


"This view is something else I tell you"

Sitting and dangling my feet on the branch of the top of the world tree and listening to the wind whistle as well as being mesmerized by the view, I just stood there and enjoyed it for what seemed like hours.

' The endless sea is really beautiful from up here'

'Guess it's time to read the book I took from the exam. I'll just quickly learn nen and then I'll be unstoppable, hahaha I am afterall a true genius. Defeating any enemy that comes my way, Passing the hunter exam in one try, they'll say: *OMG he's the genius with the good looks* I'll be revered as the strongest hunter in the world, I WILL BE THE STRONGEST, hahaha.'

"So, you really believe that you'll master nen in one day is that it?"

'!!!!!!!!' Turning around as fast as I possibly could I now saw a man standing on one of the branches merely 3 meters away from me.

' How the fuck did he know what I was thinking?! I didn't even notice him? That's a first' Although I joked to myself in my head I was rather freaked out by the man opposite of me. Wearing a white t-shirt with black joggers as well as black shoes he looked like he could dress somewhat pretty decently. But what caught my attention was the designer clothes as well as his rolex and his golden rings, three of them each on his ring, middle and index fingers. With white hair as well as black eyes the man was drippy AF.'

"You also think of yourself as some sort of unstoppable genius is that it?"

' What the fuck? so he has some sort of ability that lets him read people's thoughts is that it?'

"That's exactly right" The man said with the smuggest of faces.

"What are you here for?"

After staring Alex down for a minute straight the man answered with a deep voice:

" I heard that you have obtained some sort of book on nen, and I would like to take that from you"

"well I'm willing to sell it to you"

"Okay that was easy, How much."

"200 000 000 000 million jenny"

"!!!!" " well, that isn't going to happ-«

The second Alex heard the mysterious man reject his offer he through a punch at his face. Not knowing how he missed such an easy target to hit that was caught off guard as well, Alex clutched the mans hair and sent a knee kick to the stomach, but missing entirely as the opponent had halted Alex's knee with his palm.

« you're pretty good for a guy without nen, your attacks involve power and precision, and you also have a mind for combat as you did every previous move on instinct. Good job. But this is as far as you go»

«You will never be able to defeat me, my hatsu allows me to read people's minds, and that includes every move you have made until now. Even if you are more powerful than me (which you aren't) you will never have the chance to even make contact with one punch.»

«I don't care, provide the money or leave.»

'Tsk' inwardly clicking his tongue, the opponent for the first time went on the offensive. Signaling for a kick towards Alex's legs the man proceeded to fake it and kick Alex in the head as it was unguarded.

Falling off balance Alex tried to quickly recover but had already been smacked on both sides of his head where his ears are located, fucking up alex's brain even more.

Jumping from branch to branch the fight went on for about 10 minutes in favor of the opponent, which was not surprising as he could predict every move Alex made. Delivering every move with at least 15% of nen in each of his punches, Alex was now completely covered in bruises and a broken leg as well as a scar that went from his cheek down to his collarbone. Not being able to stand anymore the man picked Alex up by his throat and held his resistless body in front of him ready to deal the finishing blow.

'Ahh...this sucks...I thought I was unparalleled in this world...I was going to build my own harem...I was going to show everyone that I'm the best and make them fear me. They would realize that fucking with me was the last thing they would ever do...….Didn't I promise my parents I would make them proud?....I really haven't changed have I…. I act like an incompetent child…..I act like a child even though I killed my parents…..haaaaaaaaah.'

While Alex was in his own despair, unbeknownst to them both, Alex had actually learned nen from the punches the opponent delivered to him, forcefully opening his aura nodes. But what the really scary part was that the second Alex had learned nen, he had also created his own hatsu ability.

Alex remembered when his parents got controlled by that disgusting creature. Having turned 14 a couple of weeks ago he had begun working at the chief's residence. Alex was tired and wanted his parent's comfort. But what greeted him in the kitchen was his parents both holding knives to the throat of a child from the neighboring house. After 5 minutes of struggling and trying to make them let go of the child he saw them moving the knife towards the child. Alex had to rush in. In the end, Alex had to bury his parents as the child ran to her mothers' arms. Knowing that he won't ever have that feeling again broke his mind, hence why Alex still acts like a child.

The man was Squeezing his arm as hard as he could. Alex was as good as dead.











Ten arms wrapped around the man squeezing him hard enough to make him explode.

'What the fuckkkk!' «SPLAT»

The man couldn't even react before he was entangled by 10 arms surrounding him and releasing a grip strength of 10 tons. Not having the chance to escape the man was killed and Alex was released from his grip, free falling from the top of the world tree

'Ahhh fuck…'

I don't know if I'll release any chapters until the weekend, school has got my schedule full. But I assure everyone that once weekend comes I'll release some chapters

Thepoetcreators' thoughts