

Waking up in a weird position where my belt had saved me by getting jammed by one of the branches of the world tree. I didn't need to try and remember what had happened, I painfully knew that I lost that battle even if I was the only survivor.




I hadn't even gotten the chance to gather my thoughts before my hunter licence started ringing like a phone. Before picking it up I made sure to take notice of my weird and lucky situation. Sitting upright I answered the phone as a manly voice greeted me.

"Hello Alexander, I am calling to know of your situation, are you all right?"

'Calling me right after my battle with that strong hunter? Not suspicious at all no'

"..... I will be going off the grid for awhile, Don't try to contact me as you won't be able to. Don't try tracking my hunter license either as I will be getting rid of it."

Standing on the opposite line of the call he stood with an indifferent look waiting for Alex to continue

" I really don't like it when people trash me in a battle. I don't know when i'll come back, but when I do, just know that I'll do whatever I want, and nobody will be able to stop me.....Not even you, Chairman Netero."


Getting hung up on, the chairman released a satisfied grin.

' I'll deem if you have improved enough to my liking or not.'


And just like that, 3 years have passed and Alexander is on this very day turning 24 years old. But his birthday isn't exactly how he imagined it to be.

"Ahhh...where the fuck was it again?!"

Looking around frantically, Alex was trying to find the whereabouts of a creature that has never been recorded in any books whatsoever, The deep sea spider. With a carcass of the deep blue sea as well as 14 legs this spider was the definition of creepy. But the reason why Alex was looking for it was because ever since alex arrived on an unknown island outside of the Yorbia continent he had discovered that the animals present on this land actually knew how to release their aura and intimidate their prey.

These animals were frightening as they had discovered how to release their aura all on their own just like humans did. But the real reason why Alex was hunting these animals was that after you killed one of them you could release your own nen and the stronger force would absorb the weaker one.

Alex had been on this island for around 3 years, and he killed a lot of these monsters to grow his nen and strengthen it even more. Having killed and absorbed countless of these monsters, Alex had grown exponentially, not only in his physique and nen, but also in combat experience. If before he could will one arm with all his might, now he could will 7 freely without any delay whatsoever in a radius from his body of around 10 meters.

Feeling his neck hair stand on edge he instinctively knew an attack was coming from behind, while dodging the attack Alex commanded his nen with two fingers swiping upwards, the next second two hands emerged from the ground and struck the 3 meter tall spider, one arm on the back of the neck and the other one uppercutting the chin of the spider, effectively breaking its neck and killing it.

Ripping out the brain of the spider, Alex sat down in a lotus position and opened his aura nodes, immediately absorbing the spider's nen.

When Alex first started using his hatsu he realized without doing the recommended procedure that he was an *Emitter*.

What limitations he had put on himself to make it stronger was something that his previous self with a hot headed mentality decided unconsciously:

Hatsu ability:

Name: Dream achiever

7 thin arms will continue to emerge and dissappear in a 10 meter radius from the Emitters body as long as The emitter wills it. with a grip strength of 19 tons currently, this ability can be trained and gain longer and stronger arms.

Condition: If there is something that Alex wants, be it a chocolate bar or trying to take over the world. If he puts his heart and soul into achieving a goal of his and still fails, he will die. But he will only die if he has done everything in his power to gain it and still fails.

Limitations: Alex's willpower will be halved. Meaning that there isn't much that will interest Alex from now on. Losing a lot of emotion Alex will have a more "don't care" vibe to him.

The reason why death is the Condition he put on himself is that when his parents died and he couldn't save them he promised to never feel helpless again, and that is why when he was on the verge of being killed by that hunter who could read his mind, he reached out and grabbed what he wanted, at the time, what Alex wanted to grab was that man's life, signifying that he will do everything in his power to achieve his goals and aspirations.


Standing upright, Alex began walking back to his hutt where his now finished boat was docked beside his selfmade dock. The ship was 4 meters high and 8 meters long, all made out of strange and sturdy materials found on the island. When Alex first arrived on this island he had to make weapons to skin the meat he was going to hunt and after realising that the stones and metals on this island were all extremely high grade he had to make a smithing hammer and a fireplace, using plants and sticks as coal, effectively creating knives to skin the monsters with.

As he walked over to his boat he checked if he had remembered everything that he needed for his departure. "clothes...check, tools….check, materials….check, food…..check. Alright seems I've got everything I need for my departure. Let's set sail!"

As there wasn't any wind to assault the sails Alex had to go for plan B. Creating 6 arms, three on each side of the ship, they then grabbed a big and sturdy round metal piece each and started rowing away, effectively pushing around 40 miles an hour.