
I am perfectly imperfect for him

"Daisy" I whispered again. But She didn't respond. She was just looking down at the floor. Wait, Is she thinking that I kidnapped her? Fuck man. I took my phone out and called my personal assistant. "Hy Adam. I need you to call Dakota Connor and ask her to come and meet me. Give her my home address. It's urgent. She has to come within an hour and tell her that it's about her friend Daisy okay?" I said and disconnected the call. I was just looking at her for the entire time. "Are you planning to eat now or after your friend comes?" I asked her. But she didn't respond. She walked to one corner of the room and laid down. She curled up into a ball and hugged her knees tightly. "Daisy, you can lie on bed. The floor is cold. Get up." I told her as I walked towards her. "I will send you home when Dakota comes. Okay? I promise." I didn't want to see her like a helpless kitten got hurt. I sat down next to her on the floor. I didn't talk anything. She didn't react to that. We just stayed in silence for the entire time. It was so perfect this way. "Zayden, Dakota Connor is here." Gracie said through intercom. "Send her to my room Gracie." I said. Daisy looked up at me. I smiled back at her. But she didn't react and looked away.

Danny_Dan · perkotaan
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4 Chs

Chapter 2 (Zayden)

"Daisy is a babe." David Connor said as he licked his lips. Today is his daughter's birthday and that bastard came to stripper club after that party. I hate these fucking people. But I didn't have anyone to hang out with. These people were my business friends. I had atleast 25% of share in all their company. They always wanted to butter me and be in my good books. But I hated them to the bones.

They all were douchebag. They always been in stripper clubs with some call girls and I hate them for this very reason. I would never touch a girl unless they were fine with having sex with me. My mother always told me that I have to respect girls and I always respected them from very beginning. My mother Jasmine Hendrickson got raped when she was 18 by a Mafia gang leader and got impregnated with me. I never met that fuck head who raped her.

She was thrown out by her parents when they found out she was pregnant and no one wanted her. She didn't have anyone except me. So did I. When I was young, everyone said I am the son of rapist and I would become rapist in future. Like father like son fuck logic. So no one wanted me. My mother never wanted me to be like my shit hole Sperm lender. So I learnt to respect women and I always respected them. I had sex only with women who threw themselves at me. It never been a difficult task to find one in stripper club or pubs.

My mother died when she was 36 and I was 17. I didn't have anyone. Only thing I could do at that time was Sketches and I was so good at that. I started design jewels and got help from few people to start my own business. They helped me because they thought I had the potential to become successful. And I fucking proved it. Now I am the CEO and founder of Hendrickson Corporation. Our company has unique designs. So no one could beat us for past 10 years. I started buying shares from all big companies worldwide and we have around 150 branches worldwide.

Now I am the richest in this country. And no one is fucking dare to provoke me. If they do, they should know the consequences. I came to this stripper club whenever I felt like I need to have sex. This club was for all millionaires and billionaires. It was very safe place. No one would know you were visiting this place. Today I desperately wanted to have sex. It's already been a month. So I thought I would come and meet these people here.

"Daisy is a babe." he repeatedly again. I glared at him. I was simply stating at him without saying anything. "Where did you meet her?" another fuck head George asked. "In my daughter's birthday party" David smiled widely. "Is she your daughter's age?" James the shit hole asked smiling. "I guess. But My wife said she is just 17. So maybe few months younger to my daughter." David responded back.

I was waiting to see where this conversation was going. "What if someone finds out?" Richard asked with question mark face. So they were the 4 people I hangout with when I come here. Not regularly. They all were atleast 20 years older than me and I didn't have any fucking idea why I am with these douchebags. "No one will find out. She is an orphan and brought up in some orphanage in outskirts. She can't go to someone for help. If someone finds out what happened here, she will be thrown out of that orphanage. Don't worry" he said. My eyebrows shrunk I felt like something was not right. Why were they talking about her being thrown out.

"What if your daughter finds out?" Richard asked again. "Do you think she will go and tell my daughter that I had fun with her?" David laughed like an maniac. He is such a creep. Wait, what the fuck did he just say? Having fun with his daughter's Friend. "Wh---" I was cut off. "Sir, Daisy" someone said behind me and I turned. There she is. David's bodyguard held her in his arm and I guessed she was unconscious. "What the fuck is this Connor?" I literally shouted.

"We are gonna have fun with her Hendrickson. Isn't she a babe?" he smirked. I turned to him. I was boiling in rage. I would rip his skin now. "Do you know what the fuck are you doing? You abducted her and you are planning to have fun. That's not fun David. That's called rape. Do you know how many fucking years you have to spend in jail?" I shouted at him.

"Don't worry Zayden. No one is going to file a complaint. She is an orphan and has no one. We are safe." David laughed. "Don't fucking laugh you mother fucker." I slammed the table and got up. "I am fucking gonna file a complaint against you douche. For Abduction and attempt to rape." I was so angry that I didn't know what to do. Everyone's mouth hung open. I need a container of poison to give these douchebags.

I walked towards David's bodyguard and took her carefully in my arms. She was so lite like there is no flesh in her body. I held her very tightly close to my chest. I turned to David. "You are gonna regret this Douche." I said as I turned and left that club.

I got inside my car back seat and called my driver. I drove today to club. But now I was not in a mood to drive back. Moreover I didn't want to leave this kid in back seat lying alone. I held her tightly and looked at her face. She was very thin and her face was pale. Maybe because of that scary incident. She was very delicate like a flower. The name Daisy was so perfect for this girl. Delicate, pure and innocent just like a flower.

My mother would be proud of me, if she see this. I didn't be like my father and I saved a girl from those mother fuckers. I was so fine with them playing with the girls who were throwing themselves on these assholes. But I would never allow something like this happen. She mumbled something and pulled me back from my thought. I looked at her face and her eyes fluttered.

"Mother, save me" she mumbled again this time clearly. "You are safe Daisy." I whispered. "Save me please. Take me to mother." she mumbled again. "I will take you there Daisy. But Don't panic. You are safe with me. Okay? You are safe." I wanted to make her feel that she is safe. I pressed my lips against her forehead and kissed her. I wanted to tell her that I was here for her and I would protect her through this kiss. She snuggled to me and held my right arm tightly like that was her lifeline. My driver came after sometime.

He looked confused after seeing Daisy in my arms. "Those douches were kidnapped her and tried to rape her." I said. He smiled and started the ignition. I never been rude with my employees. I was ruthless and arrogant to only my business rivals and my enemies. But my employees helped me to develop my empire and I never would be arrogant to them. The drive was smooth and silent with this little girl in my arms.