
In One Piece as the Monkey King!?

Sun Wukong, a Chinese national, was killed due to his own negligence of his surroundings. Stabbed three times in the chest he bled out not before, "Er..ase..my hist..ry *Cough*" whispering those last noble words to his great friend Zen. Thinking it was the end of his journey, waiting to be reborn into the a new world, one he had no knowledge of, only to find himself in one he knew very well. Let us stalk the amazing adventures of Sun, as he embarks on an adventure to become the true Monkey King! (I own nothing other than my mc, so yeah.)

Daoof30Forced · Komik
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18 Chs

Now that's a lot of damage!

[1st P.O.V.]

~East Blue~

*Clock, Click!*

Cracking my neck, I tossed and turned on the hard wooden boat. I opened my eyes slowly. Rubbing it a couple of times as well, freeing myself from the shackles of laziness.


Only to be met with the muzzle of a flintlock pistol, one that's used by pirates and navy alike. Rubbing my eyes once again to get the sleepiness out of me.

I opened them wide, looking around myself, clearly feeling the number of pirates that surrounded me.

The man who pointed the gun at me was laughing like a complete maniac, he wore a typical pirate hat similar to Roger's.

With a skull in the middle of it, 'Talk about stereotypical huh?!' He also had a cutlass on his waste as well.

He wore a jacket over his clothes, which reached to his knees, with a red shirt and peach pants.

A weird combination of colours but it kinda fitted him perfectly with his face which looked like a mole rat.

I looked away from his face, as the urge to call him names was building up in me, but after this encounter, he wouldn't be remembered.

Which would entail me wasting one of my sentences for a fool such as this. Steeling my resolve I continued to listen to his speech of sorts.

"Oy didn't yah hear me hand over all yer have." I didn't respond in the slightest, as the thoughts of using them as training dummies flew across my mind.

A scowl grew on his face as he looked down on me, only to grow into a painfully annoying laugh.

"Hweeeewewewewewewe! Boys, he's too scared to even answer me!" The ship that towered over mine resounded with laughter.

As roughly fifty plus men looked overboard, laughing their lungs out. 'Even more dummies, well this is great!'

I opened my eyes fully, looking at some of the pirates looking down on me as well from their ship.

'I finally get to do that!' Standing up excitedly, I slapped the gun out of his hand, with little force.


It came into contact with one of the loaded cannons on the ship, causing a chain reaction between them.

The 'mole rat' looked on in horror, only to pull out his cutlass in a last-ditch attempt of what was escaping, as he backed off with every step.

Characters in the world of One Piece can evaluate their opponents once shown a fraction of their power, once they are not arrogant they could survive on the seas with little power.

Beating the crap out of some nearby pirates with the old man was a good learning experience.

Looking him directly in the eyes, he completely disregarded his men's lives, irking me a bit while some screamed for help.

I've never truly killed anyone in my previous life, but I had to learn. And to do that was killing a real person.

An experience that hurt even more than feeling pain after lag. Walking towards the frightened captain, I nonchalantly took a large step.

That one step, looked like I disappeared with the wind itself. Appearing in his guard, with his cutlass in my hands twirling it around like Yeoui.

Looking up at him, he was taller than me standing at the height of 7'10 maybe even higher.

But that held no matter to me, appearing behind him I patted his back. Walking to the front of the ship looking at the burning down ship.

The shock wave from the explosion was pushing us away, but that didn't matter too much.

Turning around from the fireball of wood, which still had its top half over the sea's surface, but slowly sinking.

The 'Mole Rat' was moving weirdly as if he was being punched in the stomach and then the back in quick succession.

He has already fainted at this point, but I overdid it for the extra effect, my wanted poster was meant to be special after all.

*Shhhhhhhhhiiiiiii, Boom!*

His body out of the blue flew off my boat, smashing into the upper half of his own, creating a huge hole.

Laying on the top of the ship was their captain, on the brink of death due to my onslaught of endless attacks.

"I don't care too much about you, but it seems you like to show off huh?" Sitting on the side of my small boat.

Which was partially destroyed due to the shockwave of [Arang] and directly while airborne I kicked him with a [Front Kick], then did it in quick succession once again and again.

I didn't want to use any more powerful techniques, as it might leave me stranded in a ditching somewhere in the ocean.

I trapped him in an unending vortex of shockwaves, happening so quickly that it seemed like he was lagging with bad FPS and Ping, then used an upgraded version of [Bo Bup].

