
HUNTER : The Man at The Top Of The Food Chain

Shinji Kuroda has a dream. He dreams of reaching the pinnacle of power. He dreams of standing at the apex of the food chain He dreams of reaching a height no human had ever come near! "My name is Shinji Kuroda, and I'm the Man At the top of the food chain!" Backed by the Inhertiances of all the characters in the myriad realms, Shinji step by step climbed the pyramid of power, and it all started from the Hunter x Hunter world. Discord : discord.gg/hs3kFXH3 ... Losing my father was the hardest thing I've ever experienced. He was my biggest supporter, my mentor, and my friend. After his passing, I found myself struggling to make ends meet, and I turned to writing fanfiction as a way to earn a living. It's not easy, but I pour my heart and soul into every story I write, hoping that readers will connect with the characters and their struggles. This work means everything to me, a tribute to my father, who always encouraged me to pursue my dreams. If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating, as it would mean the world to me and help me continue doing what I love. HERE IS MY P@YP@L : achraf.oubella00@gmail.com IF I CAN MAKE MONEY FROM THIS FANFIC I'LL MAKE A LOT OF CHAPTERS AND INCREASE THE UPDATE SPEED!

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34 Chs

Chapter 19 : Netero X Split Mountain X Soul Points

Then Menchi stood up and said loudly: "In the second phase of the hunter exam, only five people passed!"

The applicants erupted as soon as she said those words.

"What the hell?"

"Only five people passed?"

"Are you serious?"

"This is unfair!"

"Does she really mean it?"

"This isn't funny!"

on the top of a tree branch, Satotz-san is using a binocular to observe the situation inside the exam site from a distance.

He knew something was wrong when he saw the uproar caused by the applicants.

"As I expected, she's lapsed back into her old bad habit."

Then he picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Moshi Moshi…"

In the sky, inside an airship shaped like a shark, with the hunter association's iconic symbol.

"what should we do, Chairman?" After hearing Satotz-report san's and learning that only five people passed the test, the bean-shaped guy known as Beans, the Hunter Association Chairman's personal secretary, they realized Menchi must have lost her temper and increased the difficulty, which is unfair to other applicants.

He looked respectfully at the old man sitting on the chair, waiting for his decision.

This elderly man is none other than the President of Hunter Association: Isaac Netero!

"I suppose I have no choice."

"Fin, I'll have to go in person." Then he stood up from his chair.

Returning to the exam site.


The yellow haired fat man, Wrestler Todo, shattered the cooking platform with a punch.

"I won't accept it…I absolutely refuse to accept this!" he said loudly as he started at Menchi fiercely.

"In the end you've still failed!" Menchi ruthlessly Mocked him, those who doesn't respect food doesn't deserve her sympathy.

"Stop screwing around!" Todo shouted, the mocking of Menchi almost made him for a second want to punch her, but he held his anger and tried to reason with her.

"You asked for pork, so we risked our lives to-" before he finished his words, Menchi interrupted him.

"I said to prepare the pork in a manner we both find delicious, just like how these fives did, no one of you made anything remotely delicious." With her hands on her hips, Menchi starts scolding them.

"You all did almost the same thing, there was no effort made!"

"Shut up!" Todo pointed at Menchi and said: "I'm not trying to be a cook or a gourmet, I want to be a hunter!"

"Yeah! Yeah!" the applicants behind him also followed suit and start yelling.

"My goal is to become a blacklist hunter, I refuse to let a mere gourmet hunter decide my fate!"

"Too bad you got stuck with a mere gourmet hunter, Better luck next year." Menchi Ruthlessly ridiculed him again.

Tudo's face becomes red from anger, he can't hold his temper anymore.

"YOU…DON'T MOCK ME!" he rushed furiously toward Menchi intending to punch her face.

before he even reach her, Buhara suddenly appeared in front of Menchi, and with a casual slap, he sent Todo flying to the moon.




"Tsk tsk tsk, this power…as if he was hit by a speeding truck. I'm afraid if it was an ordinary person then he would have already been turned into minced meat!" Shinji was shocked by the strength Shown by the kind-looking Buhara., But he was even more surprised by Todo's durability, as he appears to be able to move after being hit.

"Buhara, don't interfere." Menchi looked at Buhara and said.

"Well, if I haven't intervened you'd have killed him, right?" said buhara.

