
I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

As Peter Parker of Earth-199999(MCU) dies shortly after being bitten by a radioactive spider, another soul takes his place. A teenager who committed suicide due to his tragic life gets a second chance in the body of everyone’s favorite neighborhood Spider-Man. Male Lead: Peter Parker or Spider-Man (Tom Holland) Female Lead: Michelle Jones or MJ (Zendaya) Ps- I’ve changed the timeline a little. Peter (15y/o) will get his powers in 2010. A few months before Ironman 1 takes place on his first day of high school, which is when the story starts. Also, Peter is 6 feet tall instead of Tom Holland’s 5’8. (A/N: I came back to writing recently and was fairly rusty (I didn’t write for almost a year) and lazy. I was doing short chapters and dragging things out far to long in my last story. This is my redemption story, so to speak. I’ve learned from it and hopefully this one will be better. Also, the romance will start earlier since I’m not writing about 11 year old kids going to magical schools anymore. Lol) No Harem BTW If you like my writing, check out the Patreon! Advanced chapters are available there. VVV Https://www.patreon.com/AlienWarlord

AlienWarlord · Filem
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716 Chs

C66 Layin’ Down Da Law

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 11 chapters ahead at chapter 77. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today.


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"I healed you. At least give me some time to speak in return." As the woman hears this she looks around the room, seeing for the first time in days.

Her eyes were one of the first things to be destroyed in the torture. As her gaze swept across the room, she saw the man that spent days bringing nothing but suffering to her every waking moment.

Though she noticed something odd. The man that made her feel fear and agony was looking behind her with a cautious and almost frightful gaze, cradling what seemed to be a broken wrist.

Turning around, she saw a man in all black from head to toe, sitting at the head of the table with his legs crossed.

"Hello, please have a seat." Peter says as he motions toward the open seats.

"W-What?" She mutters in confusion, her hazy mind unsure of what to do.

"If you'd rather leave now, we can schedule a meeting at another time?" Peter asks, shocking her even more.

"I-I..." The elderly woman stutters, but before she could finish speaking, Malik and the rest interrupted.

"Sir, I wouldn't advise that." Tessa was the first to speak.

"Yes, the Chaste is our enemy!" Malik says, glaring at the woman dangerously. "They should be purged from the earth, not shown mercy like this!"


The others voiced their disagreement as well, but Peter didn't allow their words to influence his decision.

"The Chaste is no longer an enemy of the Hand." Peter says with a shake of his head, shocking everyone in the room.

"..." The elderly woman began to wonder if this was some type of trap that she is being manipulated into.

"The Hand is under new management, you could say." Peter says as he takes a piece of paper and writes down the number to his ghost phone. "Here take this."

Handing over the paper to the woman, Peter waits patiently as she stares at him with a puzzled look.

"Sigh..." leaning forward, Peter grasped her hand, placing the paper inside. "Have whoever is in charge of the Chaste call me. You're free to leave."

"..." The elderly woman had no words as she grasped the paper tightly.

"Scythe, escort her out of the building please." Peter orders.

"Yes, Black Sky!" Scythe bows and opens to door, motioning for the woman to follow along.

'Black Sky?' She thought as she leaves the room, robotically following behind Scythe, trying to figure out what the Hand was planning.

"Are we holding any other Chaste members in the building?" Peter asks, not getting a response from anyone. "Well?"

"No, sir." Tessa answers like a dutiful secretary. "Only one was captured. The rest were killed."

"Alright..." Peter mutters as he thought about how to handle all of this. "As you can see, things are going to change with me in charge, but let me get our last member before we get into this. Wait here."

As Peter says this, he opens a portal to the mirror dimension, which shows the five fingers of the hand and Nobu, who was passed out on the ground, on the other side.

Peter allowed those in the room to look inside for only a brief moment as he gets up and walks inside. Before they could move or say anything, the portal closed behind him and disappeared.

"Is he really the Black Sky?" Tessa mutters what everyone was thinking.

After seeing Peter's power and supernatural abilities, the skeptics in the room couldn't help but start to believe. After all, they had no idea what the Mystic Arts were.

Only someone like the Black Sky could have such magical powers after all...


As the portal closed behind him, Peter strolled into the mirror dimension, his footsteps drawing attention from the five fingers of the hand and Nobu, who was flickering in and out of consciousness.

As soon as they saw him, the fingers of the Hand didn't recognize who it was, as Peter had his suit blacked out, and jumped into action, rushing forward to attack the intruder.

Nobu, who was barely alive by his point, laid out behind as he was barely able to stay conscious. He didn't know how long it's been since he and Murakami were imprisoned but he knew that he desperately needed water.

Murakami, on the other hand, was enhanced and has lived for thousands of years. A few days without food and water was nothing to him. He only moved slightly slower than the other fingers as they dashed toward Peter, ready to capture him and hopefully use him to gain freedom, not knowing this was Spider-Man they were dealing with.

As the founders of the hand circled him and began attacking, Peter put his hands behind his back as his body swerved, dodging every attack with ease.

