
In One Piece with Pokémon ~Hiatus~

Have you ever wondered what the One Piece World would be if Pokémon existed in it alongside humans? Follow Rudra on his adventure in the One Piece World (and maybe some other worlds?) along with his Pokemon Team. . . . . This is my first time writing anything and am open to criticism in the comments and reviews section. I wish to better myself in writing, and i really appreciate the help. Thank You. I am posting this fanfic on both RoyalRoad and Scribblehub. Here are the links to my profile:- https://www.royalroad.com/profile/360175 https://www.scribblehub.com/profile/124423/divine_nebula/

Divine_Nebula · Komik
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27 Chs

Rudra vs Cynthia: Round1 Pt2: Evolution

[Play Battle! Vs Champion Cynthia (Diamond/Pearl/Platinum)]


he roared and his body started glowing as he started releasing massive amounts of fire, fighting, and psychic energies around him.

Rudra just grinned looking at him.

Cynthia and Garchomp too had smiles on their faces,

'Finally, he's evolving. He's waited so long for this to happen. I am glad.'

The gang of kids was also hopping around in joy. Rudra had told them that Combusken would evolve when he reaches his absolute limits and they had been anticipating that. And finally, the time had come.

The Professors were also smiling at Rudra and the evolving Combusken, as they had seen both of them grow up from babies to powerful trainers and Pokémon. They felt proud that they had raised Rudra and Cynthia together and made them into geniuses. Yes, geniuses, that is the only word that they could use to describe the two of them. They were like sponges that soaked in every bit of knowledge they could receive from the professors.

If the two of them ever wanted to be Professors in the future, nothing was stopping them, but it was up to them to decide what they wanted to do.

After a while, Combusken stopped glowing, and standing in its place was a mutated Blaziken, 3.1 m tall, with black and blue feathers, massive blue claws, and fierce blue eyes. He looked up in the air, his crest raised up in the air forming an X, blue flames lit on his wrists, and roared.


The roar was so loud that the audience had to cover their ears to protect them. It sent massive amounts of energy throughout the stadium and the sandstorm that was brewing for so long had stopped.

He first looked at his trainer and then smiled widely when he saw him grinning at him. He then looked at his opponent and then nodded. The Garchomp nodded at him in return. They were quite close as their trainers stayed together most of the time and Garchomp used to play with and take care of him since he was a baby. Then they turned serious again and waited for their trainers' commands.

"Let's go! Blaziken! Close Combat!"

"Outrage! Garchomp"

A hand-to-hand brawl had started again and this time it seemed like none of the Pokémon were holding back.

"Garchomp use Outrage again!"

"Blaziken! Let's try the combo that we had been training for!"

Hearing its trainer's commands The Blaziken channeled its Physical energy. Under everyone's surprised gazes, he disappeared and reappeared by Garchomps side and landed a hit. He had used Teleport! The audience had never seen a Blaziken use teleport before! This was something impossible to do and the Blaziken in front of them had done it.

"He's done it!" shouted the gang and professors together and started laughing.

Cynthia smiled at Rudra knowingly and he knew she had a trick under her sleeve to counter his Blaziken's combo. Rudra watched her carefully.

Blaziken kept teleporting and hitting Garchomp and wasn't that much exhausted as it had been training his Psychic energy since he was born.

"Garchomp! Use Protect! Then Detect!"

"Garchoooomp!" she answered as she tanked the hits from Blaziken and then after some moments caught Blazikens claw with her own claw and held him in place. Blaziken was stunned and looked at her while being suspended in the air. She just smiled at him in return and held him in the same position.

"Garchomp end it! Use Dragon Tail and then Dragon Claw!"

"Blaziken use Protect!"

Garchomp used Dragon Tail and sent Blaziken flying in the air as he was too stunned to use Protect. She then jumped high in the air and started charging Dragon Claw. Blaziken saw this and spun around and used Protect just as Garchomps attack landed on him.

Blaziken was again sent flying against the ground by the sheer force of the attack but received almost no damage as he had used Protect successfully.

Both of the Pokémon looked at each other and were visibly exhausted as they were taking in deep breaths. The damage the two of them had done to each other was clearly visible and they were incredibly firming themselves by sheer will.

"Blaziken could tank the hits huh? Seems like I underestimated you a little bit, Rudra." Cynthia said and continued.

"Garchomp! Use Outrage!"

"Blaziken! Flare Blitz!"

Both Pokémon started glowing, filling themselves with energies to give their absolute best in this last attack. Garchomp glowed purple and gathered massive amounts of Dragon-type energy in her claws and charged toward Blaziken.

Blaziken himself burst into blue flames and gathered massive amounts of Fire-type energy in his entire body and charged toward Garchomp. He had to prove to her that he was strong now after all.

The two of them clashed in the center of the battlefield and started another hand-to-hand brawl. Blaziken started punching and kicking Garchomp with claws charged with flames and she countered his attacks with her own claws charged with Dragon energy.

Even though powerful attacks were being exchanged, none of the Pokémon was ready to back out. They kept attacking each other again and again.

Rudra and Cynthia looked at each other and decided that it was time to end the battle.

"Let's end the match Garchomp! Use Giga Impact!!"

"Blaziken! Focus Punch!!!"

The two Pokémon jumped away from each other and started Charging up their attacks. When they had seen that they had been sufficiently charged up, they launched fiercely at each other again.



Both the Pokémon roared as both of their attacks clashed and created a massive explosion. A huge dust and smoke cloud rose in the stadium and the audience eagerly waited for it to settle down to see the result.

Moments later the smoke cloud settled and the two Pokémon could be seen standing and breathing heavily. The atmosphere turned tense as they watched the Pokémon and no one was sitting in their seats anymore. They got up and leaned forward to see the deciding moment of the match.

After some moments Blaziken fell on its back, exhausted and disappointed in himself. The Garchomp stood there exhausted, taking in deep breaths, and looked at Blaziken with a smile.

Rudra ran towards Blaziken and lay his head on his lap as he caressed his head.

"You did well Blaziken. You did very well. Rest now alright."

The crowd cheered at both the contestants and were thrilled to see such an amazing match!

"There we go, folks! The winner of the first round iiiiiissssss Cynthiaaa D. Shirrrooooonaaaaaaa!!!"

Shiva announced and the audience kept cheering for her.