
I am perfectly imperfect for him

"Daisy" I whispered again. But She didn't respond. She was just looking down at the floor. Wait, Is she thinking that I kidnapped her? Fuck man. I took my phone out and called my personal assistant. "Hy Adam. I need you to call Dakota Connor and ask her to come and meet me. Give her my home address. It's urgent. She has to come within an hour and tell her that it's about her friend Daisy okay?" I said and disconnected the call. I was just looking at her for the entire time. "Are you planning to eat now or after your friend comes?" I asked her. But she didn't respond. She walked to one corner of the room and laid down. She curled up into a ball and hugged her knees tightly. "Daisy, you can lie on bed. The floor is cold. Get up." I told her as I walked towards her. "I will send you home when Dakota comes. Okay? I promise." I didn't want to see her like a helpless kitten got hurt. I sat down next to her on the floor. I didn't talk anything. She didn't react to that. We just stayed in silence for the entire time. It was so perfect this way. "Zayden, Dakota Connor is here." Gracie said through intercom. "Send her to my room Gracie." I said. Daisy looked up at me. I smiled back at her. But she didn't react and looked away.

Danny_Dan · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 (Daisy)

"God bless you Daisy" Our mother Dale wished me. "Thank you mother." I smiled lightly. "You are the example for everyone in this Orphanage Daisy. I do not know how we are going to live without you. But I am so happy for you." I could see her eyes were filled with tears and genuine smile on her lips. "I will come and visit you every week mother." I knew even I couldn't be without these people. They are my family.

"I kept your luggage in the taxi Daisy. It's time to leave." Samuel said from behind me. "Yeah Sam. Thank you" I said as I hugged everyone and everyone wished me luck. I left without turning back. I knew I couldn't leave them, if I turn back once. I got inside the taxi. "Thank you so much Sam. Take care of everyone. okay?" I asked as tears flowing down on my face. "I promise you Daisy. I will take care of everyone just like you did." I smiled at him and the taxi left our orphanage. My family.

I was just a day old when my biological parents left me in front of one small church. Now I am 17 years old. I didn't able to find out the reason why they left me or who they were. But it was okay. Because I found my family here. There were 34 orphans and 10 care takers in our Holy spirit orphanage. It was started by mother Dale 17 years age and I was the reason behind it. Because She found me in front of the church and took me with her. Then she did everything to save kids and helped them to get adopted into a good family.

She wanted to give me a good family. But I never wanted to leave her. Because I never wanted to leave my home. Mother Dale is now 58 years old and Samuel is 42. I wanted to take care of this orphanage after my graduation. I wanted to help them in anyways I could.

I got into a good medical college Saint Patrick's Medical University through merit. I would get all my University and accommodation fees as a scholarship. I didn't have to worry about that. Then I would get some part time job for my other expenses which I believe would not be much.

I reached the university dormitory and the taxi driver helped me to take my luggage to my dorm room. I thanked him and started unpacking my luggage and arranged them in my cupboard. "Hy" I heard someone greet me. "Hy" I turned and greeted that girl. I was so nervous. The truth was I never went out of my orphanage except for school and I never had a friends except my orphanage kids. "I am Dakota. Your roommate." she smiled. "I am Daisy." I smiled back and I felt she is no harm and I could at least talk.

"Fresh man medical. You?" she started unpacking her luggage too. "Me too" I mumbled and didn't talk anything more. "Oh nice" she smiled. "They gave this small room after paying so much. This is so shitty." I smiled at her comment. "I think this is somewhat comfortable." I didn't know what to say. "How?" she asked. "I grew up in orphanage and there we didn't have rooms. So I had to sleep in the hall with 33 kids. They even cry in the mid night. So." I didn't complain. I was just telling her this was not to bad. "I am sorry. I should not have told that." her eyes showed guilt.

"How do you manage to pay that shit load of money?" she asked after sometime. "I got scholarship for Everything." I said and looked at her. "That's great man. I paid 52 lakhs donation to get this seat and then my University and accommodation all that shit" I was so shocked and my eyes were gonna pop out.

"Oh, don't be so shocked girl. This is that bastard's money and I am just trying to find a way to waste it." she smiled. "Who?" I asked. "Oh, my Dad. The man who lend his sperm for Dakota." I was so surprised to see her talk about her dad like this.

It's been 6 months after coming to university and Dakota and I were bestest friend I could say. First month, she didn't stay in dorm for even a single day. I was staying alone and I was okay being alone. After that she never stayed even single day outside. I taught her every concept in our text book everyday. She had a problem in understanding, so I had to teach her after classes. She helped me to find a part time job in one book shop and I had to spend only 2 hours after my classes and they paid good amount because that was Dakota's sister book shop. It had so many branches. Her sister was a writer and publisher. She sold her own books and some of her favorite authors book.

"Are you coming tommorow?" Dakota asked. "I don't think so. I have to go to shop right." I said. I don't want to go to her birthday party. I didn't know how it would be. I didn't feel comfortable going to her home for party. "You don't have to Daisy. Tomorrow is holiday for everyone in shop. Everyone will be here in my party. So come please." she pleaded. "Okay" I said and disconnected the phone. She went yesterday to make arrangements for the party. I said I would not come. But she didn't leave it and made me agree to that.

We were in her birthday party. She even bought a dress for me. I didn't want it. But she forced me to wear it. We both went into the party hall. I was so nervous. I have never seen something like this in my entire life. Dakota took me to some group of people. I knew only her sister in that group. "That's my dad David Connor" she said and "The bastard I was talking about" she whispered in my ear for no one to hear.

"Hy Daisy. I heard so much about you from both of my daughters." he said and shook my hand. He didn't leave my hand for sometime and I was feeling so uncomfortable in his hold. "Lier" Dakota told under her breath. She introduced everyone and the party started.

It was 9.30 pm when I wanted to leave. Tomorrow is Saturday and we do not have classes. But our dorm would be closed at 10.30 pm and I could not enter, if I didn't go before that. I informed Dakota and left. She insisted on sending me back in car. But I refused and told her that I would take bus. I didn't want to trouble her today.

I got down from the bus and started walking. I have 30 minutes to reach. So I walked slowly. One black car pulled in front of me and stopped. Within a second, someone pulled me inside the car. I started struggling. I didn't know what was happening. I just wanted to escape. I could not think that it was a prank or something. But i have only one friend that is Dakota and she knew that I would be scared to death if she did this to me. I was struggling and trying to figure out what was happening. They Closed my nose with something and I blacked out.