After a few moments of showing off, Peter switched his suit back to the iconic blue and red, which causes the fingers of the hand to freeze in place.

Instantly, four of them drop to their knees in fear, leaving only Murakami who was standing out of place. After a moment of awkward delay, Murakami remembered what his fellow founders explained to him only moments earlier and dropped to his knee as well.

Nobu wasn't conscious for anything that was said before Peter's arrival, so he was confused as to why they would all kneel towards their enemy like this.

"Black Sky, I presume this world is your doing?" Alexandra takes the lead as she's used to, shocking Nobu with the name she called Spider-Man.

"Yes, this is your punishment until I've figured out what to do with you." Peter says as he steps around them and towards Nobu, tossing the man over his shoulder. "I'll be taking him. See you next time."

While waving goodbye over his other shoulder, Peter opens a portal back to the conference room and steps through.


Only a couple of minutes after the portal closed, an identical one opened in the same exact spot. As Peter stepped through in his red and blue suit with a weak Nobu over his shoulder, everyone in the room could see the founders of the hand in the background, kneeling in Peter's direction.

Peter quickly switches his suit back to all black, not wanting others to see Spider-Man in a room with a bunch of killers.

The Hand already knows he's Spider-Man, as the ninja that returned with him would spread the word amongst their ranks. What Peter worried about was someone else seeing him with members of the Hand.

Peter needs to finish fixing the Hand up into something to be proud of before he would be willing to be seen with them.

As the portal closes behind them, Peter drops Nobu onto the floor and looks toward Scythe, who must have returned while he was gone.

"Get Nobu some water, please. He hasn't had any since my first encounter with the Hand." Peter says and Scythe orders some ninja that was outside to get it done.

"T-Thank you..." Nobu stutters sincerely as a ninja brings him a tall glass of water.

"Take small sips." Peter advised before Nobu could down the whole glass. "Your stomach isn't used to having anything inside. If you drink too much, you'll throw up."

Listening to Peter's words, Nobu takes small sip after small sip, quenching his un-ending thirst little by little.

Once he had a moment to drink, Nobu sat in a chair and was brought some food from the cafeteria, which he had to eat slowly as well.

"Now that you're all here, let's get right into business." Peter says, drawing the attention back to himself. "I'm in charge from now on, obviously."

As he said this, none of them could find a reason to deny it. They were skeptical at first but after seeing his powers and then the kneeling figures of their leaders, it was hard to find a reason not to comply.

Especially since doing so could mean their swift and imminent death.

"Let's start with recruitment," Peter says, causing everyone to look at Alessa.

"Ahem, Bakuto is... was in charge of recruitment. What would you like to know?" Alessa asks.

"Nothing for now. I want a report written up on every recruitment center we have and how that recruitment happens. All recruitment will be halted until further notice as well. Can you do that?" Peter replies.

Peter knew that the Hands recruitment wasn't how he wanted it to be, and once he has a full overview of everything, Peter could change it to how he sees fit. If it's as bad as he thinks it is, Peter may close down recruitment for good and implement something else to bolster the ranks when needed.

"Yes, sir." She answers instantly, not wanting to anger him.

"This goes without saying, but all offensives on the Chaste and any other group are to stop immediately." Peter moves on to the next subject. "I'll be meeting with the Chaste and propose a ceasefire soon enough. If they attack us, you may defend yourselves but that's it."

Everyone in the room was unhappy with this, especially Marik. Though, none of them would voice their opinions on the matter.

"Lastly, all illegal activity is to stop as well." Peter says, remembering that the Hand ran heroine in the Daredevil show.

Though, there has to be other illegal forms of income other than that.

"*Hic* How will I afford my booze?" Zhou Cheng says in a drunken slur. "The money will run out sooner or later. *Hic* We have a lot of expenses..."

"I'll figure something out." Peter says thoughtfully. "Until then, the Hand is as old as dirt, we should have some money laying around. Figure it out."

They couldn't help but agree. The hand had a good amount of money and valuable items stored away, so they could last at least a couple of years on just that.

"The Hand of old is dead. Remember that and spread the word. You're all in charge now and you answer to Scythe." Peter motions toward the shocked man, who straightened his back proudly.

"Thank you, sir." Scythe says respectfully.

Peter trusted Scythe more than the rest in the room. The man new how strong he was from his fight against the Beast, so he would think way more than twice before crossing Peter.

"You're welcome. Follow Scythes orders, but most of all, follow my orders and you'll keep your new positions. If you run into any problems, call Scythe and he'll contact me." Peter says as he writes down his ghost phone number and hands it to Scythe.

Standing from his seat, Peter opens a portal to a random rooftop in New York City and steps through.

"Don't disappoint me..." Peter says as the portal closes behind him.

A/N: 1817 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES! I used to be king of these lands. *Stares off into the distance* I'd rule with an iron fist and fierce cruelty! Now... I'm not so sure if that was what the people needed or even wanted. I always thought those lesser than me needed a firm hand, but maybe a guiding hand would have been the better choice...]


AlienWarlordcreators' thoughts