Standing on the bow of my ship I looked towards the nearby island, with a wanted poster in my hand.

"Berny, the Butcherman, what a dogshit nickname, overused like your mum. Good thing I got rid of you, saved you from embarrassment."

He was worth thirty-five million, a good amount in this time period, but there were some worth sixty million so he wasn't the highest nor the strongest.

Looking onwards, I spread my Haki outwards covering the island that was in front of me.

'Shell Town?' I contemplated which town I was looking at. Even though I was an avid reader of the manga I didn't recognize a lot of things due to the colour difference.

To be honest I didn't want to be in any of the Blues as they all held pirates of low strength or mediocre at that.

I was lazy and the best place to find peace was the New World, and to alleviate my boredom would also be in the New World.

But I couldn't care less how long I took once I reached it, and I wasn't going to expend any more energy than I already have to defeat that lousy pirate.

*Plop!* Sitting back down on the ship, I looked at the damage I caused, sighing as I might need a new ship.

'I should have taken all their money, dammit!' Cursing myself for my stupidity, Yeoui shook behind my ear agreeing with my statement.

We're able to talk telepathically so he knows most of what I think, though I can block him out if I want.

And our bond was that of five hundred years, well he told me that as he was keeping track of time in the 'Other World'.

I knew he was keeping an abundance of information from me, but what could I do, I didn't care that much anymore.

Overworking my brain for three years almost four was a hassle, for the time being, I didn't want to undertake anymore of that

Taking Yeoui from behind my ear, I placed him above my head, "Extend and expand, Yeoui!" As he extended I thought about the length and width I wanted him to be.

Spinning him a couple of times, the wind pressure increased. Stopping, I pushed him into the water, pulling forward as if I was rowing.

Using him as an oar, which he objected to. Shaking violently with rage I didn't stop as we reached the port of what I assumed was Shell Town.

'Sorry pal, I didn't want to destroy our only usable boat you know.' Patting him a bit seemed to cool him down for the time being.

Reaching the shore of the town I looked up, 'Why are these massive places called towns, what in the world were you thinking Oda!'

Raising my head I looked at the large Marine base in the back of the town, which seemed different, but not overly so.

Walking into the town, I walked into the somewhat crowded streets, as the hunt was on for some food.


It even began to make weird noises that frightened the surrounding people away, though some women were staring at me with gazes I didn't like one bit.

'I'll only stay here for a night or so, it's just not interesting.' Nodding to myself I walked through the town for the rest of the day.

Looking around the marine base, which didn't have any major changes from the original.

They had no clue I was running about their base, pranking a couple of them, even pulling down the pants of who was surely the Captain.

He even called one of his subordinates over and punished him instead of trying to find out the culprit.

'Most likely embarrassed about the event, so he didn't want to explain any further, typical marines.'

Sighing I continued looking around the base, going through some bounties, finding one that was worth sixty million as well.

'Woonan, the man said to have a third of the entire world's gold stashed away, what a mad man.'

Even the courtyard that Zoro was kept in for killing one of Helmeppo's pet wolves, was just empty and somewhat barren.

After that, I left, to find a place to get some food and take a proper nap, not one that makes my back croak.

Heading to an inn I used the money I stole from the marine base and took a nice nap before having some food.

Waking up the next morning, footsteps were heard and the clattering sound of trays being dropped permeated the walls of the inn.

Spreading my Haki out, as I didn't want information about everything all the time I didn't have it on passively.

I felt a great number of people, who were all scared and a lone man leading the group with emotion leading me to think he was haughty or just that confident.

Hopping off the bed, I didn't have a top as it didn't bother me in the slightest, walking to the window I looked out.

My eyes almost blew through my skull, standing in front of the inn were hundreds of navy soldiers.

And the man who I presume was the captain stood at the front door, while other soldiers escorted the civilians to a safe distance.

Holding a den den mushi in his palm, he used it to direct a message that would be heard by everyone in the area.

"Sun Wukong, we know you're in there, resistance is futile the entire place is surrounded!"

If anyone else saw him they might have thought he was a man of justice, but in his mind taking down a pirate with a bounty of fifty million was a promotion.

I looked at him with the dirtiest look I could conjure up, "Oy go fuck yourself yah fat fuck!" Raising a middle finger, all the marines and even civilians looked up at the window in utter surprise....