"Probably." Menchi stood from her chair and four knives don't know when they appeared in her hands.

She walked down the stairs and looked at the applicants and said calmly.

"Let me clarify this…"

"We frequently venture into the dens of ferocious beasts, searching for ingredients."

"Every Hunter, know at least some form of martial art."

Then she started juggling the knives faster, only after images can be seen, showing off her knife skills.

The candidates looked at Menchi with shocked expressions; just this demonstration should have taught them never to underestimate Menchi.

Then she came to a halt and pointed the knives at the applicants, saying.

" you lack focus and the willingness to experiment. That alone disqualifies you from becoming Hunters!

The applicants were silent, they can't refute her words.

Hisoka looked at Menchi, and took a poker card, just when he was about to throw it…

"That said…it would be unfair to allow only five applicants to pass."

Everyone lifted their head searching for the source of the voice.

"That's the symbol of the hunter association."

They saw the airship belonging to the hunter association on top of them.

"Is it someone from the selection committee?"

"You are finally here, Netero-Sensei!" Shinji looked at the sky and whispered.

Then they saw something falling from the ship.


it fell like a meteorite, creating a crater on the ground, and dust filled everyone's vision.


The applicants screamed in shock.


They heard the sound of footsteps approaching them, but because of the dust, they didn't know its owner.

Only after the dust faded, did they see the owner of the footsteps.

An old man who had a ponytail and thick beard, wearing white kimono appeared in front of them.

"Wh-who's that geezer?"

That's the question that appeared in the mind of most applicants.

Shinji looked at the domineering appearance of Netero and was shocked.

"So cool! When I become stronger I must definitely jump from high altitude like Master Netero." this is what he thought, in fact, he can do it now, but he will instantly turn into minced meat the moment he touches the ground, which is certainly not cool.

"The chairman of the selection committee, he's in charge of the hunter exam, chairman Netero!" Menchi introduced Netero to the ignorant applicants respectfully.

"Well, I work behind the scenes," Netero said casually.

"I only take action when there is an issue, like now."

"Now, Meenchi-Kun." He looked at Menchi, the latter become tense.

"Yes Sir!" she replied.

"You failed all the applicants except five of them because you disapprove their reluctance to try new things?"

Menchi out of respect didn't lie to Netero and said: "no sir, I lost my cool when one of the candidates insulted gourmet hunters and I made the exam harder than necessary."

"In other words, you're aware that this exam was unacceptable."

Menchi closed her eyes, she hates to say it but she has to agree with Netero's words.

"Yes sir, when cooking is involved, I lose control, I'm unqualified to be an examiner"

Then she opened her eyes and said firmly after making a decision: " I will resign as an examiner, so please redo the Second Phase!"

Netero nodded his head and said: "right, but it will be difficult to find another examiner on such short notice."

"Very well, how about this?" He looked at Menchi and said his solution.

"I'd like you to continue serving as an examiner, but you must also participate in the new test you propose. Is that acceptable?"

Menchi instantly understood Netero's intention.

"I'm certain that will help the applicants to accept the results." Netero's words made Menchi smile.

"That's true…then the new challenge will be…" She smiled as she thought of the nearest place here that can serve as a test.

"Boiled eggs!"

"Boiled eggs?"

The applicants were surprised, they start whispering, they can't believe the second phase will be as easy as it sounds.

Menchi looked at Netero and said as she pointed at the airship above them: "chairman, can you take us to Mt. Split-in-half in your airship?"

"Mt. Split-In-Half? I see…" Netero immediately understood what Menchi is going to do.

Then just when everyone was ready to ride the airship, a voice stopped them.

"Wait!" Shinji suddenly shouted, shocking the friends next to him.

"What are you doing Shinji?" Leorio was afraid that Shinji will do something impulsive and the chairman of the hunter association is here, it would be a joke if he got disqualified like this.

"Huh?" everyone turned around and looked at Shinji impatiently.

Netero looked at the boy wrapped in bandages with interest, dare to shout like this in front of him, this boy's courage is big or he is stupid?

"Shinji?" Menchi looked at Shinji and wondered what was going on all of sudden with him.

Seeing that he successfully gather their attention, Shinji cleared his throat and then said:

"President Netero, Examiner Shinji, the five of us already passed the test, are we obliged to take the test again with others? Wouldn't that be fair to them and unfair to us?"

