
I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)

This novel is also known as I Can Bring In-game Items Out I am an ordinary person, just a supernatural being who has awakened my personal space. When the second world of the overwhelming holographic game hits, in the game, the protagonist took out the mineral water in his personal space and took a sip before covering himself up. This, this seems to be in the game? Since then, items in the game can be brought out, and items outside can be brought in, and the life of the protagonist has undergone earth-shaking changes. Flying into the sky and fleeing the earth, what is it like to cast beans into soldiers, holding a Pangu ax and stepping on the Zhuxian sword is nothing but ordinary.

HyperDragonSlayer · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
100 Chs

seek death

Chapter 92 Death

under repetition.

Soon, all wolf corpses were brought into reality.

This is much more comfortable.

Although petty and risky, but in a good mood.

Sometimes happiness is as simple as that.

Then the knife began to look for the target again.

He is riding a reinforced bone horse, and his speed is very fast.

This time it took more than three hours, and only one wild wolf fell far behind.

It didn't dare to approach, but it made a long howling sound from time to time.

It's a pity that an hour passed, and the throat was almost broken, and no companions were attracted.

Instead, it attracted a group of players.

Seeing the Steppenwolf, his eyes immediately lit up.

Afterwards, the players rushed up like wolves and tigers, scaring the 25th-level wild wolf into fleeing.

"Wow, idol!"

"My God, Brother Shenxian is here too." Someone waved his hand in greeting.

But no matter how idol you are, there is no such fragrance as the Wild Wolf.

So soon after.

But soon, they still stopped, because they were lost after chasing them. These players are good, mainly because they have enough numbers, but unfortunately they are not as fast as the Wild Wolf.

"Brother Immortal, is there any beast meat for sale? I haven't seen you in the tribe for a long time." The players quickly ran over, all of them enthusiastic.

"Langyakou, sell it there." Xiaodao pointed in the direction.

Xiaodao quickly learned that the number of wild wolves outside had dropped dramatically, and the players had acted in groups, killing a group of six wolves, without much loss.

This is a quest item that can only break through the bottleneck of level 20, and the value is not cheap.

When the news spread, it naturally caused a sensation.

That had already happened yesterday, today the group of players above level 10 was dispatched, all of them had red eyes.

It's a pity that the wolves seemed to have disappeared, and they searched for a long time without any results, so they had to disperse and search in small groups.

No, I heard the howling sound, finally met one, and scared it away.

At this time, one by one warmly invited Xiaodao to go back to the tribe. They were very enthusiastic and had various reasons, but finally Xiaodao left.

"Weird? You invited me to the tribe so enthusiastically?" Left Knife scratched his head, feeling something was wrong.

Who doesn't know the urine of the players, it's useless to get up early, no matter what legend you are, it's useless.

Xiaodao was riding a bone horse, and soon met other players, who were equally enthusiastic, but Xiaodao still refused, and then he could only go back when he couldn't find the wolves.

Unexpectedly, when I came to Langyakou, I saw a group of players.

They were bustling with each other, trading through the courtyard gate, buying some animal meat and the like.

For the items you need, Xiu'er will quote a price, and then you only need to throw the bone coins in, and the goods will be thrown out from the wall.

It looks very lively.

Some people cursed again, because they were blocked by the npc and were not allowed to go outside through the wolf tooth mouth.

In the distance, the knife that was about to put away the telescope stopped.

Some players actually climbed over the wall?

"Come on, come on!" Some players booed.

Xiu'er shouted warningly, but because of her nervousness, it caused more laughter and booing.

"The voice is so nice! I haven't seen you for a few days, and I want to see how beautiful that Xiu'er is." Some players are eager to try and plan to climb over the fence.

"Fuck, don't step on my head, the money you gave is only enough to step on my shoulders." The player in front of the stone wall shouted.

But that one then stomped on his head, climbed up the wall, and turned over.

"Ah!" There was a scream.


"What do you see?"

The players roared wildly, but there was no more sound.

"Instakill, my God, there is a big horror inside!"

"What are you afraid of? It's a big deal to hang up once." Many players yelled again, but no one dared to climb over the wall again. Not to mention the experience lost after dying once, the resurrection will consume 10,000 soft sister coins, this is the key.

At this time, the poor player has become the nourishment of the bloodthirsty vine.

He just jumped over the wall.

The bloodthirsty vine, which could not wait for a long time, twisted and pulled.


He didn't hang up until he could scream.

Finally got something hot.

In reality, the helmet was removed.

The player looked blank.

I hung up?

really hang up?

What is attacking me?

Just look at a big, big rooster, rushing towards me with arrogance, its legs tightened, fell down, and was pulled away, there was no future.


"Brother Shenxian is back."

"Idol! I want to buy bone coins."

Xiaodao wasted a few minutes trading with them, and ignored the nonsense and excessive bargaining, and then went directly into the courtyard.

It is not advisable to waste time in personal transactions.

This is also the scope of the totem pole field, directly releasing long-term tasks, which is equivalent to trading, bone coins to buy meat and the like.

Of course, when it comes to exchanging real currency for bone currency, you still have to do it yourself.

After the toss is set, the sky in the game has gradually darkened, and the players have also gone offline around the totem pole.

The body lay there in all directions, like corpses.

But no one dared to move, because it had been reminded and protected by the totem pole unless the totem pole was destroyed.

The knife is also offline.

In reality, he ate meat unshakably, and practiced iron cloth shirt hard.

Not only the knife, everyone worked hard.

Er Gouzi has already bought food containing vitality pills from the friends he contacted.

The price is not low, just enough to set up a studio and pay for two months. It's not that there is no money, but that the other party is out of stock.

It doesn't seem easy to go from the game to the reality through the vitality pill that I like to know about kelp.

We ate and drank together, sang karaoke, and signed a long-term supply contract.

He didn't know that this time he was being targeted by the phantom again.

"Hmph, this time, I will definitely not leave, and I will follow you." Xu Ying was very upset, for wasting a lot of time for this order.

The most important thing is to lose people, which is very embarrassing.

After a busy day with Er Gouzi, it was very boring. At night, he directly submerged his lower body into Er Gouzi's back, blended into it, and fell into a deep sleep.

In this way, even if Er Gouzi leaves, he will be taken away directly, and it is impossible to sneak away.

"Why do you feel heavy and cold?" Er Gouzi touched his head, but he didn't have a fever. It seemed that he was tired after a busy day.

As night fell, Knife entered the game again.

It's just dawn here.

Meimei ate a large bowl of egg custard made by Xiu'er, plus a bowl of braised pork and two steamed buns.

He patted his belly, "This is life."

When he was full, he casually picked a delicious red fruit from the bloodthirsty vine, and ate it.

This is also a new skill obtained after the vampire is upgraded. It grows very beautiful fruits, like blood-colored agate, and can also emit fragrance to lure animals within a certain range.