
In One Piece as the Monkey King!?

Sun Wukong, a Chinese national, was killed due to his own negligence of his surroundings. Stabbed three times in the chest he bled out not before, "Er..ase..my hist..ry *Cough*" whispering those last noble words to his great friend Zen. Thinking it was the end of his journey, waiting to be reborn into the a new world, one he had no knowledge of, only to find himself in one he knew very well. Let us stalk the amazing adventures of Sun, as he embarks on an adventure to become the true Monkey King! (I own nothing other than my mc, so yeah.)

Daoof30Forced · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

First Bounty!

[3rd P.O.V.]

~Shells Town~

*Cling, Click!*

In the streets of Shells Town, bodies of marines were strewn across them as if the ending of their legacy was coming to an end.

To the citizens, it looked like something out of a fairy tale, to them the marines were unbeatable.

That false information was dug deep into their craniums due to false information and vastly spread propaganda.

In the middle of the town, a fight was happening that was going out of proportion.

Hopping from one building to another, were two people. One with a lean and [physically fit physique, he looked younger than his age signified

But don't be fooled, he was twenty-two years of age and is going to be twenty-three soon. He didn't care about it as to him it was just another number.

In front of him was a plump man, whose body jiggled every time his sword came into contact with his opponent's leg.

Sun was laying around with him through their fight, as he knew the man was weaker by leagues.

"You're pretty strong to be in this part of the ocean huh." Back flipping from another attack, Sun straightened his back.

Looking at the sweaty and terrified Marine Captain in front of him, which was bumped up when he made eye contact.

'What in the world is going on, how is he this strong!' He fearfully looked into the eyes of the pirate that stood firmly before his eyes.

The Captain questioned himself if he was given the wrong information or if the person in front of him was hiding his strength.

He defeated pirates with bounties of 100 million when he was at headquarters so one pirate such as Sun wasn't a problem.

So he thought, and now he was on the back foot against someone he took for granted as cannon fodder.

But his mindset was on the wrong side of the spectrum. In this day and age pirates weren't given bounties only due to their strength.

In this age of pirates, before Luffy and Ace set sail on the seas. Bounties were given higher priority over pirates that showed potential.

Even if you were stronger than a rookie pirate, he could have information about the Navy or World Government and his would-be vastly higher.

A great example would be that of Nico Robin, a former resident of the now non-existent Island of Ohara.

A Buster Call was used to eradicate the citizens guilty or not, none was spared. Why? Because they were able to read poneglyphs.

According to the World Government, it was a treat to the whole world. All because they could read ancient texts they were annihilated.

Increasing the value and the knowledge Nico Robin contained inside of her mind. And by no means was she stronger than Sun.

Her bounty was higher than any pirate in the four seas. Even some in the Grandline and the New World.

Her battle power was abysmal, to say the least. She wasn't weak but her bounty didn't correlate well with her strength.

In layman's terms, the World Government was using the Marines to get rid of nuisances that could hinder their plans to carry out their faulty claims of 'Justice'.

Looking up at the sky, the sun was as high as it could be. 'Lunchtime and here I am fighting a fatty with no hairline.'

Silently disrespecting the Marine Headquarters Captain, he decided to end the fight quickly, but flashy to say the very least.


Hopping off the roof, he did front flip mid-air coming down on his opponent, with a devastating heel kick.

Seeing his opponent attacking, Sharp raised his sword defensively, he contemplated running away, blaming his crew for the damages.

Before he could even finish his thoughts, his sword came into contact with a powerful kick.

*Crack, Clatter!*

He fell to his knees from the first confrontation as his arms felt like they cracked in two.

His face was covered in snot, and his eyes watered. His mouth opened as he gasped for air.

He was covered in an aura of fear, in his entire life he's never been defeated by anyone.

Unknown to him most knew he wasn't strong, as a matter of fact, the only reason he even got his position was string being pulled behind the scene.

'[Renewal Taekwondo: Axe]!' Completely breaking through his defences, Sun's heel didn't come into contact with a snotty-nosed face.

*Crash, Clatter!*

The roof they once stood on collapsed, as his leg heel came into contact with it, causing a huge air pressure that destroyed the Captain's already mediocre guard.

His two arms were broken, and his will was shattered. He even had the urge to piss himself but he wasn't able to due to fear.

His body was hoisted into the air, as the wind pressure from the attack sent him upwards.

Sun pushed off the collapsing roof, using [Geppo] he jumped even higher into the sky, as he came face to face with the already frightened Captain.

His Haki was picking up the emotions from Sharp, making him a bit disgusted by his behaviour.

'I even read through his files, this was supposed to be a Captain from the Headquarters?'

Looking past the coward, what came into view of his eyes was the Marine Base, as his face was adorned with a smirk.

'[Renewal Taekwondo: Fist Strike]!' Sharp Morgan, the father of who came to be known as 'Axe Hand' Morgan watched on in horror, as a fist came into contact with his face.

His eyes looked like they popped out of his head, only for his midsection to accumulate an ungodly amount of pain.

