
I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)

This novel is also known as I Can Bring In-game Items Out I am an ordinary person, just a supernatural being who has awakened my personal space. When the second world of the overwhelming holographic game hits, in the game, the protagonist took out the mineral water in his personal space and took a sip before covering himself up. This, this seems to be in the game? Since then, items in the game can be brought out, and items outside can be brought in, and the life of the protagonist has undergone earth-shaking changes. Flying into the sky and fleeing the earth, what is it like to cast beans into soldiers, holding a Pangu ax and stepping on the Zhuxian sword is nothing but ordinary.

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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really fragrant

Chapter 91: Really Fragrant

Drip: You remove the influence exerted on the totem pole.

Drip: Your behavior makes the Totem Pole, Light Snake Spirit Compatibility +1.

Di: Congratulations, you have opened the Totem Pole, the task of the Snake Spirit, and the reward fit.

Reminder: If the compatibility is 1%, official witches can accept the task.

Xiaodao was stunned, shit, it turned out that I, a fake witch, couldn't accept the task of increasing compatibility, but this time the danger was actually helping me.

After a little thought, the mastermind behind the scenes, the current players can't do it at all, only npc, the only npc with negative favorability, only witches and snake spirits, and they are related to this totem pole.

Xiaodao smiled wryly, being tricked by an NPC, grandma, what a shame.

The place must be found.

However, being attacked this time also made him more aware that his hard training was not in vain, and that the iron cloth shirt was awesome.

It doesn't show up at ordinary times, but it saves my life at critical moments.

Using blood energy to assist his practice, as a consumable, increased his practice speed by ten times, but it was not enough. He looked at the prompt, and his eyes lit up because of the rapid increase in proficiency when he was attacked.

Thanks to Wu, the snake spirit kid's sneak attack made me work harder, and I also found a shortcut to quickly upgrade the iron cloth shirt.

Of course, your life will still be taken away.

But let's look at the tasks that can increase the fit.

Killing a beast-level snake? Obtain crystals in the body and integrate into the totem pole? Increase the compatibility by 10 and increase the level of the snake spirit.

This task is simple, the problem is that the minimum level of the beast is 80, don't be ridiculous, I can complete it now!

Look for compatible wuwen, which can not only increase the compatibility, but also upgrade the totem pole.

However, as long as Wuwen can be obtained, the knife will not let go.

Looking again, it doesn't seem to fit.

Suddenly his eyes lit up.

The task of infusing the totem pole into black bones and metal appeared.

Precious metals that are not easy to obtain for witches are a problem for me!

Problems that can be solved with metal are not problems.

He casually took out an iron nail from his personal space, put it on the totem pole, and chose to submit the task.

The runes on the totem pole flickered, and the dots of light condensed into the shape of a snake head he liked, and he swallowed the iron nail in one gulp.

Drop: You submit the task, and according to the size and quality of the metal, you get a fit of 0.5.

Drip: Congratulations, your totem pole, minor damage status has been slightly repaired.

Under normal circumstances, this task of providing resources is very unprofitable.

But Xiaodao doesn't care at all, it's a good thing to improve the fit and restore it.

Then he took out a heavy piece of metal casually.

This time, Snake Spirit's head emerged, he bit it, and swallowed it after a long time, almost choking.

Drop: You submit the task, according to the size and quality of the metal, get a fit of 7.

Drip: Congratulations, your totem pole, minor damage status has been well repaired.

make persistent efforts.


Drip: Congratulations, your totem pole, slightly damaged state has been fully repaired.

Fixed, good, but the knife never stopped.

Drop: Congratulations, your totem pole has absorbed metal, and its quality has improved slightly.

Good thing!

make persistent efforts!


Drop: Your totem pole has absorbed a large amount of metal in a short period of time, and it has reached a limit. It cannot absorb any more for the time being before it is fused and penetrated.

"This is enough!" Xiaodao glanced unhappily.

Looking at the totem poles again, they are all thicker.

Of course, that awesome snake spirit has reached 100% compatibility.

This allows Xiaodao to clearly feel the connection between the totem pole and himself as long as it is within its domain, and the joy and satisfaction of the sleeping snake spirit can be awakened at any time.

Totem Pole (Level 80): A special witch weapon with three patterns. The master has been recognized, the upper limit has been increased: level 90.

Totem Core: Spirit: Snake Spirit (level 80) sleeps. (Fitness 100%, can be upgraded)

Wuwen Ability 1: Strong.

Wuwen Ability 2: Resist Halo.

Wuwen Ability 3: Warning, reaching or exceeding level 30, any hostile approach will automatically warn and activate the snake spirit.

The totem pole has a total ability 1: self-destruct.

Totem Pole Shared Ability 2: Witch Spirit Realm.

Tip 1: 100% fit, as long as you don't betray the Blackbone Tribe, Snake Spirit is your most loyal thug.

Well, it's delicious.

Tip 2: Snake spirits can absorb souls within the spirit domain by killing them, or absorb crystals containing souls to increase their level.

Tip 3: If you are rich and powerful, incorporate a lot of precious metals, the texture of the totem pole has been improved, and you can already integrate the new shamanism without worrying about crashing!


At this time, Xiao Dao was able to open the gate of the courtyard.

The corpses of the three ferocious beasts were naturally rewarded to the bloodthirsty vine.

Xiu'er has been busy in the yard for a long time.

The aroma came out, and it turned out that they were preparing breakfast.

Di: Congratulations, your slave, Xiu'er comprehends basic cooking skills, evaluation: Xiaocheng.


The chicken king walked proudly in front of the knife with his head held high, followed by two queens and a group of concubines behind him.

"It's so delicious!" Xiaodao ate the egg that was a circle too big.

This is the egg laid by the queen of level 20. It tastes better and can increase 100 experience. Although I can only eat one a day, it does not conflict with the eggs laid by those already level 10 concubines.

After eating two eggs, one big and one small, and Xiu'er's breakfast, he patted his stomach after he was full.


Originally, he planned to start Wuju, but at this time, Xiaodao had changed his mind, and after giving some instructions, he left alone.

After a day of raiding with my brothers, the speed of a knife riding a bone horse is not slow. Even so, after searching for more than two hours, I found a group of thirteen wild wolves, and the leader was only twenty stronger. Eighth grade.


Knife said hello.

The boneless horse jumped away.

Provoked by this provocation, the Steppenwolves rushed forward.

The knife activated the burning blood pendant, and then protected the vital training iron cloth shirt, mobilizing the blood energy to the surface of the skin, without attacking at all.

Immediately, he was surrounded by wild wolves and bitten.

The knife just endured it.

Drop: Moisturize your blood, under external attack, your iron cloth shirt proficiency will increase by 15.

Originally relying on blood energy to nourish, the effect could be increased by ten times, but now with the addition of the wild wolf, the effect has been increased to 15 times, but the effect is still far worse than that of elementary beasts.

But talk is better than nothing.

half an hour later.

The wild wolf that attacked frantically weakened.

"I thought it was a hunk, but it turned out to be a soft-legged shrimp." Xiaodao raised his **** in displeasure, and then took out a long knife.

"Use it to play, you are useless."

The Steppenwolf turned into a corpse.

Looking at the wolf corpse on the ground, I can't bear it.

He glanced around with the binoculars and saw that there was no danger, then ordered the bone horse to protect himself.

Put the wolf corpse into the personal space, go offline quickly, take it out, and go online.