
In MCU with wish (MARVEL)

"My child," God said, "I have been watching you, and I know how much you loved the worlds of fiction and fantasy. I also know that your time on Earth was cut short, and that you had many unfulfilled dreams and desires." John nodded, unable to find his voice. He had always believed in God, but he had never expected to come face to face with the Creator of the universe. "Because of your love for the worlds of fiction," God continued, "I have decided to grant you a special opportunity. You may choose to be reincarnated into one of your favorite fictional worlds, with three wishes to guide you on your journey." Like always "I'm new to writing ,english is not my first language,my third actually. " [The cover isn't mine , i found it on Pinterest.]

black_sun · Filem
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

On the rugged cliffs of St Kilda, jagged rocks jutted out towards the sea. The salty air whipped through the crevices, and waves crashed against the craggy shore. In this untamed wilderness, a child of about seven years old could be seen lifting a boulder twenty times his size on his back. With impeccable form and incredible speed, he executed a series of exercises in the shadow of the towering cliffs. This child was John, now known as Ian, and he was a marvel to behold.

(Seven years have passed since I arrived in this new world, and a lot has happened. I've been training regularly and intensely, constantly trying to improve. I would say that I'm probably 170 times stronger than an average adult male right now, which is really impressive considering that at the start of the Dragon Ball series, Kid Goku was only about 66.6 times stronger at the age of 11. I haven't achieved Super Saiyan yet, but I've been trying constantly to get there.

[AN- ok i dont really know how strong he was but all i know is before Roshi's training he was relly weak as he grew up in a soft environment and was able to lift Bulma's car in the first episode which was about 2 ton with some visible struggle so i'm just gonna bullshit here a bit.]

I can now harness ki, for those who don't know ki is a form of energy in the Dragon ball universe which is basically your inner life force or energy that exist within all living beings, also known as chi. Ki can be harnessed and controlled through various technique and training methods. It can strengthen your base strength and speed, and can do wonders once you have enough control , such as live longer, flying ,telekinesis and energy blast etc. I've followed what I remember of Master Roshi's teaching and training methods in the series, and I have to say it's really effective. Master Roshi may lack in raw power, but he's up there among the top in the universe in technique and teaching.

I've also tried the Kamehameha, but unfortunately, only a puff came out, which was disappointing, it seems i need more control and training . Anyways my mother named me Ian, which is a Scottish Gaelic version of John and also means 'God is gracious.'

Life on St Kilda was tough, as it was a remote and isolated place, lacking in resources and modern conveniences. The people who lived there had to work hard just to survive, often battling the harsh winds and rocky terrain. Despite these challenges, however, there was a certain peacefulness to life on St Kilda. The island was free from many of the pressures and distractions of the modern world, and the people who lived there had a deep appreciation for the simple things in life.

This peacefulness was perhaps due in part to the fact that St Kilda was so remote, situated far out in the North Atlantic Ocean. This isolation had kept the island relatively untouched by the outside world for centuries, allowing its people and its landscape to remain largely unchanged. For Ian, who had grown up in a much more urban and cosmopolitan environment, the quiet simplicity of life on St Kilda was a welcome change.

As Ian continued his intense training, he couldn't help but notice the harsh conditions of life on St Kilda. The lack of resources and basic amenities made survival a daily struggle for the people living there. Despite these challenges, however, Ian found the peace and tranquility of the island to be a refuge from the chaos of the world.

Ian had always been fascinated by stories of superheroes and imagined himself as a savior of the people. On his tenth birthday, he was set to receive the Omnitrix, a powerful device that would allow him to transform into various alien creatures with their unique abilities.

Ian dreamed of using his newfound powers to help the people of St Kilda, to make it a place like Wakanda, where technology and innovation were used to improve people's lives. With the Omnitrix, he would be able to defend his people from any threats and bring prosperity to the island.

Ian continued his grueling training, pushing himself to the limits, all the while envisioning a bright future for St Kilda, where he would use his powers to create a utopia.