Only he knew how bad it was, as the citizens and his subordinates had no clue what happened. And Sun had little to no pity for the man.


His pupils disappeared, and his body looked like it took phantom punches to all the nearby spectators.

The technique, [Renewal Taekwondo: Fist Strike], can be used in quick succession. Making the technique deadly once used with enough force behind each punch.

It can also be used open-handed or striking with the palm. Sending a shockwave through the opponent's body during every attack.

Sun used it with his fists, smashing the bones of the Captain with every connection. Due to his lack of bravery, he didn't train, so his pain tolerance was low.

Most of the battles he took part in were fought by his subordinates. Only once now twice has he ever taken part in a battle head-on.

The other battle was against Woonan, the man who presumably owned a third of the world's gold, who ran away as he was outnumbered. Even so Sharp could have beaten him in a one on one battle.

A testament to how strong he would have been against pirates in the Blues, but compared to Sun he was cannon fodder.

Even though he never fought with his life on the line, the reputation and power he held went to his brain, and so did the false accolades.

Regaining his consciousness, from the same pain he fainted from he was once again punched in the face.


With one final punch, he was sent flying towards the Marine Base, smashing into it and creating another hole, similar to what happened to Berny.

But this time it wasn't only a hole that was going to be left, as he was breaking the speed of sound. He caught the slightest glimpse, before a blue light that covered his sight.

'[Renewal Taekwondo: Roundhouse Kick]' Flashing around the sky with [Geppo] Sun positioned himself to perform a spinning kick.

Swinging his foot, a large bluish-green wind blade was created, its size was enough to completely overshadow the width of Shells' Town Marine Base.


Dropping down from the sky, she sat down on a house that wasn't destroyed in their confrontation, marvelling at his handwork.

The occupants of Shells Town were evacuated to the coast, as the marines knew Sun wasn't simple in any way.

The information they acquired wasn't making their already tense situation any better.

As he was able to instantly defeat a pirate with a bounty of 35 million bellies, making him a strong adversary.

They were all awe-stricken by the sight of the large arc of blue, only for reality to hit them like a freight train going at speeds that broke the sound barrier.

They all realized who they were in awe of, which disgusted a couple of them. As their eyes widened even more.

'The pirate won!' Was the thought rattling about in the brains of all the spectators, as some even started fainting.

"What's he going to do to us!" Someone shouted from the crowd, as everyone was affected by the words he spoke.

Marine recruits carried the fainted ones to the side while trying to calm down the rowdy crowd.


Only for another explosion to take place, as the Marine Base of Shells Town, was sliced in half.

The top part slowly fell off, and the marines were even more terrified as they were now sure that their captain was defeated, if not dead.

Luckily for both the Marines and citizens the towers in the town didn't come into contact with any of the debris.

Else the canons and the gunpowder in them would have caused a chain reaction that would have devastated their homes.

They all watched closely as the top half of the base slowly fell, while a small red dot was falling along with it.

The Captain's lifeless body slowly descended with the rubble, to never be heard of again.

Hopping off the roof he once sat on, Sun was done with his handy work. He didn't want to stay any longer as more marines were bound to come.

After all, they had a way to spy on him and acquire information without his knowledge, even if he didn't use Haki nor spread his primate senses out.

He suppressed all of it else he wouldn't have a fight, instead, it would become a beatdown,

A grown man beating up a disabled child who moves around in a wheelchair. He would rather end a fight quickly than humiliate someone who does their job willingly.

But he clearly felt greed when he fought Sharp and his appearance ticked him off as well.

So his life as forfeit was an equal exchange in his books. He was yet to realize his mentality and morals were unhinged and out of the norms

Though he wouldn't care too much, as changing it was too much of a drag. It was like rebooting your humanity, which wasn't needed to great lengths in the world of pirates.

*Step, Step!*

Footsteps resounded through the streets, as he walked toward the populated area on the coast. Going to fetch his boat, and leave quickly.

Spreading his Haki and senses in tandem, he found the culprit that was spying on him, but he left the 'birdie' be.

He was strong enough to protect himself, and he could take attacks from anyone, even the strongest marine.

So he wasn't held tight to becoming even stronger, which could lead to an increase in boredom.

The whole reason he was sailing was to fight and explore without worry in the world.

Even if he had to fight someone they would have to be equal or even stronger than him to put up a challenge.

The same could be said for his opponents as fights last for days even months once both participants are at an adequate level of strength.

Like Kaidou and Big Mon, both Yonko in the New World. If they ever fought all out without doubt it would last for an extended period of time.

But he wasn't a complete idiot to allow himself to be captured, just to prove that he was the 'World's Strongest Creature'.

Walking down the street he came into the sight of the citizens who backed off to the shore's edge.

Walking past the fearful personnel, he made his way to the small fishing boat that was in pretty bad shape, but just enough to sail.

Without saying a word, he took an oar from another small boat and began to sail the Four Seas once again.

The 153rd Marine Branch in East Blue, the Year 1511 was out of commission, until further notice.