kneeling!" Another cried out.

"I don't wanna die!" A third woman wept, hugging her child.

"Oh please, that's not going to happen. Besides, you'd rather live on your knees, bowing down to these shitstains? Do you not value freedom? Do you want your children and their children to live on as slaves to the World Nobles? To continue to perpetuate this cycle of misery?" I asked.

"We just want to live! What happens to you is not our concern! But you just had to hit them! Now no one is safe." A man shouted from the crowd.

"Really? That's your excuse? It's not your problem? Is that what you'll say when they come to take your sons and daughters as slaves? When they rape your wife? Your sister? When they kill your family because they felt like it?" I spat.

"Those who trade freedom for safety deserve neither freedom nor safety!"

"Easy for you to say! You're so powerful! But we can't do anything against the might of the Marines! There are too many of them!" The man cried.

"Are there more marines than there are people in the world? Do they outnumber the common people that they oppress? No! You outnumber them a million to one! If you had the balls to rise up, you could stomp them out like this." I snapped my fingers.

"I have freed entire planets from slavery with less than a thousand men and half of them were weaker than you are, malnourished, starving and a quarter as well armed. And I did that for fun.

Don't make excuses for your own cowardice. Just say you don't have the courage to protect the ones you love. That you'd rather sell your own son into slavery to save your skin." I said, looking at the boy beside the man.

"You don't know what we're going through!" He said, looking away.

"Oh I don't. But I know this. If you don't fight for what you love, you'll lose it, without exception. Your world is a cruel place like that." I shook my head.

Something glinted in the distance, and my contacts warned me.

"Energy signature approaching at sub light speeds."

There we go! I was almost getting tired of waiting.

I silently extended my forcefield over the entire street and watched as a beam of light struck against my forcefield, before coalescing into the form of a man.

Borsalino Kizaru. Future admiral of the navy and all around sleezebag.

He wielded the power of the Pika Pika no Mi that allowed him to manipulate light and turn into a person made of light, making him potentially the fastest person in the world.

It was a great power, with lots of applications in science. One I was looking to steal, hence the wait and the flavor text.

Might as well make the wait interesting for people to watch eh?

I knew that whenever a World Noble stubs his toe, he's the first to be dispatched.

Such easy pickings!

"Oho~ You blocked that! I wonder how?" Kizaru said in a slow drawl, retreating into the street.

Right into my trap.

I controlled the forcefield I had spread over the people on the street and suddenly brought it close, wrapping it around Kizaru.

He sensed it via his observation haki almost instantly but it was already too late.

He jumped up at light speed, and crashed into the forcefield canopy I had made, reflecting back from it and slammed into the floor.

"Why don't you find out?" I said with a grin, taking a swig of mega seed juice.

"What did you do?!" He asked, finally afraid, taken aback.

"Trapped you like a fish in a bowl." I said, compacting the forcefield into a ball, slowly crushing him as he thrashed against the boundaries, more and more desperately turning into his light form, until he was a ball of light the size of a basketball.

"You wouldn't let me out if I asked nicely, would you?" He asked, hiding his fear.

"I'm afraid not. Your devil fruit is really interesting. I want it, you see!" I said.

"You might as well give up then.

You can't kill me while I'm in this form! And I don't think you have haki. You look wea- ... untrained." He said.

"Oh you think so?" I asked, opening a portal.

Reaching in, I pulled out a giant gun that looked like an injector.

"You see this? It's a device I invented. Took me a whole day of scanning your little world, running calculations and a bit of attunement, but I did it."

It was even easier with my new tinker supercluster, a Cerebro-like device I made from the shards I extracted from people.

"I call it The Exorcist! You know, cuz it can take away the essence of your devil fruit. Extracts it from your body, no matter if you are in your light form or not. I don't need haki to take away your devil fruit powers. I don't even need to kill you. Though given your current state, you will most likey die the moment I drain your devil fruit's essence energy."

Borsalino's tone suddenly changed.

"W-we can talk this out! Violence isn't the answer sometimes~"

"Too late! You fucked with the wrong guy at the wrong time here buddy. Though I suppose there is no right time to fuck with me either."

I took another swig of mega seed juice as the strain of controlling the Mariejoise swarm to free the slaves was getting heavy.

"Really? That's a shame. I thought tonight with a bit of wine we could ...." Paige interjected.

"pfft...akhu akhu!" I coughed, before regaining my composure.

"Ahehem....I can make an exception...just for today." I winked causing Paige to giggle.

"Now where was I? Yes! Your devil fruit powers!" I said, jabbing the Exorcist into Kizaru, turning a dial to the extract setting, and pressed the trigger.

"No, please, please we- you don't need to do-waaaaah!" Kizaru screamed in pain as his body slowly became corporeal, returning to his original size, in the small forcefield bubble, crushing him into a ball of gore.

The Exorcist on the other hand became filled with a glowing yellow, ethereal liquid, giving off motes of light.

The essence of the Light-Light devil fruit.

I undid the forcefield and let Kizaru's body fall to the floor, before kicking it to the curb at Rosward, splashing him with guts, blood and bile.

"Now then, I wonder what I should do with you?" I said with a sinister smile.


Another classic expose from the man himself.

Borsalino Kizaru is finally what he was always meant to be, a greasy italian meatball.

And now, reckoning cometh upon the World Nobles, cuz the MC wants to have some fun, sow in that chaos!

Jow will the revolutionaries react?

Next time, the fall of Hiroshim- I mean Mariejoise!

Also, if you want to read ahead or support me, try this.


the regular chapter for sunday!

GoldFingercreators' thoughts