
Shopping spree.

Sabaody Archipelago. The crossroads of the world. It's giant mangrove districts filtering the sunlight through it's canopy, making it look like a starry sky in the morning, the floating bubbles in the air and children playing within, the hustle and bustle of the city.

It was all so...refreshing. It didn't even smell bad, unlike most places in this seasick world. It was almost pleasant.

I led the group across the streets, as we took in the atmosphere for a moment and the rest looked around like Asian tourists, snapping pictures of everything.

It was cute in a way.

"Papa! Bubbles!" Star pointed out.

I looked over to see a man with a large bubble hoop sitting by an open stall, with children floating around in bubbles behind him.

"Wanna go ride that?" I asked.

"Uhun!" He replied.

I turned to Riley, and found her looking wistfully at the bubbles too.

"Riley?" I called out, patting her shoulders, "Do you want to ride the bubbles too?"

"Wha- n-no. I was just looking..." She said, embarrassed.

So cute.

She was still shy and reserved around me, huh?

Well, time will fix that. And Dr. Wong, hopefully.

But till then, I suppose I can do the needful.

I rubbed her head and smiled.

"Is that so? But how about you take a ride with Star. Keep him out of trouble?" I asked.

She looked up at me with glittering eyes.

"Yes! Of course!" She nodded vigorously, as I handed her some money and let her lead Star to the shopkeep.

"As for us, how about some shopping? Tats? Paige? You wanna buy some clothes? Accessories?" I suggested.

"We can? Don't we need money for the ride down?" Paige asked.

"Not all of it. Some of it we can just spend here. Indulge. It's a vacation. What's the point if you don't splurge and have fun?" I said, buying a handful of skewers off a stand by the side.

"I want the prawns and pork!" Clockblocker said, pointing at one.

"Sure." I handed him two skewers, and looked back at the kids, and found them floating around laughing happily.

It warmed my heart.

I felt Paige grab my hand, squeezing lightly. I looked at her then at Tattletale and Clockblocker haggling with a wiry man over some bracelets.

I bit into my skewer, tasting the tangy and juicy umami flavor of the meat, and and groaned in satisfaction.

This was ...nice.

Too nice.

I almost expected something to go wrong.

Out of habit, I looked around, scanning the street.

Nothing. I sighed in relief, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Hmmm...I guess I'm just being paranoid.

Or that comment from Tattletale is fucking with me.

Either way, nothing to worry about.

I'm strong now. And prepared.

"Hey! GameBreaker. There's apparently a garment market that way. Why don't we go and check it out?" Tattletale said.

"Sure. Just let me get the kids." I said.

I walked up to the bubble merchant as Star called out to me.

"Papa!" He waved, from the bubble.

I waved back and smiled at him.

"Can I get a tether for those bubbles?" I asked, pointing at the two.

"Sure. 800 berries." I handed him the money.

He nodded.

Ducking below the counter, he pulled out two wooden disks with a rope coming out their bottom and painted them over with a brush, coating them in some liquid.

Then, with a deft hand he frisbeed the two disks onto the bubbles floating above with a practiced perfection that landed them face forst onto the bubbles' surface. Instantly, the liquid on the disk, melted into the bubbles' surface, attaching to it.

A mild exotehrmic reaction, my contacts showed me.

Neat. Maybe I should see what it's made of here.

The bubble seemed to be some sort of natural product while the sticky reagent was some sort of dry ferment mixed with oil?

I grabbed the ropes, and eyed the liquid as he dipped his brush back in.

"Say, how much for a bottle of both of those?" I asked, curious.

"It's just sap?" The guy raised an eyebrow, before he shrugged.

"But if you insist....how about 4000 berries?"

"Deal." I said sliding the bills over.

He pocketed it and pulled out two empty cola bottles from below the counter and washed them clean before filling them each with a liquid.

I took the bottles and tucked them into my coat pockets.