Although Shinji knows that the second test is easy for him, he can't easily give up on his interest and act as if nothing happened, wouldn't his soul points be wasted for nothing?

"This is…" because of the presence of Netero, Menchi almost forgets that five people already passed her test, She looked at Shinji and then at Netero meaning that it's all up to the president.

When Netero saw this, he stroked his beard with an interested expression.

"Oh, so you are one of those who passed this test?" He looked at Shinji and asked.

"Yes, master Netero!" Shinji replied respectfully.

"Master Netero?" "Why do you keep calling me that?" Except for his disciples, Netero is referred to as president or chairman by everyone else. Netero is puzzled as to why Shinji addresses him as "Master."

"Of course, because Master Netero is my inspiration, at the same time..."

"one of the goals that I will surpass!"

Shinji grinned and said the last words with a firm tone, he didn't lie, Netero was his inspiration in his last life and even this life, moreover, Shinji always take Netero and the still unborn Ant king Meruem as a comparison and reference to motivate himself to get stronger than them.

"E-Ehh!" the applicants roared, they were Shocked by Shinji's 'arrogant' words, wanting to surpass the president of the hunter association, known as the strongest man. This kid doesn't know how to write the word 'death'!

Netero's squinted eyes fully opened, unlike the others, he didn't feel any arrogance in Shinji's words, but felt something he is extremely familiar with, the aura of confidence and certainty!

'this boy...I must test him' Netero didn't hurry to judge Shinji, he wants to test him first and see what he relies on to say such big words!


"What are you doing, Menchi- swan?"

Menchi slapped Shinji's head and looked at him fiercely: " do you know who you are talking to? This is president Netero, the strongest man, he can kill you with one finger? If you don't want to die then be more respectful, idiot!"

Then she lowered her head to Netero and said, "President Netero, I'm sorry, this idiot didn't mean anything, please don't care about him."

Although Menchi understands Netero's temperament and knows he will not harm Shinji, she is concerned that he may be penalized and may perhaps lose his chance to become a hunter. So Menchi decided to assist Shinji only once since she recognizes his qualifications as a gourmet hunter.

"There is no need, Menchi-Kun," Netero hurriedly waved his hand, "in fact, I appreciated what he said, young men must be like him, full of ambitions."

the four of Gon and Menchi breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Netero's words.

Then Netero looked at Shinji.

"Shinji, right?" What about this, the five of you don't have to retake the test, you'll go straight to the third phase, are you satisfied?"

Shinji nodded his head indicating he is satisfied.

"But I will be more satisfied if Netero-Sensei would take a selfie with me?"

"Selfie? What is this?" Netero was puzzled by this term he heard just now.

"I mean to take a picture with you, could I?" Shinji looked at Netero with pleading eyes, if he wasn't wrapped in bandages then he would look cute, but unfortunately he is far from the word cute.

"Picture!" Everyone thought they heard it wrong.

"Shinji what the heck are you doing!" Leorio screamed he felt that Shinji isn't in his right mind now, as his friend he must prevent him from doing stupid behaviors like this.


"Didn't I just tell you to be respectful?" Menchi almost wanted to swallow Shinji from anger.

"But I can't waste this chance, after all, it's a rare occasion to encounter Master Netero."

Shinji looked at Menchi who was about to slap his head again and hurried to persuade her.

"OK, no issue. If you like, you can take a picture with me." Netero suddenly stated, This is the first time he has received this request, which piqued his interest in Shinji.

He admired Shinji's bravery and willingness to do what others would not, so he doesn't mind fulfilling this kid's request.

"Hey, Leorio, Gon, Kurapika, and Killua. Hurry up and take a picture with Netero-Sensei this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"Really?" Gon and others looked to Netero seeking his opinion, while Killua remained indifferent.

"What's the big deal about taking pictures with this old man?" He muttered disdainfully.

"Nah Killua, everyone is going to take a picture with Netero-san, why don't you come with us?" Gon said. "Please join us in taking photos. Mito-san told me that friends should take pictures so that when they grow up, they may remember the wonderful times."

Killua, the tsundere, can't bear Gon's innocence and eventually agreed: "If Gon wants it, I don't mind."

"Guys, hurry up, we don't have time!" Shinji yelled at them, afraid that Netero would lose patience.

