
In Love with a Klepto

(NOTE: COVER ISN'T MINE. CREDIT TO THE REAL OWNER @CARRIE FROM NAVER.) ****** "You're nothing but a thief" He whispered seductively into her ears. She snapped out of the daze she had been into, to look into his eyes as she handed over his wristwatch back to him. "I'm sorry" she apologized shamefully. He chuckled as she handed over the wristwatch to him and turned to leave, he quickly held her hand and dragged her back to himself. "You returned just one of the two things you stole from me" he said with an amused smile. "What? I took just you wristwatch, and I'm sorry. Whatever else is missing you'll have to search for it elsewhere. I don't mind you asking someone to pat me down" she offered feeling very embarrassed. "Unfortunately I doubt it'll be found on you. I know you're with it" He said with twinkling eyes which shone with amusement. "What is it that you have lost? I will get it back to you, and buy it if it'll save me from this embarrassment" She said with a flushed face. "I don't want it back. But keep it safe... My heart" he said and chuckled when her eyes widened in shock. ONLY A KLEPTOMANIAC WAS CAPABLE OF STEALING WANG YUN'S HEART. "Henceforth, whatever you pick I will buy in bulk. If it is something edible, I will watch you eat it all up while I pay for it. If it is a book, you will read it. If it is a phone, I will buy you a dozen and make sure you carry it everywhere. So if you don't want me to go bankrupt you better don't pick up very expensive things." Yun warned before reminding her to pick up her 'gifts'. Lijuan stood there looking at him with her mouth widely opened in surprise. "What if it's a car?" She asked him. He thought about for a while before answering.. "Your father will pay for it." ~~~ MEI LIJUAN: Second Young Mistress of Mei Corporation. WANG YUN: Vice Chairman of Wang Motors. ***** Authors: ThatAmazingGirl Miss_Behaviour. (NOTE: COVER ISN'T MINE. CREDIT TO THE REAL OWNER @CARRIE FROM NAVER.)

ThatAmazingGirl · Perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
328 Chs

How boring.

"That Bastard! Who does he think he is?" Lijuan asked herself with a scoff as she got down from the taxi she had boarded and head straight to the house.

"He must think so highly of himself because he is the Vice President. What a joke! Does he think being a vice president is a big deal? If not because I wasn't interested in the company, did he think it's difficult to attain that position? Such a —"

"You're back early." Jiaying said looking at her with interest.

Jiaying's voice broke into her thoughts and she quickly shut up when she saw Jiaying standing at the stairs ahead of her. It looked like she was going out but Lijuan didn't care.

"So how did your date go?"

Lijuan could tell she was fully in gossip mode by her tone so she smiled.

The last thing she wanted to do was give them the wrong impression that something had gone wrong between herself and Wang Yun.

"I already told you to stop talking to me but just so you know, it went well." She said with a fake smile.

Jiaying also forced out a smile before saying, "And oh.. Happy Birthday big sister."

Lijuan looked at her for a bit before smiling genuinely. "You finally did something right. Thanks my dear." She touched her shoulders before walking past her.

"That goat!" She said with a frown as she ground her teeth angrily when she remembered Wang Yun.


"I'm about entering your house, so you can come down now and please... look hot!" Shan said to Lijuan through the phone.

Lijuan checked the mirror one more time before nodding her head in approval at her reflection.

She slowly descended the stairs before pausing when she noticed that her parents who had been watching the news in the sitting room were now conversing with Shan or rather, her mother was talking with Shan while her father's gaze was fixed on the TV.

Thankfully, neither Rong nor Jiaying were there. She wasn't in the mood to banter with them tonight. She had done enough of that with that monkey head. It was her birthday and she was going to make the best of it and damn anyone who tried to stop her from enjoying herself. Too bad Yun had succeeded in puting a damp on her day which had started perfectly well. She was going to just make up for it by enjoying the remaining part of the night.

Both her parents looked her up and down when they saw her. They knew she liked wearing short outfits, but it was as if it got shorter by the day. She wore a little white short which exposed large parts of her thighs, a blue long sleeve chiffon top with a belly belt and a black knee high boot. Her hair was held away from her face with a clip in a ponytail style while her face was nicely made up. Lijuan was the tallest and prettiest of the Mei sisters and that was a fact that could not be disputed.

"You look good" Her mother complimented.

"She always looks good." Shan said winking at Lijuan.

Lijuan smiled and flicked her hair smugly, "I know."

Her father shook his head and continued with the TV.

Mother Mei opened her purse and took out a card. "Here, take this. Have fun" She said while handing the card over to Lijuan.

"Awww.. Thank you Mother" Lijuan squealed happily.

As Lijuan was about to take it from her, her father cleared his throat awkwardly and said, "Just give her the black card."

They all turned to look at him in surprise. His gaze was still fixed to the TV like he hadn't just said something that shocked them all.

"Really?" Lijuan asked in surprise as her eyes glistened with tears.

"You better stay out of trouble. We won't come bail you out." He said warningly before standing up to leave.

"I love you father." Lijuan said excitedly before hugging him. Knowing that her father still cared about her made her excited.

Chairman Mei stood there awkwardly and scoffed indifferently before heading towards his room making all of them giggle.


Yun quickly hid the little mirror he was using to assess the shape of his head when he heard Jinhai coming towards him. He opened his laptop and quickly started typing.

"Mother called me." Jinhai said with an excited glint in his eyes as he approached Wang Yun on the balcony.

"I don't want to hear it." Yun said uninterestedly as he kept typing furiously on his laptop.

"She asked whether you've been seeing Mei Lijuan often. And I heard you had a date with her..." Jinhai said while poking his arm.

"How could you keep that away from me?"

Yun scowled when he saw the big smile plastered on Jinhai's face as he spoke. His brother must really be having fun with the whole thing.

That... that little witch had called him a monkey head... aish! He took in a deep breath as he tried to calm himself before speaking to Jinhai.

"Do you realise I'm busy?" He said in a very calm voice.

"Then I could just agree to be mother's spy." He threatened.

"Do whatever you wish." Yun said without sparing him another glance.

"How boring." Jinhai hissed before turning to leave.

"I'm going out to have fun. See you at midnight if you're still awake, or tomorrow if you're already asleep."

"I won't let you keep staying here if you always move about like this." Yun threatened.

"I love you too brother!" Jinhai declared.

Monkey head? Yun asked himself as he brought out the mirror to check his face again.

"That little.... rabbit!" He said when the image of Lijuan popped into his head.

How could such a noble and kind gesture from him annoy her so much? He had only been trying to be a friend. Why did she have to ruin a good day by asking if he liked her?

What had she been expecting? So he couldn't be nice without having ulterior motives? Was that what she was implying?

He blamed himself for being so impulsive and stupid and he definitely blamed Jinhai for signing him up on that godforsaken dating site. If he hadn't received the birthday notification from them none of these would have happened.

How dare her say she never wanted to see him again? Huh? Did she think he wanted to see her either? He definitely didn't want to see her again either but she still had his pen and so he had no damn intention of letting her be until she returned his pen.

Apology? She wanted an apology? Damn that crazy woman. Yun said breathing heavily as he closed his eyes and tried to count from one to ten to calm his nerves.

Hey people!

I know it's still kind of early to ask, but if we can have at least 5 reviews before the next hour, we'd release another chapter immediately!

Remember to leave a review...


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