"I see that you guys enjoyed it. Ready to go for a bubble tour?" I asked.

"Yay!" Star cried out, and Riley nodded, blushing.

Hehehe. This vacation just keeps getting better.

I tied their ropes to my hand and brought them along as we made for the garment district.

The next few hours flew by as we dressed up and played around, going on a shopping spree of epic proportions.

We ended up buying an entire wardrobe's worth of stuff each, to the point that I had to dump the stuff into the ship via portal.

Truly, spending money with abandon is one of the best reelings in the world.

Now I know why people buy those unnecessarily expensive things.

It feels good to buy stuff, like it's some primitive part of our monkey brain lighting up at the colorful consumer goods.

It was an almost primal urge. One I usually don't afford myself.

But seeing Star in a panda onesie was totally worth it!

I looked at Star, fidgeting in his onesie, with Paige cooing over him, as he kicked his legs uncomfortably.

He didn't like it very much but he's keeping it on.

It's too cute!

I looked back at Tattletale and Clockblocker, who had apparently gotten rather chummy over the course of the weekend and followed their eyes to the canopy.

It was almost evening now, and the setting sun's fiery red glinting off of the canopy made it look like it was on fire.

It was.... quite the sight to behold.

One meant to be shared.

I walked up to Star and Riley and picked them both up in my arms, calling their attention upwards.

"It's beautiful." Paige muttered.

"Uhuh." I intoned in agreement, when I noticed something wrong.

The noise in the street had suddenly dropped to a murmur.

Uh oh.

I slowly looked back down to see the people on the street suddenly bowing down like a domino chain falling, just as Clockblocker quipped.

"You don't suppose they're bowing to us?"

"No. They aren't." I sighed.

I am in no mood for this.

I looked back, down the road, as the clinking of chains sounded out.

I knew what it was.

The Tenryubito. Celestial Dragons. World Nobles. The ruling class of douchebags in this world. They were the degenerates of the highest caliber, facilitated by their practically unlimited authority and the threat of a death penalty to anyone that dared look at them the wrong way. They slaved, killed, stole, raped and tortured as they wished across the world, destroying lives willy nilly for no reason than their whims.

Something I wouldn't quite care about if it weren't for the fact that they expected me to kneel when they walked by.

Now I wasn't one for pride and such. I could just walk down the alleyway and be done with it. Or portal away.

But that did not sit well with me.

Why should I change my path for some royal twat?

Why should I have to fear some primitive princeling when I can wipe them out with a thought?

Why should I acquiesce to their will?

Fuck no.

I grinned evilly.

This is my vacation.

I will not back down.

Besides, I've always wanted to smack these pricks right across their entitled faces. Maybe today's the day!

"Should we kneel?" Tattletale asked.

"No." I replied, smiling "Let's go. Follow me." I said, extending my forcefield over the group as I picked up Star and put him on my shoulders.

I dare the Nobles to try something.

Heheheheheh. I just need an excuse.

One I'm sure they'll be happy to supply.

As we walked forwards the World Nobles also came into view, riding on a merman driven chariot, looking down their noses on the people around them.

"Papa, why is the fish person in chains?" Star asked innocently, drawing the attention of the self absorbed World Nobles.

"Yeah. Is there...slavery in this world?" Clockblocker asked, uncomfortable.

"Yup. It's a primitive world. They still have kings and queens and slavery. Bit don't worry about it. It's not like you can do anything about it. It's just how this world is." I explained as the World Nobles glared at me, indignant.

"Kneel peasant! Why are you not kneeling?" The fat mustached man at the head of the chariot shouted.

And there we go!

Time to beat some manners into spoiled brats. And enjoy it!


MC baits the World Nobles and they bite like the suckers they are.

Now for the satisfactory beatdown.

Finally, the mc gets to return to being the chaos feeder he is.

Also, if you want to read 3 chapters ahead or support me, buy me a cup of coffee!