Then he pretended to pull his phone from his backpack and hand it to Menchi.

"Please, Menchi-swan."

Menchi sighed as he gazed at Shinji.

"You never cease to amaze me. I'll also take a photo with the president." She took the phone.

"You are more than welcome!" Shinji smiled in response.

Then Killua and Gon stood in the front, while Leorio and Kurapika stood behind in the sides and Shinji beside Netero next to them in the center.

Menchi after making sure that all of them are in the frame starts counting down.

"3..2..1 *Snap*"

Then Shinji hurried to see the picture.


"As expected of Netero-Sensei!"

"the old man is still handsome, right?" Netero laughed as he caressed his beard.

Shinji looked at Netero in the picture who put on a funny face and couldn't help but smile.

Then it was the turn of Menchi, she replaced Shinji while the latter took the phone

"Ok well framed….Netero-Sensei stop looking at Menchi-Shwan's oppais and look at the camera."


Netero, who had been caught peeking, quickly moved his gaze and stared solemnly at the camera, or it seemed at... Shinji?, while Menchi blushed slightly.

"3..2..1 *SNAP*"

"Don't forget to send me the photos, Shinji." Menchi smiled at Shinji and said, These few minutes with Shinji fully dissipated her bad mood.

"Of course, give me your phone number and I'll send them to you, Shinji replied calmly, but his heart was racing, Menchi's phone number! He's about to grab her phone number!

"All right, record it, 789-101-123-456."

Shinji rushed to record it, and an orchestra of celebration is being staged inside.

'Horrya, I have Menchi-chwan's phone number!'

All of the examiners were dumbfounded by this scene.

"Can someone explain to me what the hell is going on?"


They then boarded the airship and flew to their destination.


as its name implies, It is truly a mountain divided into two halves.

"Which senior swordsman cultivator did this heaven-shaking earth-shattering feat?"

"Shinji, what are you murmuring?"

"nothing." Shinji motioned with his hands that he was talking nonsense.

'Did Shinji become a fool?' Leorio thought As he glanced at him.

Everyone gathered at the mountain's divided edge.

They look down with terror at the deep ravine, their legs get soft, and they don't dare to approach, afraid of slipping and falling.

"I'm going to die if I fall from here..." Shinji, too, glanced down and didn't dare to approach; he didn't even dare to stand, but suddenly he seems to recall something.

'I forgot, I can't die!' So why am I scared of this height?" Then he stood up bravely, but his trembling legs betrayed him.

"Now, everyone..."

"look down there." Menchi fearlessly stood on the edge, unafraid of the height.

Everyone followed her direction and saw something similar to spider webs but larger.

"W-What the hell is this?" someone asked the question in all their minds.

"A spider Eagle's web." Menchi replied then said: " look below the web."

"Those are…"

"Those are spider eagle's eggs!" Menchi replied before they even complete their answer.

"Spider eagles build their webs in deep ravines, to protect their eggs from predators. This makes their eggs one of the most difficult rare ingredients to obtain." Netero behind them took the initiative to show them the rareness of the spider eagles' eggs.

Then he added: "the eggs are also known as dream eggs."

Shinji was thinking: ' rare ingredients? It seems that I can verify my conjecture sooner than expected!"

"W-Wait a minute…"

"You don't mean…"

The applicants have a bad feeling.

Unfortunately, their fear was realized by Menchi's next words.

"I sure do." Menchi said as she finished her words, she jumped down.


The applicants screamed.

"Menchi-swan!…you look cool" Shinji also screamed, but not afraid about Menchi in the slightest. Just joking, worried about the safety of a one-star hunter! who should worry about whom is clear.

After Menchi fell she grabbed thick web silk skillfully.

All the applicants looked at her waiting for her next movement, but they are wondering…

"Even if she managed to grab an egg, how will she climb up?"

Menchi's next action will solve their doubts.

She let go of her hands.

"Ahh" Some applicants screamed, some even closed their eyes not wanting to see the miserable scene.

When Menchi passed by a group of eggs hanged by silk, she grabbed one of them and then continued falling.

"What..is she trying to kill herself?"


Suddenly, a strong wind came from below,

Then under the watchful eyes of everyone, Menchi was sent up by this strong wind.

