
Chapter 49

"I was thinking the same thing." His slightly red skin began to deepen slightly when a voice suddenly interrupted us, "Ok that is enough, you two." Before both of us could burst with power, we were interrupted by his friend whom we had completely forgotten about. "There is no need to take it so far, it is only a spar after all." He spoke, turning around to indicate the conditions around. Most of the trees had been uprooted with large ditches.

'With so much destruction and noise from their fight, not a single person has been here. A silent seal; How frightening.' Kakashi turned to look at Sakura with a slight frown.

"Haha. That was the same thing I told Naruto and his team just when they were about to enjoy their fight. Maybe Karma? Haha." I laughed it off and placed the gravity seal back on myself. In truth, I was frustrated. I wanted more, but he was right; It was only a spar, not a death match.

"Well that was fun, Guy-san. We really should do it again some time. Maybe go on a mission together or something." I had come to truly respect the man and was hoping we could go on an extermination or assassination mission or something. It seemed like it would be fun.

Guy laughed boisterously before saying, "Indeed, that sounds like fun. Let us explode forth with the power of YOUTH." Ending with a sparkling smile, he gave me a thumbs up before laughing out again.

'You have got to teach me how your smile sparkles.'

"Great. I guess I'll see you guys later then. Kakashi-senpai, I hope to see you later if you are free. I have some information I'm sure you would like to hear" Kakashi nodded before I walked away from the two.

I now had a basic understanding of the extent of my ability. If I used all my ninjutsu and released the full gravity seal and blades, I was sure I could surprise him enough to take him out before he opened any higher gate. Maybe.

"If I ever receive any mission to take him out, it would be better to use my full speed from the get-go so I can catch him off guard. *sigh*. Before that." I looked towards a direction before disappearing.

Within the small forest two people were frantically running on top the trees. They both wore a long cloak and a mask. They were Root Agents that were sent to follow and gather information on Haruno Sakura, and if necessary, eliminate if deemed uncontrollable.

However, with what they had witnessed they realized they were no match and more importantly, they had to get the information of her strength level to Danzo quickly. They had left long before the fight had ended and yet they could not leave the small forest. There was some sort of invisible barrier blocking the edge of the small forest. No matter what they did, they could not get through.

The barrier was formed using my chakra carpet as a base and it was constantly fed with my chakra. It was a slightly different version from my tag barrier I used on my first mission as this particular one focused more on the barrier preventing others from escaping, compared to the former which focused more on the tagging and tracking.

"Don't bother trying to get out." The sudden voice startled the two Root agents, forcing them to pull out their kunai and katana to prepare for any attack. "I am a little agitated from the earlier fight so if you don't mind. I will be taking it out on you." Right after, I disappeared and reappeared beside one. Seeing me appear suddenly beside him, he tried to attack, only for his head to fall of his body, then his arms and then finally the rest of the body fell in perfect bloody pieces.

"Ah, that feels more like it. I really am no good with spars. Killing is more my thing." I stared at the tanto in my hand with a happy smile. The other agent seeing what happened bolted in the other direction, trying to at least get to the rivals at the other side, jumping from tree to tree. Just as he was about to make another jump, a slight buzz was heard. He felt pain in his chest and was unable to move. His body rose from the branch he stood, even as he was lifted up, he had no idea what was happening. His body paralyzed.

He could do nothing as he was taken back to the spot he just left. Finally, he was turned to face the demon he had attempted to escape; Pink hair, green eyes and a devil's smile that made his paralyzed body shiver. He saw what had dragged him back; some kind of lightning tentacle that extended from her with a sharp edge sticking out from his chest.

'Monster' Was all he could think about. "Don't worry, I will deliver my own message to Danzo." I said before the single tentacle in his chest split into four and cut him to pieces.

I picked up both heads and I put down the sound barrier, waved with a smile at a direction and disappeared. A distance away, two men had been watching the whole thing; Kakashi and Guy. They had already noticed the two Root agents however the two Jounin were not concerned about them; As long as they were not attacked, they did not really care. Besides, they noticed the agents were not there for either of them, but for the young Sakura. Although they had just seen her in action first hand, they still followed just to make sure she was not overwhelmed; After all, Anbu Agents were picked for their specialties, especially more so with Danzo's Root Agents.

However, the scene they saw when they got there was completely out of expectations. Her mastery with the blade as well as her ruthlessness, the speed at which she took down the first agent was beautiful and terrifying, and that lightning chakra manipulation; Such amazing chakra control.


"What do you think?" Guy asked Kakashi who was still looking at the direction Sakura had left. It was after seeing the young lady, did he finally understand, the young lady's talents did not lie in hand to hand combat. Her talents were amazing.

"It is a good thing she is not an enemy of the village. The most important is her age. She is only twelve years old. I wonder what kind of monster she would turn out to be in the future?" Kakashi spoke with a solemn face.

"It seems Danzo has kicked quite the rock this time. Still, we need to keep an eye out for her." Kakashi nodded, while Guy was lost in his thoughts. They had all become ninjas at young ages, especially they that were forced to mature quick and had participated in the war; they had already taken life by then. Nevertheless, the young girl had a certain ruthlessness about her, a certain savagery that he had seen mostly in wars. He did not know why but the thought of it saddened him. The two men shook their heads before disappearing from their spot.

In an underground room, a frail looking old man with black shaggy hair was seated on a chair quietly with his eyes closed. He had bandages covering his right eye with his right arm covered and tucked in his grey robes. Just then, one of his agents appeared beside him and whispered to him. He picked up his cane and walked towards a long walkway. There were a few agents on one knee waiting for their leader.

When Danzo arrived, he saw, tied to the beam above, two heads with sticks driven into them hanging down. They were the two agents he sent to monitor the Haruno brat. Seeing this, Danzo frowned. Not from the heads, he may have seen worse during the war. He frowned for two reasons; One being their hair color. It had been dyed pink. And the other and most important, she had come into the base without anyone finding out.

"Pink hair. Quite the theatrics. A threat? A statement? Fine then, since you want to play then let's see how long you can last. Clean it up." He ordered with a dangerous glint before walking away.


[We actually got to 1000 stones. The only reason i did not post the chapters on Saturday was because the stones had not reached 1000 yet. But i believed. I believed you guys would definitely get to 1000, and here we are. Let me know in the comments what you think about the new Might Guy and the fight.]

400 stones = 2 chapter

600 stones = 3 chapters

1000 stones = 5 chapters.

current reached = 1030

Chapters owed = 0/5