
I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)

This novel is also known as I Can Bring In-game Items Out I am an ordinary person, just a supernatural being who has awakened my personal space. When the second world of the overwhelming holographic game hits, in the game, the protagonist took out the mineral water in his personal space and took a sip before covering himself up. This, this seems to be in the game? Since then, items in the game can be brought out, and items outside can be brought in, and the life of the protagonist has undergone earth-shaking changes. Flying into the sky and fleeing the earth, what is it like to cast beans into soldiers, holding a Pangu ax and stepping on the Zhuxian sword is nothing but ordinary.

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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I admit it, I have a showdown

Chapter 87 I Admit, I Have a Showdown

After a moment of silence, he challenged the others.

Ergouzi is the king of soldiers, and he was also one of Taishuhao's best fighters back then, but this move.

Everyone found that it was nothing more than that.

The movement is slow, the strength is high, especially without hitting.

Soon, Er Gouzi, the soldier king, found that he couldn't beat any of them.

"Sure enough! Is this the result of the energy of heaven and earth being absorbed by the human body?" Er Gouzi's expression became serious.

"I don't know about the others, but this is the case here." Xiaodao said.

"I have to buy some food containing the vitality of heaven and earth from other supernatural beings to see if the content of vitality pills of heaven and earth is so outrageous?" Er Gouzi had already thought of something, and said with a deep look at the knife.

"Contact your supernatural powers friend, buy it, let our Taishuhao people pick it up, and deliver it as soon as possible." Xiaodao said decisively.

It's not difficult to want to do this, just call and pay a high price.

In this world, many things can be solved with money.

The next day, when everyone was still here, the special food that Er Gouzi bought from a friend was delivered, and the strong boy who was brought for it was so tired that he almost fell down.

But he received the equivalent of a weekday January salary.

There are eggs and meat in this special food, but the quantity is not much.

I paid more than 300,000 yuan for this, because Er Gouzi required the highest concentration.

Which friend swears that it can be tested at any time, the concentration is close to one, this is the highest level he can integrate, any more, the vitality of the vitality beads will dissipate.

At this time, test with a tester and the concentration reaches 0.8.

It is incomparable with the concentration of their meat five.

"This is a big problem." Er Gouzi swallowed, but he had already felt this result since he called to inquire.

"It's also a great opportunity." Xiaodao said gloomyly.

For the past two days, he has been thinking about it. Since the smuggling started, everyone has been guessing.

Now the more I don't talk about it, the richer everyone's imagination will be, the more outrageous their thinking will be, and it will even cause unpredictable changes.

It seems that it's time for a showdown, at least give everyone a statement, so that everyone feels credible and will not guess randomly.

(The author, foreshadowing, will solve it)

I have communicated with Shancao before.

Shancao is a smart person, not to mention loyalty and the like, at least, the biggest benefit of betrayal cannot exceed what a small knife can provide.

Xiaodao let Lenghuo come over, and what the knife drew on his arm was just a white mark.

They are all practicing martial arts, and it is obvious that the knife is not light.


It's not like you don't know about everyone practicing horizontal exercises.

"The exercises in the game?" Er Gouzi's face changed. He knew that he thought the knife was messing around, but in fact he didn't believe it at all.

"Everyone is here today, and they are all our own people, so I plan to show my cards." Xiaodao said leisurely.

At this time, everyone's expressions became serious, and they were also a little excited.

After all, curiosity has been suppressed for several years.

"Is it the method of smuggling back then?" Bangzi couldn't help but asked.

But then he reacted and said quickly: "Don't, pretend I didn't ask."

"It's nothing, in fact, everyone has been suspicious and curious for a long time." Xiaodao smiled.

"We grew up together, and we are willing to make everyone rich, but we cannot avoid being exposed to everyone.

"This means that I trust my brothers, and I didn't intend to hide it. I just said it. It's incredible, and no one believes it. Now that someone has mastered supernatural powers, I can let everyone believe it, and then I can tell it." Xiaodao still carried laugh.

"Yes, I have mastered supernatural powers, but it was before the game. Now it seems that I am better than those who awakened supernatural powers in those games." Under the eyes of everyone, Xiao Dao showed his cards and admitted.

"I was stimulated when I was a child. Everyone knows that at that time, I suddenly awakened the sea of ​​consciousness space, which is a small space." Xiaodao explained, and naturally summed it up based on the information obtained by Er Gouzi from the supernatural powers.

"My space is different from the awakened supernatural powers in the current game. I can put items into the space, just like having an extra suitcase.

When playing the game, I actually found that the items in the game can be brought out, and the items in reality can also be brought in. "After thinking about it for a while, Xiaodao now has a showdown.

Of course, it's also because everyone guessed it, guessing randomly is even more troublesome.

(again, foreshadowing)

Although everyone obviously had guessed earlier, they still couldn't help breathing quickly.

"I suspect that the game is a real world. I can bring out the treasures in it, and I can also bring you in. Only I can't really enter it myself." Xiaodao struck out again, directly stating the role of the witch house Come.

And he told all about his development from entering the game to the present.

There was so much information that everyone was shocked for a while.

"Everyone in the game knows that flying to the sky and escaping from the earth, immortality, and the appearance of immortals, we can learn all of these." Xiaodao said again.

"No wonder I have to spend millions to buy the flying sword lost by the immortal cultivator." Bangzi subconsciously said.

"Yes, Xiaodao nodded."

"With this ability to bridge the two worlds, it won't be a problem for us to become immortals and ancestors in the future!" Xiaodao showed an incredible future in front of everyone So if it leaked out, the unlucky ones are all ourselves , those consortia and the like, no matter how big the purchase price is, it is impossible to exceed the benefits of Brother Dao. " Shancao spoke suddenly.

Everyone nodded.

One by one, they swore and swore that they would never leak it.

"I know that everyone has relatives, and one person will ascend to heaven, so I don't force everyone, but I also hope to keep it secret for one year. After one year, we should have a certain ability to protect ourselves. This is my only requirement," Xiaodao said.

Everyone immediately reassured.

At this time, it was obviously in a state of frenzy.

It took a long time for each of them to digest all the incredible things, and all of them were beaming with joy and excited.

"Brother Dao, let us see the Wuju now! And the treasures in the warehouse." Shancao laughed.

"No problem, let's find a place with few people." Xiao Dao chuckled.

Then everyone couldn't bear the excitement and came to the desolate wilderness together.

Xiao Dao took out Wu Julai from his bosom, and injected blood energy to stimulate it.

The sorcerer's dwelling that landed on the ground expanded rapidly, causing everyone's eyes to glisten and their breathing to be short of breath.

Soon, there was a stone courtyard house in front of me.

The stone door opened, and a huge monster rushed out.


Be careful!

Everyone was startled, even if they practiced martial arts, they couldn't react for a while.

"Haha! This is Ah Shan. I brought it in and raised it a few levels." Xiaodao laughed.


Everyone reacted.

Good guy, this is several times bigger and looks much more powerful. It has directly evolved from a mountain dog to a monster.