"Wow" Gon looked at this scene with an excited smile on his face, he can't wait to try it himself, the feeling of flying must be wonderful.

"That looks fun!" Killua also looked at this scene with excitement.

"This ravine has a strong updraft that helps the hatched chicks fly up to the web

"You must be joking…no reasonable person would dare to jump down there!"

"I have been waiting for this!" Gon shouted as he jumped, followed by killua and kurapika and Leorio.

Shinji also jumped, he didn't transform into his hybrid leopard form in order to not show his trump card to other competitors.

"Rare ingredients I'm here." Then he thought ' I must take an entire basket of eggs!'

Then one after another bold and strong applicants start jumping down.

"Wait I haven't explained everything!" Menchi screamed, but nobody listened to her.

All the applicants grabbed the thick web silks.

"See you later!" impatient applicants let go of the silk and fell down, he grabbed the egg as he fell…then he continued falling.

The poor applicants finally noticed that there is no updraft but too late.


"As expected there isn't always an updraft." Kurapika confirmed his guess.

"When's the next one?" Leorio afraid that the silk won't hold their weight starts getting nervous.

But Gon replied resolutely: " wait."


The web starts shattering.


"This web won't hold us all!"

"Damn I can't wait for an updraft!"

Some applicants lost their calmness and stupidly let go of their hands.


Their destiny is to keep falling until they turn into pieces of meat.

The web is almost about to break.

"It's gonna snap!"

Gon who was closing his eyes and feeling the wind, suddenly he opened them and screamed:


Everyone let go of their hands and caught an egg.

Shinji directly touched a batch of eggs as he passed by, and then placed it in his pocket dimension.

"Mission accomplished!" Then he fell like the others.

The strong updraft then lifted them up.

After successfully getting the eggs, the applicants start boiling them.

"This is damned good!"

"I can see why they are called the dream eggs!"

The other applicants who didn't dare to jump before looked at them enviously.

'Sure enough, my decision was correct, others can only enjoy this delicious egg one time in their life, but I have at least thirty-one!' Shinji grinned as he looked at the bunch of eggs lying in his pocket dimension.

'Well let's test know whether rare ingredients can provide any soul points!'

He selected one egg from his pocket dimension then said in his heart: 'Sacrifice'

The word 'sacrifice' is the order the inheritance boundary told him to use in order for it to absorb the things he touched.

The moment this word fell, the eggs in the pocket dimension disintegrated ad turned into particles that soon disappeared as if it never existed.

As long as it contains energy or something special, after he touches it and said the order 'sacrifice' then it will turn into ashes because the inheritance boundary devoured all of their energy.

This is different from the sacrifice of the living being, he only needs to kill them, then the inheritance boundary devours their escaping soul automatically as long as the cause of Death is Shinji.

could the corps of the living being also get sacrificed?' This question appeared in Shinji's mind, he needs to also verify it in the future.

Then he checked his soul points amount.

Soul Points: 195

' Ten points, not bad, if I sacrifice all those eggs at least 300 soul points! And there are at least thousands of eggs in this ravine' Shinji's eyes start glowing with greed, he can't wait to sacrifice all those eggs below!

'But these delicious eggs will be wasteful to sacrifice all of them' Shinji was reluctant to turn all these eggs into soul points.

'Well, let's turn ten of them into soul points, the remaining ones I shall enjoy them!"

Then he sacrificed another ten spider eagle's eggs.

Soul Points: 295

Shinji nodded his head satisfied by this new way of earning Soul Points.

"Didn't I tell you, Gourmet Hunter is the greatest Job one can do!" Menchi looked at the satisfied and didn't forget to show off the Benefits of Gourmet Hunters.

"Yes, I think it's worth pursuing and tasting (earning) more Delicious (soul points) things, I will defiantly become a food hunter!"

Shinji nodded his head Agreeing with Menchi's words.

"Ok, all those who passed phase two please enter the airship quickly, as for those who didn't succeed wait a few minutes until the second airship comes." The sound of Mr. Beans came from the speakers of the airship.

Then all the 43 applicants who passed the second phase entered the airship.

The goal is: Phase three location!

My dear friends! I apologize for not posting any chapter two days ago, I didn't even have time to touch the keyboards because of work.

i hope you enjoyed this chapter.

please don't give me spirit stones, i don't need them.

also i don't need your comments.

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by Arrogant young master.

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