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"you will be assigned participant number 1, Chris column, ranked from how well he did in the written test as well as the practical exam. He's the most promising candidate we have had in a while. I have confirmed he will leave for yorknew city in 2 days taking the Castor Line that runs through the city by train. Find him on your own accord and teach him nen as well as basic information about hunters overall."

"Yes sir!"




"Take participant number 4, Johannes vettel. He has promise but hasn't figured out what fighting style is best suited for him. Do impart your knowledge of your street fighting art and teach him to the best of your abilities. Help him open his aura nodes as well as help him create his own hatsu. I trust you can get this done in a couple of months?"

"Yes sir!"



After assigning missions to almost every examiner present, The examiners who hadn't been assigned anyone looked a little confused as to why no one had been assigned to the participant ranked 9th.

"excuse my rudeness sir, Number 9 hasn't been assigned anybody to teach an art nor teach him nen, If you don't have anyone specifically in mind I would like to offer-"

Noticing the chairman raise his hand to halt my speech I did so without thinking


"There is no need to teach that young man...after all, he did find the secret room where all my most prized possessions are located, he even navigated through the illusionary barrier set up by Castor Spec."

"!!!!!!!!!!" Every single examiner in the room was now visually shocked to their core.

'How can that be? The Spike twins didn't even last a minute inside the barrier before their bodies went limp!'

'what!?! The books behind that barrier are said to be otherworldly knowledge, and can't be bought with money!'

"I am certain that he will learn everything in the book about nen that I gave him without any troubles"

"!!!!!!!!!!!" Once again the jaws of the examiners dropped to the ground all at once. The fact that the chairman had just given the book that took him 4 years to write to some unknown exam participant was unheard of. Some of the examiners had expressions of worry, and some expressions were deadpan, but the one expression that caught the attention of the chairman was the one of greed.

Knowing fully well that people would come after participant number 9 after releasing the news about the book, the chairman's grin turned into a full on smile.

'This is a good way to get rid of the incompetent hunters at the hunter association, that is if they really do go after that monster'

'I heard that participant number 9's destination was the world tree, and it is common knowledge that the serenity one gets from the top of the tree can speed up the process of training and learning.



"Congratulations Alexander Veil, You have passed a rigorous test that results in over 700 deaths on average every year, And you have been officially recognised as a Professional hunter. Make sure you visit the Hunter association in the near future as more information will be available to you there as well as receiving your hunter license."

"Thank-" I was going to say my thanks for the information but then this "privileged" person just rudely interrupted me.

"Furthermore, I would like to know for how long and exactly what you have trained your body in"

"trained my body in? you mean like fighting styles and that sort of thing?"


"well I haven't really trained in anything, although I did some general exercises like push-ups, pull-ups and sit-ups"


Hearing the news about Alex's sloppy training regiment made the chairman release a powerful grin.

'this brat...haha oh I have high hopes for this one yes. Even though the other ones that passed this year are good, especially number 1 and 4 as both of them have already learned nen, they truly can't compare to this young man right here number 9. That is if I'm believing everything he said. No matter, time will tell if Alex is speaking truthfully or gibberish.'


Arriving on top of a tall skyscraper, I walked out of the jet and looked up to see the very world tree I will be climbing in a few days.

I learned that after one is recognised as a hunter that person gets a private room at the hunter association where you could sleep up to a week before you have to leave. Doing exactly that I opened the door to my room and jumped straight in the bathtub as i hadn't washed myself for a couple of days and that made me stinky.

Alone with my thoughts I started thinking of what training I should do tomorrow at the top of the tree.

'I should probably read through the book about nen and try to learn it. I'm actually a little excited for tomorrow. I read in the hunter guidelines that there are so many different places to go to, like for example undiscovered ruins, as well as the lurka province which houses many different clans and beasts, and after I have improved myself in my combat prowess i'll take on the challenge of beaten a floor master at the heavens arena' Having figured out what to do in his immediate future Alex had an exciting feeling to him that he hadn't experienced since his childhood with his family.