
HUNTER : The Man at The Top Of The Food Chain

Shinji Kuroda has a dream. He dreams of reaching the pinnacle of power. He dreams of standing at the apex of the food chain He dreams of reaching a height no human had ever come near! "My name is Shinji Kuroda, and I'm the Man At the top of the food chain!" Backed by the Inhertiances of all the characters in the myriad realms, Shinji step by step climbed the pyramid of power, and it all started from the Hunter x Hunter world. Discord : discord.gg/hs3kFXH3 ... Losing my father was the hardest thing I've ever experienced. He was my biggest supporter, my mentor, and my friend. After his passing, I found myself struggling to make ends meet, and I turned to writing fanfiction as a way to earn a living. It's not easy, but I pour my heart and soul into every story I write, hoping that readers will connect with the characters and their struggles. This work means everything to me, a tribute to my father, who always encouraged me to pursue my dreams. If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating, as it would mean the world to me and help me continue doing what I love. HERE IS MY P@YP@L : achraf.oubella00@gmail.com IF I CAN MAKE MONEY FROM THIS FANFIC I'LL MAKE A LOT OF CHAPTERS AND INCREASE THE UPDATE SPEED!

AcOu0KinG · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 20 : Netero X Ball X Game (1)

The airship of the hunter association is flying through the starry sky, taking the applicants to the site of the third phase.

Inside the airship, Netero and his secretary, Beans-san, stood in front of the candidates.

Beans-san said: "We are scheduled to arrive at our destination tomorrow morning at 8 AM"

"You'll find dinner waiting in the dining hall. You are also welcome to get some rest."

"In other words, you're free to do as you please until you're contacted."

After Mr. Beans finished his words, the crowd dispersed. Most of them went to sleep.

"Okay, Gon! Let's explore the airship!" Killua who felt bored decided to have some fun with Gon.

"Yeah!" This is the first time Gon is in an Airship so he was also excited to explore it.

'If I remember correctly Netero-sensei will play a game with them and if they win they will become hunters immediately, I can't waste this opportunity!' Shinji who wants to quickly learn Nen won't let go of this chance. moreover, he is also excited to see the strength of Netero, the strongest Nen user in the human world.

"Gon, Killua, Wait! I also want to explore the airship!" Shinji quickly chased after Gon and Killua.

"Sure enough, they are monsters! Or else how can they have so much energy?" Leorio who already consumed all of his energy felt envious of Shinji, Gon, and Killua's abnormal stamina.

Of course, Shinji doesn't have the monstrous stamina of Gon and Killua, He relied on his healing potions to refresh himself.

Inside the dining hall of the examiners. The three of Satotz, Menchi, and Buhara gathered around the table.

"Hey, how many applicants do you expect to make it?" Menchi broke the silence and asked.

" You mean to pass the Exam?" Buhara understood what she was hinting to.

"Yep, this year we have an impressive group!" Menchi noticed that there were a lot of good hunter seeds this year, so she wants to know who they think will pass the hunter exam in order to pass time.

"But doesn't that depend on what the upcoming phases consist of?" Buhara thought it was too early to judge since only two phases have been passed.

"That's true…but didn't you notice it? One of them had this whole aura thing going on" Menchi noticed during her test that an applicant dressing like a clown was spreading his blood-lust aura wantonly.

"What do you think, Satotz?" she turned her head to Examiner Satotz and asked his opinion.

"Yes, I like the Rockies of this year." Satotz stopped his eating and nodded his head.

"Ha! So you agree? I think number 406 has a high chance to pass the hunter exam." The appearance of the bandaged wrapped boy appeared in Menchi's mind, which is, of course, Shinji. although she didn't see his strength she knows if he was able to capture The great stamp then he mustn't be weak, moreover, his boldness and courage that he even dares to take pictures with president Netero was something she thought is worth considering. Also, she has high hopes about his cooking talents, which will definitely Shine if he becomes a gourmet hunter.

"I'm partial to number 99" Satotz said that he took a liking to Killua Zoldyck, not only because he has extraordinary strength and keen senses, but also smart and has great observational skills.

" He looks like a spoiled selfish brat!" Menchi didn't like Killua because of the arrogant vibes he gave her. she doesn't like those rich second generations because of how much trouble brought to her in the past.

"What do you think, Buhara?"


"He isn't a Rockie but number 44 is the one I favor."

"Menchi, I'm sure you noticed. But when number 255 was throwing a fist, it was number 44 who was really on the verge of killing someone."

Buhara remembered Hisoka who was emitting a terrifying killing intent, he was sure it was targeted toward them, if the president didn't come then they will surely get into a fight with him.

