
HUNTER : The Man at The Top Of The Food Chain

Shinji Kuroda has a dream. He dreams of reaching the pinnacle of power. He dreams of standing at the apex of the food chain He dreams of reaching a height no human had ever come near! "My name is Shinji Kuroda, and I'm the Man At the top of the food chain!" Backed by the Inhertiances of all the characters in the myriad realms, Shinji step by step climbed the pyramid of power, and it all started from the Hunter x Hunter world. Discord : discord.gg/hs3kFXH3 ... Losing my father was the hardest thing I've ever experienced. He was my biggest supporter, my mentor, and my friend. After his passing, I found myself struggling to make ends meet, and I turned to writing fanfiction as a way to earn a living. It's not easy, but I pour my heart and soul into every story I write, hoping that readers will connect with the characters and their struggles. This work means everything to me, a tribute to my father, who always encouraged me to pursue my dreams. If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating, as it would mean the world to me and help me continue doing what I love. HERE IS MY P@YP@L : achraf.oubella00@gmail.com IF I CAN MAKE MONEY FROM THIS FANFIC I'LL MAKE A LOT OF CHAPTERS AND INCREASE THE UPDATE SPEED!

AcOu0KinG · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 18 : Phase X Two X Cooking (2)

The image of the character he inherited appeared in front of him.

It was a hot girl who has short blonde hair, brown skin, and green eyes. She also has a noticeably curvy figure and large breasts, which is shown off through the outfits she wears.

"So big!"

Shinji"s eyes almost popped out after seeing the later pair of watermelons.

He didn't recognize this character, but this doesn't prevent him from being shocked by her sexy figure.

"Why do I feel Menchi-vibes from this girl?" looking at her clothes, except for the exaggerated size of her Melons, the style of clothes is really similar to Menchi's style.

Shinji is curious, Which world this girl is from?

He looked at the panel that appeared in front of him to let him Choose the things he wants to inherit from her.

-Inherited Character : Ikumi Mito

-The world : Shokugeki no Soma

-Please chose the following thing to inherit :

1- Cooking Talent.

2- Cooking Experience.

"Ikumi Mito? Shougeki no soma?…" Shinji tried hard to remember if he ever watched this anime or seen this character but he found nothing.

He didn't watch a lot of Anime, he had only seen only those popular ones and some that contain fighting and superpower elements.

Shinji looked at the small list and couldn't help but sigh in disappointment.

"It seems I overestimated my luck."

Seeing that there are only ordinary things, there are no fighting skills, no superpowers, Shinji woke up from his daydreaming.

If he wants to get those things, then he must sacrifice a huge amount of Soul Points.

"At least, I hope the cooking experience of this girl would be good, maybe they can play a role in this test."

Shinji chose option number two, immediately he received a lot of memories containing the experience of this girl of cooking, all the dishes, techniques, and everything she knows about cooking were installed in Shinji's brain.

Through these memories, Shinji knows that what he inherited weren't some ordinary cooking skills.

"This girl must be a very high-ranking chef, with these memories I'm sure cooking will be no problem for me in the future."

A satisfied smile appeared on Shinji's face, with these cooking experiences he won't have to cook eggs and tomatoes in the future anymore!

Shinji looked at the memories and never thought that cooking can be so complicated as this.

"As long as I practice a few times, I can turn these memories into my own experience!"

Although he got the memories of Ikumi Mito's cooking, he needs to practice it or else it will only remain in theory.

"If I made an impressive dish, I'm sure Menchi-swan will get hooked up!" Shinji was full of fighting spirit.

Now he is one step further from the single dog's life, he is going to embrace the world of lovers and say goodbye to loneliness!

thirty years of loneliness and poverty, he swears he isn't going to repeat it again in this life.

Someone will think that these things will only hinder him from reaching his goal which is becoming the strongest person, but Shinji thinks the opposite.

He believes if he didn't solve his love and sexual problems now then they will become his weakness in the future.

He also thinks that having someone you love and cherishes is the best motivation to get stronger. Moreover, having a female partner that will accompany and help you in your journey is more fun than being a lone wolf.

Exploring dangerous places with his wife, seeing the wonderful sceneries in this world together, and eating the best food, is also his second dream in this world.

Only blindly chasing power will result in psychological problems, he doesn't want to become a cold-blooded machine that only thinks of killing and getting stronger.

Some may not like his way of thinking, but if they were to experience his thirty life of virginity and never touching a girl's hand in his previous life they will surely understand him.

