
In One Piece with Pokémon ~Hiatus~

Have you ever wondered what the One Piece World would be if Pokémon existed in it alongside humans? Follow Rudra on his adventure in the One Piece World (and maybe some other worlds?) along with his Pokemon Team. . . . . This is my first time writing anything and am open to criticism in the comments and reviews section. I wish to better myself in writing, and i really appreciate the help. Thank You. I am posting this fanfic on both RoyalRoad and Scribblehub. Here are the links to my profile:- https://www.royalroad.com/profile/360175 https://www.scribblehub.com/profile/124423/divine_nebula/

Divine_Nebula · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Rudra vs Cynthia: Interval

"Good match, Rudra. I never thought you would give me and Garchomp such a tough fight."


Rudra heard a voice as he was caressing Blaziken's feathers while laying his heavy head on his lap. They looked up at the voice and saw Cynthia and Garchomp walking toward them.

They smiled at them and said,

"We'll get you next time Cynthia, Garchomp"


"We'll be waiting, won't we Garchomp," she replied.


They both used Max Potions on their Pokémon and started leaving the stadium for the locker room.

"That was the end of the First Round ladies and gentlemen!!!! Give a round of applause to both of the contestants!!! That was an extremely thrilling match and has got me anticipating the next round!!"

"The Second Round will start after 30 minutes ladies and gentlemen, so you can have a break, catch your breaths, have some food, and wait for it to start. Thank you!"

Shiva announced and went towards where his family and the Professors were sitting.

"Well that was a good match wasn't it?" he asked.

"Yup, it's surprising to see that those two are already elite-level trainers at this age. Makes me wonder what would happen when these two participate in Regional Leagues." Oak replied.

"Oh, it will be absolutely amazing when the world finds out how strong these two are. They will be crushing all the Regional Leagues in the future." Carolina replied.

The others nodded in agreement and changed the topic.

On another side of the stadium,

"See, what did I say Ashy boy, big sis Cynthia won the match," Luffy said.

"So what that was just because Rudra's Blaziken evolved just today and there is another round remaining. That will decide who is stronger." Ash replied to him.

Luffy just got his tongue out and made faces at Ash and his Chimchar started pulling his hair. Ash did the same in return.

"Well, that was a beautiful match. I didn't know Rudra had become almost as strong as big sis Cynthia," Gary said.

"Yes, they are too strong, we have to work harder to get as strong as them," Ace said.

They continued chatting more amongst themselves until the next round started.

In the locker room...

Blaziken was sitting down leaning on the wall while Garchomp was ruffling his crest feathers with her claws. It seemed like she was comforting him and telling him to work harder to reach her level quickly.

Rudra and Cynthia had changed their outfits and were sitting on a bench talking with each other while eating food.

"Good strategy with the Teleport combo, Rudra, but as you saw, we could counter it. Mainly because Garchomp is stronger than Blaziken and your Blaziken is not fast enough."

"I agree. I knew we were going to lose round 1 so we decided we would give our best and try to exhaust Garchomp as much as we could. As long as Blaziken could exhaust her much more than he had before we could consider it our win."

Cynthia smiled and looked at the two Pokémon sitting next to each other.

"They get along well don't they?" she asked.

Rudra looked at them and smiled,

"They have always been together since he was born after all."

"Well let's finish eating our food fast, we need to get ready for the second round," Cynthia said and started eating her food faster.

Rudra nodded and did the same. The two of them finished eating food and started chatting some more.

After a while, Shiva sent them a message to wait at the entrance of the battlefield so that they could enter the stadium when their names would be announced. They did as asked and waited at the entrance.

At the stadium...

Half an hour had passed by and the entire audience had taken their respective seats. They were really excited after seeing such a thrilling Pokémon battle. They loved every second of it and couldn't stop talking about the match for the last 30 minutes. They had forcefully calmed themselves down and had taken their seats and were chatting amongst themselves waiting for the Second Round to begin.

"Contestants get ready to take Positions!!!"

Shiva announced and everyone gathered their attention towards the battlefield.

"First up! We have! Trimurtiiiii D. Rudraaaaaaa!"

All the Spotlights in the stadium moved towards the Entrance and the audience saw Rudra and his Blaziken entering the battlefield in a cool-looking combat suit. They cheered loudly as this he had put up an amazing performance in the previous round and had thoroughly impressed them.

"Next! We have! The contestant who won the First Round of the Battle, Shironaaa D. Cynthiaaa!!!"

The cheers became louder as they saw Cynthia and her Garchomp entering the battlefield. She too had changed her outfit and hairstyle.

The two of them again moved towards the sides of the battlefield and took their positions. They looked at their respective Pokémon and signaled them to go to and stay in the safe zone created at the edges of the battlefield.

"Ladies and Gentlemeeen!!!! Get Reaaaddyyy for the Seeecoonnndd Roooundd!!!!"

The battle is not over yet!

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