"Of course, I did notice that. He could barely restrain himself from tearing off our heads. But didn't you realize? He was already that way from the first moment we appeared." Menchi nodded her head. even now, she feels sick from remembering that disgusting aura of that pervert clown.

"Really?" Buhara didn't realize it, maybe because he was hungry.

"Yeah, that was the real reason I was so edgy. He kept challenging me."

Satotz who was drinking a cup of tea also nodded his head.

" I also had a similar experience. He should be carefully monitored."

"Though it pains me to admit this, but we are similar to him. As hunters, we are continually seeking out rivals. Ultimately, the hunter exam is but a place to find opponents worthy of respect."

"Hey there! kids! Stay out of the kitchen! Go eat in the dining hall!"

The three of Shinji, Gon, and killua were kicked out of the kitchen after being caught sneaking.

"It was your fault, if you didn't drop that fork we wouldn't be caught!" Killua throws the pot on Shinji's head.

"What! It was obviously your fault, you stomped hard on my feet!" Shinji isn't the type to give up on his interests easily.

"That because you stole my chicken leg!"

"Huh! Your chicken leg? It was in front of me, so naturally, it's mine!"

"Wow! Amazing! look Killua, Shinji!" Gon who get accustomed to their farce didn't pay attention to them, but he stood in front of the window and looked at the mesmerizing scenery below them.

Both Shinji and killua tactically stopped arguing.

"It's like the ground is covered in jewels!" Gon who had never seen the appearance of cities lit up in various colors was shocked by this picture.

"Although I have seen something thousands of times better than this, still it looks good." Shinji who saw the Inheritance boundary wasn't shocked by this scene, but anyway it's still worth looking at.

"Huh? Are you sure you weren't dreaming?" Killua didn't let go of the opportunity to mock Shinji.

'This is probably the Karma I got from mocking Leorio before, right?' Shinji didn't want to waste his saliva with the sharp-mouthed, black-belied Killua.

"Killua, Shinji, I was wondering…" Suddenly Gon said as he looked at the scenery below them.

"Hmm?" Both Shinji and Killua were waiting for him to complete his sentence.

"Where are your mom and dad?" Gon wants to know more about his friends, so he asked.

"Hmm…they're alive…probably." Killua understood what Gon was hinting at, he was asking if his parents are alive or they are dead or missing just like him.

"What do they do?" Gon continued asking, while Shinji was thinking.

'Netero-sensei is almost here! I'm excited!'

"They're assassins." Killua replied indifferently, expecting the shock or the unbelievable face of Gon and Shinji.

"Huh? Both of them?" Gon said something that made Killua freeze for a while, then he looked at Shinji who was indifferently looking through the window.

Then he laughed, he said: " that's your first reaction? You're really interesting!"

"Huh?" Gon didn't understand why Killua starts laughing at his question.

"You're the first person who ever responded seriously." He explained why he laughed.

"Well, you're telling the truth, right?" Gon looked innocently at Killua.

"What makes you think that?" Killua looked at Gon curiously.

"It's just a hunch." Gon replied truthfully.

Killua kept staring at Gon for a while before he sighed and said:

"That's weird…and you Shinji why are you so calm when you heard my words?" Killua turned his head to Shinji who was on his right side and asked, he felt that Shinji was too indifferent to his parent's identities, any normal person when they hear that he is born to a killer family will show at least some sort of reaction, which intrigued Killua.

"Huh? Why are you asking all of sudden?" Shinji who was thinking about how to get the ball from Netero's hands suddenly was awakened from his daze by Killua's question.

"If you don't want to answer don't waste my time." Killua irritably looked at Shinji, he doesn't want to waste these peaceful moments with Gon.

Shinji looked at Killua and thought ' this kid must have suffered a lot since he was born, all the expectations, training, missions, etc… he received from his family must have burdened his little shoulders!'

Shinji although got into farce from time to time with Killua but this doesn't mean he hates him, in fact, this is both their way to know more about each other. So he naturally felt sympathy for Killua's 'miserable' childhood.

Shinji looked seriously at Killua and said: " I really don't care about your identity, if you are good to me then I will treat you the same, that's my principle when dealing with people."

Shinji didn't lie, he doesn't care about the identity of the person, his family, his past, etc… he only cares about how the person acts in front of him.

If he did something bad to him or to someone he knows, then he will become his enemy.

If he helped or treated him well, he will become his friend, As long as he didn't touch his bottom line.

Killua looked at Shinji for a while before he smiled, his experience as an assassin told him that Shinji wasn't lying, he said: " I didn't expect that you will be this wise."

