
I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)

This novel is also known as I Can Bring In-game Items Out I am an ordinary person, just a supernatural being who has awakened my personal space. When the second world of the overwhelming holographic game hits, in the game, the protagonist took out the mineral water in his personal space and took a sip before covering himself up. This, this seems to be in the game? Since then, items in the game can be brought out, and items outside can be brought in, and the life of the protagonist has undergone earth-shaking changes. Flying into the sky and fleeing the earth, what is it like to cast beans into soldiers, holding a Pangu ax and stepping on the Zhuxian sword is nothing but ordinary.

HyperDragonSlayer · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
100 Chs

showdown man is also dishonest

Chapter 88: The Showdown Is Not Honest

"Brother Dao, if you can bring Ah Shan into the game world, you can also bring us in?" Shancao asked.

As soon as these words came out, everyone paused, all of them were extremely excited, and their eyes stared straight at him.

What is the game? Being able to kill monsters and upgrade, this is not comparable to hard training.

"It's okay to bring it in, but if you go in with your real body, you're really dead if you die." Xiaodao hesitated.

"It's okay to be careful, Brother Dao, you haven't died once!" Shancao continued.

The eyes of the others were still shining, and they nodded like wooden figures.

"What's more, we still have hot weapons. I know Brother Dao, you have hidden some." Shancao laughed.

"This mountain grass is a little active today?" Er Gouzi thought about it, feeling wrong, but didn't say anything.

Xiaodao smiled wryly, shook his head, and took everyone into the courtyard for a visit.

The dog group headed by the black king, and the exaggerated chicken, further strengthened their plans to enter the game and upgrade.

Life is at stake and worth the risk.

Especially with thermal weapons.

Of course, it is the bloodthirsty vine that attracts everyone the most. Today's bloodthirsty vine has reached level 53 under the cultivation of a large amount of supplies with a knife, and it is a well-deserved number one thug.

"Level 53, with it guarding the house, we can use a gun to kill the 25th-level Steppenwolves to upgrade." Shancao spoke again. ,

This made everyone even more impatient.

Afterwards, Xiaodao took everyone to visit his warehouse.

Seeing everyone staring at gold stars one by one, there are too many magical things.

"My brother, you can choose whatever you want." Xiaodao said with a smile.

"Don't worry, everyone's strength is too low. There are some things here that are very dangerous and expensive to use. Besides, there must be rules, and it's not appropriate to use them for free." Er Gouzi hurriedly said.

"That's right, that's how it should be. Brother Dao is generous, but we can't break the rules." Shancao glanced at Ergou and nodded.

In this way, everyone is naturally embarrassed.

But at this time everyone can't wait to enter the game and upgrade.

Xiaodao once again emphasized the danger of Mami's entry.

"Wealth and wealth are in danger, Brother Dao, we can't protect such a big secret if we don't have the strength to protect it, and no one can guarantee when it will be discovered." Bangzi said seriously.

Xiaodao had no choice but to take them to his backyard and dig them up.

Dig out quite a few hot weapons.

This is all left over from the time when Xiaodao relied on his personal space to deliver goods.

At that time, I was too poor, and I survived by relying on the kindness of the villagers, which did not mean that I was living well.

In addition, his body is too weak to practice martial arts, so Red Knife gritted his teeth and took risks, using his personal space to deliver goods.

There are some things that cannot be done by one person, so we can only pull together the boys and go into the water together.

In the end, although it can be regarded as making some money and improving my life.

But there is no doubt, there is no avoidance, the seed of doubt has been planted, and this is how the knife leaves the hermit life.

Although there are also reasons why Xiaodao is not strong enough to become the recognized leader of this generation.

But to be honest, this is just an excuse for Xiaodao to leave. He is just an ordinary person, a little bit self-aware, and has no confidence to make the boys absolutely surrender and not reveal his secrets for the rest of his life.

Moreover, if they stayed, the Fa Xiaomen would be extravagant, and sooner or later the suspended cargo business would be brought up again, which Xiao Dao didn't want.

With the secret of personal space, Xiaodao's sense of security is really insufficient. I always feel that someone is going to murder me. Naturally, the buried private goods here are also because of this.

Now that it is opened, everyone is armed one by one, full of confidence and unbearable excitement, planning to do a big job in the game.

Xiaodao can't hold back anymore, so I can only agree, I hope everyone will take it easy and don't lose your life.

After finally getting dark, everyone entered the witch's residence, and the knife hand was pressed on it.

The sorcerer's dwelling shrunk rapidly.

"Don't blame me! I just don't feel safe." Xiaodao muttered and turned back.

After returning to the house, Xiu'er was still guarding, and then put on the game helmet.

The moment you put the wizard into your personal space, choose to enter the game.

He opened his eyes in the game, and immediately took out Wujulai.

The witch house was enlarged again and fell to the ground.

Then the door opened!

The boys were all in the yard, and saw the door opened, and Xiao Dao was standing in front of the door.

"Is this the game world?" They saw the totem poles, the wilderness, and the tribe's savages directly from the opened stone door?

The knife fixed his eyes and took a look.

Stick: Terran: Challenge Rating: 13. Life: 99%

Skill:? ? ?

Er Gouzi: Human Race: Challenge Level: 7, Life: 98%.

Skill? ?


Yes, there is a grade evaluation when you come in, and you should be able to upgrade.

"My God! This is definitely the real world." One by one, they came out in full armor and excitedly.

Bangzi was the first to step out of the stone gate.

In this instant.

"Who?" A shocked voice sounded.

Bangzi and the others shuddered, and subconsciously grabbed their weaponsA cloud of black mist shrouded in extremely fast.

"Don't get me wrong, they are all my own people." Xiaodao quickly stood in front of him.

The black mist fell and turned into a human form.

"One of our own? This is definitely not from our tribe." Black Soul Crow snapped.

At the same time, the totem pole belonging to him emitted light, covering the entire area.

So people find themselves unable to move, and invisible pressure squeezes themselves.

At this moment, their faces changed drastically, and they couldn't lift the thermal weapons they were proud of, and they suddenly panicked.

Also calmed down from the excitement and frenzy.

At this time, many of those battles came here at a high speed, each holding a bone knife.

"These are all my people. I can assure you that they have no ill will towards the tribe." Xiaodao was in a hurry, and quickly explained loudly.

"Your man? Could it be your captured slave?" Black Soul Crow frowned.

"Yes, yes, we are all master's slaves." Shancao was the first to speak. Although he couldn't move, he could barely speak.

In this way, other people also repeatedly said that they are captives and are not harmful.

In this way, Wu, the expression of the Black Soul Crow has obviously eased a lot, and he glanced at everyone and said: "They are all weak slaves, and you can capture them with your strength. They are so weak, and they probably don't have the ability to destroy the tribe. "

"That is, they are all my slaves, and they will never destroy the tribe, I promise." Xiaodao also heaved a sigh of relief, wiping the sweat from his forehead and said hastily.

"After all, you only have the status of a witch, but you don't have the strength of a witch, and you don't have the ability to use the slave mark, so these people must be killed, and you will collect slaves after you become a real witch. Don't choose such a weak waste; um. "
