
In mha as Miquella the kind (MHA/Elden Ring)

Mike, a 16-year-old gamer, dies in a tragic accident after a long gaming session. He finds himself in a void, where a being of light tells him he can be reincarnated. The being explains that his new powers and destination will be based on his last game and show. Mike, having played Elden Ring and watched My Hero Academia, chooses to go to the world of My Hero Academia with the powers of Rahdahn. However, the being informs him that his reincarnation will be determined by a wheel of fate, and he ends up being reincarnated as Miquella. I want to clarify that this story is purely for fun and to help me practice my writing skills. While I am open to receiving constructive criticism to improve my writing, I kindly request that any feedback provided remains respectful and constructive. Insults directed towards my story will not be accepted. Image not mine I found the image on Tumbler by someone named serrraphim.

thereddeath · Komik
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12 Chs

Flames of Rebirth

After an almost entire day of relentless gaming without any sleep, 16-year-old Mike had finally achieved it—he defeated Rahdahn in the long-awaited DLC. Overwhelmed with triumph, he hastily dropped his remote, succumbing to the overwhelming exhaustion that had consumed him. However, unbeknownst to him, as the remote slipped from his grasp, it struck his nearby water bottle, inadvertently causing its contents to spill into an exposed socket. The combination of water and electricity ignited a sudden blaze that engulfed the room in flames.

Regrettably, he remained oblivious to the unfolding danger as he succumbed to a deep slumber. By the time his weary eyes fluttered open, he found himself trapped amidst a raging inferno, unable to escape its relentless grasp.

When he regained consciousness, he discovered himself in an expansive void, devoid of any tangible existence. The only discernible presence was a radiant being, emanating pure light. Before he could even begin to comprehend his surroundings, the being addressed him, saying, "Greetings, Mike. I regret to inform you that you have passed away. However, fortunately for you, as it was not your designated time, I am granting you the opportunity to be reborn."

Startled by the revelation, Mike struggled to process the information, his mind reeling with a mix of confusion and curiosity. He cautiously responded to the luminous being, seeking further understanding of his fate and the imminent prospect of a new life. "so do I get to pick where I go and do I get wishes like those reincarnators in those fanfictions I read"

"No, and yes," the luminous being responded, acknowledging Mike's desire to choose his destination. "The previous method I employed, allowing individuals to decide their destination, often resulted in negative outcomes. Therefore, we are implementing a new approach. Your powers and destination will now be determined by the last game you played and the last show you watched."

Observing Mike's recent activities, the being continued, "Based on what I see, the last game you played was Elden Ring, and the last show you watched was My Hero Academia. So, where do you wish to go? Keep in mind that your powers will be tailored to fit that world."

Mike's decision was clear. Though he'd only seen up to season two of My Hero Academia, he recognized its lighter tone compared to the dark, Berserk-inspired, Souls-like game. Driven by his conviction, he declared, "I choose to go to My Hero Academia with the powers of Radahn.

The luminous being appeared somewhat amused by Mike's fervent outburst but quickly responded, "I apologize, but the only aspect you can decide upon is your three wishes. Even those have limitations. For instance, you cannot possess abilities that grant you godlike energy. I regret any disappointment caused, but I must adhere to regulations due to a previous reincarnatee who obtained the combined abilities of Ichigo and a Saiyan in the Marvel universe and attempted to overthrow my superior. Who would have thought mixing Soul Reaper, Quincy, Hollow, and Saiyan powers would make you virtually unstoppable? Hence, I am bound to spin a wheel that determines your reincarnation."

As the being uttered those words, a colossal wheel materialized before them, adorned with various characters from Elden Ring. Despite Mike's reservations, the notion of this seemingly godlike being having a superior intrigued him. With a mighty push, the wheel began to spin rapidly, its spin gradually slowing down until it ultimately settled on a character Mike had hoped to avoid. 

Miquella, the "kind" demigod. After finishing the DLC, Mike had mixed feelings about him. On one hand, all Miquella wanted was to turn the world into a kinder place. On the other hand, the way he tried to achieve it was terrible he manipulated everyone into doing his bidding. Mike quickly shook his head. Even though he would be reincarnated as Miquella, it didn't mean he had to be anything like him. Besides, the ability to use light attacks and to make people follow him might come in handy, and besides it was much better than being dead.

The being's words hung in the air. "Now, for your wishes, you have the classic three, but be warned: there are limitations. No godlike powers, and…" The being's voice accelerated to a dizzying pace, rattling off a laundry list of rules and restrictions that would put a pharmaceutical commercial to shame. Mike's eyes widened as he somehow managed to keep up, despite the whirlwind of rules. I know it's a lot of rules but I've gotten in trouble more than once due to me letting people get too strong also please keep in mind that these wishes are akin to a genie situation, so try to be specific in your requests. Additionally, considering you will be in the My Hero Academia world, the abilities granted will be adjusted to better suit that realm, and don't worry about wishing for your quirk not to be able to be taken by All for One or anyone else. I already handled that

Mike nodded, his determination burning brighter despite the lingering disappointment caused by the imposed limitations. 'I guess it's better than just being sent to the world or outright dying,' he mused. "Alright, for my first wish, I want to break free from Miquella's curse of eternal youth. I don't want to remain a kid forever, although it would be cool if I could age slower," he said, his voice resolute.

"For my second wish, I wish to possess the ability to summon Torrent. I believe their skills would greatly assist me on my journey"

Pausing to contemplate his third wish, Mike found himself momentarily uncertain about what to ask for. Sensing his hesitation, the being swiftly responded, 'If you're having trouble deciding, I could grant you a random wish that would be beneficial on your journey. Due to the fact that it technically isn't you wishing for it, I can make it a little more powerful than what you could wish for.

Mike took a brief moment to consider the offer. Reflecting on what he had witnessed in the show, he felt reasonably confident that his main wishes had been adequately addressed, despite the considerable limitations imposed by the benevolent being. It had shown nothing but kindness towards him throughout their interaction. With a nod, Mike agreed, feeling that he didn't have much to worry about at this point.

"Okay, with that, everything is ready. I wish you the best of luck in your new life," the being said, a note of encouragement in their voice. As those words escaped their lips, a colossal portal materialized before Mike, its swirling energy beckoning him forward. Without hesitation, he stepped into the portal, allowing its all-encompassing embrace to transport him to his destined reincarnation in the world of My Hero Academia.

Can you guys guess what Mike's or now Miquella's last wish is going to be? Do you have any ideas about my story? Please share your comments and suggestions; I would love to hear your input. While I appreciate constructive criticism, I kindly request that any feedback be respectful and focused on helping me improve my writing skills. This is purely for fun and practice, so let's try to keep the atmosphere positive.

thereddeathcreators' thoughts