
I am perfectly imperfect for him

"Daisy" I whispered again. But She didn't respond. She was just looking down at the floor. Wait, Is she thinking that I kidnapped her? Fuck man. I took my phone out and called my personal assistant. "Hy Adam. I need you to call Dakota Connor and ask her to come and meet me. Give her my home address. It's urgent. She has to come within an hour and tell her that it's about her friend Daisy okay?" I said and disconnected the call. I was just looking at her for the entire time. "Are you planning to eat now or after your friend comes?" I asked her. But she didn't respond. She walked to one corner of the room and laid down. She curled up into a ball and hugged her knees tightly. "Daisy, you can lie on bed. The floor is cold. Get up." I told her as I walked towards her. "I will send you home when Dakota comes. Okay? I promise." I didn't want to see her like a helpless kitten got hurt. I sat down next to her on the floor. I didn't talk anything. She didn't react to that. We just stayed in silence for the entire time. It was so perfect this way. "Zayden, Dakota Connor is here." Gracie said through intercom. "Send her to my room Gracie." I said. Daisy looked up at me. I smiled back at her. But she didn't react and looked away.

Danny_Dan · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 3 (Zayden)

I took her home. I called Gracie for help. Gracie is 54 years old lady. I would not say that she is my maid. Nope. She was like my mother. After my mother passed away, I hired her to take care of my home. Then she became like my mother. She treated me like her own son. "Yes Zayden." she entered inside my room and stopped in mid way seeing Daisy on my bed.

"Can you help her take bath and get changed Gracie? She is unconscious." I asked. "What happened to her?" she came and sat next to Daisy and touched her forehead. I explained her everything. "If I see you hanging out with them again, I will kill you Zayden" she gritted her teeth. "I will never after this Gracie." I reassured her. She told me many times that I should avoid them.

She asked me to take Daisy to the bath tub and I took her and came back to bedroom and waited for them to finish. Gracie helped Daisy to take bath and get changed. I went inside again to take her to bed. "I called doctor Gracie. Can you please stay here with us till doctor comes?" I asked her and she sat on bed holding Daisy's hand.

Daisy wore my T-shirt. She looked so cute and small in that. She didn't need to wear any bottom. Because that t-shirt itself covered till around 5 inches above her knees. Doctor came and checked Daisy. She said Daisy is alright. She needed to take some rest. I let her sleep in my bed and I laid on my couch. I just wanted to be here. What if she needed some help in the middle of night? What if she had nightmares? I didn't know. I just want to be here.

I looked at her sleeping face. I had a meeting with some important client today. But I didn't want to go there. So I cancelled at last moment. Then I felt like I wanted to get laid. I didn't know why. I have sex once in a while. Not regularly. I never desperately wanted it. But today I felt like I should go there. Then I met this kid. I thought this was the reason I desperately wanted to go.

Her face looked so peaceful while sleeping. Like an Angel is sleeping. I felt so content and happy looking at her sleeping safe and sound. How could they even think about doing something like that to this kid? 'Do you like her Zayden Hendrickson?' I thought to myself. 'Why are you staring at her and feel happy?' 'What's the fuck is wrong with you?' 'You should have put her in guest room and asked Gracie to take care.' 'She is not related to you. You saved her and that's fine. You should have sent her back to her place not here.' Train of thought in my mind. I didn't know what to do. I just looked at her face and fell asleep without any worries in the world.

Next day morning, I got up at 8 in the morning. I was not in a mood to go to office. I thought I would get some work done from my home. I got freshen up and went down stairs. Gracie prepared breakfast for me and Daisy and placed it on dining table already. I took a tray from the kitchen. Placed all the dishes she prepared on that tray.

There were a piece of Toast, An Egg omelette, baked beans, apple slices, some grapes and orange juice. My regular breakfast. I took the tray to my room and the bed was empty and the sheets were folded perfectly and kept. I could hear the water sound from the bathroom. I placed the tray on the table and sat on the couch. After 5 minutes, the bathroom door opened and she came out wearing my t-shirt. This was the best sight in the morning.

She stopped on her track and stared at me. She didn't move. "Come and have breakfast Daisy." I said softly. She didn't move. But her eyes showed fear and shivered from head to toe. "Hy, You are safe with me. Okay?" I said as I got up and walked towards her. She closed her eyes tightly. "Please don't hurt me. Please." She whispered. "Hy Daisy, You are safe. No one will hurt you. Okay? You are safe here with me." I whispered back. I didn't want to say this louder. I was just scared that I would scare the shit out of her. But she shivered more.

"Daisy" I whispered again. But She didn't respond. She was just looking down at the floor. Wait, Is she thinking that I kidnapped her? Fuck man. I took my phone out and called my personal assistant. "Hy Adam. I need you to call Dakota Connor and ask her to come and meet me. Give her my home address. It's urgent. She has to come within an hour and tell her that it's about her friend Daisy okay?" I said and disconnected the call. I was just looking at her for the entire time.

"Are you planning to eat now or after your friend comes?" I asked her. But she didn't respond. She walked to one corner of the room and laid down. She curled up into a ball and hugged her knees tightly. "Daisy, you can lie on bed. The floor is cold. Get up." I told her as I walked towards her. "I will send you home when Dakota comes. Okay? I promise." I didn't want to see her like a helpless kitten got hurt.

I sat down next to her on the floor. I didn't talk anything. She didn't react to that. We just stayed in silence for the entire time. It was so perfect this way.

"Zayden, Dakota Connor is here." Gracie said through intercom. "Send her to my room Gracie." I said. Daisy looked up at me. I smiled back at her. But she didn't react and looked away.