Killua then starts telling his background.

"I'm from an assassin family, so they're all assassins." Killua said in a sad tone as if he seems to dislike the fact he was born In a family of killers.

"And my family has really high hopes for me…" he said this sentence with a mocking smile.

Shinji looked at The sarcastic smile on Killua's face and thought: "High Hopes? Hmph? I'm afraid all they want is just to create the strongest killing machine nothing more.'

Because Killua showcased his monstrous talent when he was a kid, the Zoldyck family decided to make him the future heir. Although it sounds good anyone with a little amount of IQ will realize how painful the process is to become the mighty Zoldyck family patriarch is.

In order for Killua to become the chef of the family, he had to experience countless training such as torture using electricity, poison resistance training, playing hide and seek with monsters, taking assassination missions, etc…

"But you know, I can't stand it, who wants to have their life planned for them?" Killua continued, he hates the feeling of being controlled by his family, he wants freedom, he wants to have fun, and more importantly, he wants to have friends!

Then his voice become higher and said in an exaggerated tone: "when I told them I wanted to decide my own future, they all snapped!"

"My mother had tears streaming down her face, as she told me I have the potential to be a top assassin!"

Gon and Shinji starts chuckling as they saw Killua venting his anger toward his family.

"Horrible parents right? It natural their kid would go bad."

"We ended up fighting. So I stabbed my mother in the face, my brother in the side, and ran away from home. I'm sure they're out for blood now. But if they find me I'll send them packing."

"When I become a Hunter, I'll start by capturing my family. I'm sure they're worth some hefty bounties."

'As expected from the future heir of the Zoldyck family, so filial!'

Shinji looked at Killua who was proudly telling his amazing feat of stabbing his family, a bead of sweat oozed from his forehead, he decided to not provoke Killua in the future or else he will stab him to death, although he won't die he doesn't want to experience pain for nothing.


Netero who had nothing to do felt bored, so he decided to stroll in the airship. When he came out of the corridor, he saw the three of Shinji, Gon and Killua sitting next to the windows talking to each other.

"Hmm." He smiled mischievously like a kid who got an interesting idea.

Then his eyes opened wide, he sent a shocking killing intent toward the three of them.

"Huh!" Gon, Killua and Shinji jumped from their places like scared kittens, although Shinji expected it, he was still caught off guard. knowing what will happen doesn't mean he knows when it will happen.

"Coming!" Shinji grinned excitedly, he has been waiting for this moment for a long time, a 'battle with the strongest Nen user.

The two of Killua and Gon looked left from which the source of that killing intent came from, but Shinji looked at the opposite direction, where Netero appeared and was walking toward them slowly.

"Something wrong?" Hearing the voice, Gon and killua turned around.

"When did he…"

Killua looked at Netero suspiciously.

"Ah, Netero-san…did you see anyone coming from that side?" Gon innocently asked.

"Noo." Netero pretends to be stupid and replied.

"Wow Netero-sensei, you are too fast!" Shinji seems to give a compliment but in fact he revealed that Netero is the one who sent that killing intent a moment ago.

"You are quite fast for an old man." Killua looked at Netero warily, his family taught him that when facing a strong opponent he must never drop his guard and vigilance.

"Oh, you mean that…I barely moved my legs." Netero Shrugged his shoulder, that speed didn't even reach ten percent of his original speed.

Shinji who knows how terrifying the speed of Netero has trusted his words immediately, Netero who exceeds the speed of the sound mustn't have used his real speed just now, what he shows is just the tip of the ass-berg.

"What do you want from us? Didn't you say you will only intervene in the last phase?" Killua got pissed at Netero, first, he sent a killing intent toward them disturbing his time with Gon and Shinji, then pretend nothing happened, how can his mood remain good after all of this?

"I just took a tour around the airship and found that all candidates except the three of you already slept, so I thought how about we play a game together to pass time?"

Netero just wants to pass time before the airship reaches the phase three location, so he thought that Shinji, Gon, and Killua should be enough to entertain him for a while.

"Sorry, but we don't have time to waste with you." Killua mercilessly refused Netero's request.

Shinji remained Silent, he is waiting for Netero to drop the bait.

"Well how about this, if you win then the three of you can become Hunter immediately!"

Netero dropped his trump card, he looked at the expression of the three of them.

"Really! Netero-san I want to play!" Gon was the first to agree without hesitation.

"Count me in!" Shinji of course agreed.

Killua looked at the two of them with the expression of 'you betrayed me' on his face.

"Since all of you agree, then I will also play." Killua followed suit and agreed.