
I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)

This novel is also known as I Can Bring In-game Items Out I am an ordinary person, just a supernatural being who has awakened my personal space. When the second world of the overwhelming holographic game hits, in the game, the protagonist took out the mineral water in his personal space and took a sip before covering himself up. This, this seems to be in the game? Since then, items in the game can be brought out, and items outside can be brought in, and the life of the protagonist has undergone earth-shaking changes. Flying into the sky and fleeing the earth, what is it like to cast beans into soldiers, holding a Pangu ax and stepping on the Zhuxian sword is nothing but ordinary.

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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100 Chs

This reward is cool

Chapter 93 This reward is a bit cool

This is also a new skill obtained after the vampire is upgraded. It grows very beautiful fruits, like blood-colored agate, and can also emit fragrance to lure animals within a certain range.

The taste itself is also very good. Eating it can also restore the temporary state of blood and spirit, and increase experience: 100.

The only bad thing is that if you take it off, it will rot in ten minutes and you can't eat it.

Xiaodao came out, waved his hands at other players, and came to an older Zhan.

This war is one of the most friendly friends in Langyakou, reaching sixty-seven points.

"I left Langyakou, where is the nearest tribe?" Xiaodao asked.

"This!" The npc seemed to be lost in memory.

Di: Your question is not about posting a task, you need to consume 50 points of friendliness, whether to consume it or not.

"Consume!" I have already asked many npcs, and this one has also asked, otherwise I would not come to him specifically at this time, so I chose to agree to consume at this time.

"My lord, the closest distances are all multi-headed tribes. Even if you run the fastest battle, it may take two days. Over there is the direction of the multi-headed tribes, but the wolf outside is very dangerous. Even if a powerful witch leads a team, there is a certain danger." Dangerous." The npc pointed forward.

Many players approached and heard it naturally, and there was no joy.

But in fact, even if they knew it, it would be idle if the npc didn't recognize it.

Drip: Congratulations, get the map, and the route to the tribe of many heads.

A small map appeared in the field of vision, and there was a straight line in front of the unexplored blackness.

Drops: Trigger the quest, the trade route of the many-headed tribe.

Tip: The minimum requirement is more than 30 levels to trigger.

Task: Start the business, go to the multi-headed tribe, and tell them that the black bone tribe has stored some black bones, and the multi-headed tribe is welcome to come to trade.

Task Difficulty: Completed within one year, normal level, completed within one month, difficult level, completed within three days, extremely difficult level, completed within one day: impossible level.

Reward: Normal level: a bone knife, bone coins: 10000.

Difficulty level: a bone knife, bone coin: 1000, random skill black bone: 1.

Extreme difficulty level: a bone knife, bone coin: 10000, random skill black bone: 1. Cannibal head tree species: 1.

Impossible level: a bone knife, bone coin: 100000, random skill black bone: 1. Cannibal head tree species: 1, multi-headed witchcraft skill black bone.

"For a limited time?"

After a little hesitation, looking at the rewards, it is definitely worth fighting for. If you hang up once, you will lose experience.

Victory, but a treasure that can be brought into reality and greatly increase one's own strength.

Xiaodao immediately turned around, grabbed the totem pole, pulled it out, picked it up and strode away.

"Oh my god! I didn't look too far, someone stole the totem pole." A player shouted.

They have experimented naturally, and the totem pole is protected by invisible forces, so they cannot get close.

"It's rare, it's strange. That's Brother Immortal, the legendary Brother Immortal. I'm not surprised by anything." Someone said.

"Don't be surprised! Why are you opening your mouth so wide?"

"Is my mouth too big?"


"Damn! Brother Shenxian walked out, keep up, keep up, I want to go out too."

But the truth is cruel. Seeing Xiaodao carrying the totem pole and walking out swaggeringly, they were blocked by the npc.

"Why! He can go out, why can't I go out? Do you still treat it differently?" The players quit, pointing at the back of the knife and shouting.

"Bold, don't be unreasonable to Lord Wu." The npcs were furious.

Drop: The favorability of you in the current battle is -1, and it is currently -1.

Tip: If the favorability is negative, you have already created karma. Your behavior will cause the hostility of the npc, and there is a certain possibility of attacking you and other unfavorable behaviors.

The player was stunned and dumbfounded. It wasn't because the favorability was negative. The problem was that all the npcs who heard him yelling here lost a little favorability.

And there are too many npcs to hear?

Give yourself a slap in the face so hard that your mouth will break.

Walking out of Langyakou, there is a desolation in the distance, with no end in sight, and no life, not even many plants.

Time is precious, and the knife quickly took out the binoculars.

From the mouth of the npc, I learned that this is the wolf, the wolf is the only overlord in eternity, and the scattered witch tribes are more like decorations.

The many-headed tribe has a friendly relationship with the Blackbone tribe.

Looking in that direction, there is no life.

Immediately, the secret bone meal was spilled!

Bonehunting Summoning.

The bone powder condensed, turned into bones, and danced together.

A tall bone horse with thick limbs appeared.

leap forward.

With a thought, the bone horse rushed forward desperately, using the fastest speed it could achieve.

Xiaodao was not careless, scanning the small map, staring at the distance at any time, looking through the telescope from time to time.

With the small map gradually opened.

In one breath, an hour passed.

Scanning the small map, according to this, it will take less than ten hours to arrive, and there is a great hope of completion.

Then move forward, and it went smoothly for more than an hour, almost one-third of the distance.

I met some hares and the like on the road and naturally ignored them.

This prey has a mission fragrance.

Before it was too late to be happy, found animals in the field of vision of the telescope!

A large dense figure, good guy.

As they got closer, under the telescope, there were at least a thousand of them.

But they are sheep, wilderness sheep, ordinary fifteenth level, and there are not a few elite level ones, and there are quite a few beasts like the wilderness blast sheep.

They are just in the way, where they are grazing.

There is not only a piece of dense weeds, but also a small pool.

Dismount immediately.

With slowly approaching.

"Detour, or rush over?"

Xiaodao learned from the npc that the outside world at night is extremely dangerous, and Wu led the team would not rush at night, so he didn't have enough time, so many detours would take too long.

Observing through the telescope, even worse intelligence emerged.

A pack of wolves appeared on the right, not many in number, more than a dozen, and there was only a 30th-level junior beast at the head.

Apparently the flocks have also noticed it, looking over from time to time, drinking water and grazing faster.

Although there are not many Steppenwolves now, Xiaodao understands that this Steppenwolf is extremely good at calling friends.

He immediately looked in other directions, and there were wild wolves approaching one after another.

Including the direction behind oneself.

Damn, I have nowhere to hide. ,

Grit your teeth and fight.

Take out your sniper rifle and take aim.

Supernatural powers: four consecutive shots.


A bullet carries three phantoms.

The Wilderness Gale Sheep in the flock in the distance, a mid-level ferocious beast, suddenly bled, and its life bar suddenly dropped by a section, and then dropped by three knots, directly reaching the edge of danger.

It didn't die, though, because the knife missed.