
In the movie worlds with my system

A normal college student of blue star accidentally obtained a system fragment due to traffic accident while saving his friend he thought he was dead but when he opened his eyes he was in a movie with mission of collecting the system fragments which are in different world's First world: Mummy world Second world: Resident Evil world Third world: ????? i don't own any of the characters except the oc in the novel

lucifer_112 · Filem
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264 Chs

Chapter 118 : The hero saves the beauty

In the dark corridor of Hogwarts

The dark corridors of Hogwarts at night were eerie, with shadows dancing off the walls from the faint light of the torches. The walls were damp with a chill that seemed to seep into the bones, and an occasional noise of an unknown creature could be heard in the distance.

In that atmosphere, a small figure was walking hurriedly.

"Why didn't anyone wake me up?"

"It's already past dinner time," said the figure. This is none other than Hermione who accidentally fell asleep in the library.

Hermione had been studying hard during the day and had lost track of time. She had not expected to fall asleep in the library and when she woke up, it was too late for dinner. She quickly realized that she would have to make her way to the hall as quickly as possible.

As she was walking she heard the sound of a heavy object dragging on the ground and heavy footsteps approaching her.

She accelerated, her heart pounding in her chest as she tried to make out the figure in the darkness. She could see a dark figure slowly making its way towards her and she could hear the sound of something being dragged on the ground as it moved.

The figure was tall and stocky, with a large, flat-topped head. Its face was scored with deep wrinkles and its eyes were small and dark. Its hands and feet were large and it had a long snout-like nose. It was wearing a tattered green robe and dragging an old cauldron behind it.

Seeing the appearance of the figure, Hermione's heart raced as she remembered this was the troll mentioned in the books, and then she began to run.

The troll also saw Hermione.


Then he waved the club in his direction, smashing everything in his path as he chased Hermione with the club.

While Hermione ran at full speed, the troll chased behind her.

Hermione's breathing became rapid as she was tired from running and tripped on the ground. And turned to see the troll getting closer and closer.

As the troll got nearer Hermione's breathing became rapid as she became scared. She took her wand and tried to chant the spell.

But because of fear her hands started shaking. She was not able to chant the spells.

The troll came in front of Hermione and lifted the club and smashed it towards her head. Seeing the club coming towards her head her face became pale.

As she saw the club, she felt death and shouted loudly.


"At last, I found you " then a voice was heard and the club stopped in the middle of the air and a figure appeared beside her.

When Hermione saw the figure, she stood up from the ground and hugged and started crying.

"Sob sob sob "

"Don't cry, you are safe since I'm here" said the figure in a warm voice. This was none other than Alex.

Then he turned towards the troll and his eyes turned cold.

"Go to hell."

Then the Troll began to scream, kneeling in front of him, because of the pressure from Alex's telekinesis.

"Growl" sounded as the troll tried to resist the pressure

But it didn't stop there. Suddenly the troll's head exploded and its body fell to the ground making a thud sound.

"Now, now stop crying. Crying doesn't suit your adorable face," said Alex while caressing Hermione.

"Sob, sob....I was scared," Hermione said as she hugged Alex tightly.

"Now, what is there to be afraid of?" he said while trying to comfort Hermione who was crying.

"Oh, Merlin, what happened here?" asked Professor McGonagall, who had just arrived.

She saw the body of a troll lying on the ground without a head, with blood splashed all over it.

"Nothing Professor Hermione lost her way "

"While I was trying to find her, I found she was being attacked by a troll."

"I killed the troll and you came professor," said Alex

"What? You killed the troll?" asked the professor with shock in her eyes

What first-year student killed a troll?

Are all first-year students this fierce?

He is really something?

"Yes," said Alex.

"Then what are you doing here, not going to your dorms?" asked Professor McGonagall worried about them.

"You are supposed to be in your dorm?"

"Do you know you can be punished for doing this?" asked Professor McGonagall

"Leave them, you have to appreciate it," said Dumbledore who arrived just now.

"But, headmaster don't you know it is dangerous for first-year students?" asked Professor McGonagall with a worried tone, as she was worried about the dangers caused by reckless actions.

"But because of Alex's intervention, that student was saved, "said Dumbledore, then turned towards Alex and smiled broadly.

"Okay, Alex you have done well this time "

"But don't repeat this," advised McGonagall

"20 points for Gryffindor for Alex's bravery," said Professor McGonagall

"Minerva let's go we have other trolls to deal with," said Dumbledore

Alex who heard that looked confused. What is meant by more?

Isn't only one troll supposed to attack?

Where did these other trolls come from?

"Headmaster, how many trolls are there?" asked Alex

"Totally three tools attacked, one was killed by you "

"As for the other two Trolls, other professors are dealing with them, "said Dumbledore

"Alex, take Hermione to the dorm, and don't leave her there while you walk back to your room," said Professor McGonagall, as she saw Hermione crying in Alex's arms.

"Okay, professor."

After that Professor and Headmaster left.

"Hermione let's go," said Alex

"Hmm", Hermione said as she released Alex from the hug.

"Well, look at how your eyes turned red!" said Alex while wiping Hermione's face


"Are you that scared?" asked Alex

"Hmm" Hermione nodded her head

"Why didn't you use the spells I thought you," asked Alex. Hermione could easily kill the troll by using the magic he thought her.

"I was scared," said Hermione, while holding Alex's hand, not wanting to release it.

"Okay, let me take me to your room," said Alex holding Hermione's hand

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