
In the movie worlds with my system

A normal college student of blue star accidentally obtained a system fragment due to traffic accident while saving his friend he thought he was dead but when he opened his eyes he was in a movie with mission of collecting the system fragments which are in different world's First world: Mummy world Second world: Resident Evil world Third world: ????? i don't own any of the characters except the oc in the novel

lucifer_112 · Filem
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264 Chs

Chapter 200: Progress in Chaos magic

The dimension was filled with chaotic energy and the air was filled with loud and chaotic sound. Everywhere he looked he could see bright and vibrant colours, and the ground below him was a chaotic and ever-shifting landscape of shapes and colours. He was surrounded by intense and powerful energy, and he could feel chaos surging within him.

He witnessed the chaotic magic of this other dimension, and he could feel its power and energy running through him like an electrical current.

He felt both exhilarated and overwhelmed by the magnitude of the energy, and he knew he had to find a way to control it or risk being consumed by it.

"This level of power displayed is far above me."

"Sigh, My mastery of chaos magic is nothing compared to it, "thought Alex as he looked around seeing the destruction and creation caused by Chaos magic.

"Well let's focus on the creation and manipulating reality "

Then Alex opened his eyes as a complex blue magic circle appeared on his eyes which is another form of eyes of destruction which is more biased towards creation.

Then he began to observe everything around him, looking for patterns and ways to manipulate the chaos to his will. He also saw every fabric of reality, from the smallest particle of an atom to the largest galaxy in the universe.

Then he also tried to understand how they were created and how they interacted with each other. He wanted to understand the very essence of the universe and the laws of nature that governed it.

He also grasped the laws that created living beings, as well as the laws that created matter which is responsible for all creation in the universe.

Like that time slowly began to pass, Alex's understanding of the rules governing the universe began to deepen and evolve. He began to have a greater appreciation for the complexity of the universe and for the beauty of its natural laws.

But he also felt that his understanding was far from complete, that his understanding was only the tip of the iceberg.

In the training world, 10 years have passed.

Alex was in deep meditation as chaos and magic raged around him. Then he suddenly opened his eyes. As Alex opened his eyes, a red light shone brightly from within them, and a feeling of calm and peace filled the air. Chaos magic transformed into a peaceful energy that surrounded Alex, gently protecting him.

Then Alex waved his hands and the chaos magic dissipated, transforming into a wave of energy that filled the space.

As the chaos magic appeared, stars began to form and the energy around Alex slowly began to coalesce, creating vast stretches of gas and dust that eventually formed into a beautiful galaxy. Stars, planets, and galaxies began to emerge, creating a breathtaking sight of swirling colours and glimmering lights.

"Now I can create a galaxy with life if I use all my mana." said as he looked at the vast galaxy in front of him. He has just constructed a galaxy without life but it only consumed 30% of his strength.

Looking at the Galaxy in front of him, Alex felt his 10 years of hard work is paid off. Then He waved his hands. A huge cosmic lightning suddenly emerged from his hands and streaked across the sky, illuminating the entire galaxy.

The lightning instantly destroyed the Galaxy and scattered dust across the vast space. Alex felt a chill of fear as he realized the power he was holding.

"It seems lightning is most powerful among my powers " muttered Alex as he looked at the destruction of the galaxy which is caused by lightning

"System, how much time has passed?"

[Ten years]

"So I spent 10 years barely able to comprehend a minute of chaos magic."

[Yes Chaos magic has a multiverse level of complexity, so it takes time to master it]

"Well I'm going out of this dimension and "

"I'm taking a long break, I'm too exhausted from spending in this space," thought Alex as a portal appeared which led to the outside world.


Like that, time began to pass slowly.

Alex also visited Harry Potter World, where he relaxed and enjoyed the magic and beauty of the place.

A lot of changes took place in the Harry Potter world due to Alex's introduction of new magic. He also met Harry, who married Ron's sister and had a son. Seeing that Alice and others also wanted a child,

Seeing that Alex had a helpless smile, and fully dedicated to them at night but there was no result. Well according to the system the higher the level of the creature the lower the probability of reproduction.

So with Alex's level, it may take decades to get them pregnant, hearing that Alice and others felt some sadness, but they didn't give up and squeezed Alex daily at night.

But who is Alex? He has physical stats which is capable of destroying a galaxy, so he defeated them by himself in bed.

There were some changes between Laura and Ruby who also entered Alex's harem, as they were not satisfied with being Alex's sister.

The other women agreed as technically she is not Alex's biological sister. So they had no problems with that.

Like that two years passed.

During these two years, most of his time was spent with his lovers, during which time he travelled to different worlds exploring mysterious places.

Also, Alex felt it was time to go to other worlds, and started preparing for his next adventure. He said goodbye to Alice, Annabeth, Hermione, Luna, Elizabeth, Chantico, Laura and Ruby.

'System start the teleportation '

[Ding teleporting to a random world]

Alex disappeared from where he was standing as bright light enveloped him.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

lucifer_112creators' thoughts