Some may also say, why not vent your sexual desires in a brothel and save yourself all the troubles?

With all respect, Shinji doesn't want to waste the precious moment he saved for a lifetime with any woman casually, and also this isn't his objective, he is after a long-term serious relationship based on love, trust, and fun.

enough of this topic, Shinji came out of the inheritance boundary and followed the group back.

All the applicants lit up the fire, and start roasting the pig, of course except Shinji.

Then they served the examiner scorched pigs.

Without a doubt, They were immediately disqualified by Menchi.

"Honestly…all they're doing is roasting the whole pig like it's all they know how to do…no one of them has made any effort!"

Menchi is almost about to explode from anger at the lazy attitude of the examinees.

This scene was seen by Shinji and the others.

"No one's passed yet…" Leorio felt that if he didn't do something then he will receive the same treatment.

"And Menchi hasn't even taken a bit…"

"Just like what Shinji said before, the key to passing this test is to satisfy Menchi's taste."

Kurapika looked at Shinji who is skinning the pig and cleaning its internal organs.

"Brother Shinji do you know how to cook?" Gon stood beside him and looked curiously at Shinji who is working.

Shinji smiled and said confidentially: " I don't know how to cook other dishes, but when it comes to meat… I'm confident I won't lose this test!"

He didn't lie, The memories he got from Ikumi Mito contain a lot of ways to cook meat, as long as he followed these memories he is sure to pass this test.

it made Shinji sigh, this girl's love for meat is as big as her 'Meat'.

Shinji lifted his head and looked at the others and said: "guys if you want to pass this test, then just follow my steps and do like me."

"Really! Great!" Gon Cheered, he didn't doubt Shinji's words the slightest.

"I didn't expect you to hide so deeply, Shinji!" Leorio looked at Shinji and said pretending to be shocked.

"Then we will rely on you, Shinji!" Kurapika patted Shinji's shoulders and said with a smile, knowing that Shinji know how to cook, then as long as they copied him, they may pass this test.

Killua on the side remained silent, although he didn't know how to cook himself he doesn't believe that Shinji who is just a little bit older than them will be that good cook.

"What are we going to do?"

Shinji already determined the dish he will prepare after seeing the ingredients they have.

"We will prepare a dish called 'Dongpo Pork Curry'!" this is the only thing he can think fit their current situation since the main ingredient is pork.

"Huh? I have never heard of this name?" The four of them never heard of it, even killua who came from the rich Zoldyck family didn't hear about it.

"I hope it will be easy!" Gon just hope that this will be something easy to copy.

" The first thing guys you should do is skin the pig and clean it from blood and internal organs." Shinji starts giving them instructions.

The other four followed his order, Shinji had already done this process so he was one step faster than them, he moved to the next step which is to cut a strip of pork belly into five centimeters slices.

Then put them to boil for ten minutes.

While waiting for the pork to boil, he observed the laters work.

"Not bad kurapika, Killua you did good, but Gon, Leorio why there is still skin here and here, also why you didn't remove this, and this…"

On the other side, Menchi already lost her patience, she shouted angrily: " Hey!…can't anyone out there satisfy me?"

"Nah Menchi looks there, those fives seem interesting." Buhara pointed with pig leg in his hand toward the direction of the five of Shinji.

"Huh? What can be interesting in this group of…Ehh!!!" Menchi was about to refuse Buhara's words but was shocked to see four kids and an uncle working seriously like a team.

poor Lerorio was judged as an uncle again.

Her gaze stayed at them and nodded from time, and a charming smile finally appeared on her beautiful face.

"Not bad, finally someone who took this exam seriously."

She noticed this group didn't roast the whole pig directly like those idiots before, but they start to clean the pig from the outside to the inside and then starts separating its meat.

She also saw Shinji who is instructing them and from time to time they gather around him to see how to handle other ingredients.

"Did you see it, Menchi? That bandages-wrapped boy is the one who is directing them, I think he may have some skill in cooking, I wonder what they are going to prepare? I can't wait to taste it!" Buhara looked at the group of Shinji with expectations.

" I'm not blind Buhara, I saw everything, but don't you think the other four are cheating? They are just following That bandage-wrapped boy? How we are supposed to deal with this case?" Menchi frowned, She found this case troublesome.

"Isn't it easy?" Buhara suddenly said.

Menchi looked at him with curiosity and asked: "what do you mean, Buhara?"

"All the five of them must be cooking the same dish since they are copying that boy, right? Then if the dish of the bandages-boy is good we will let them pass and it's the opposite then all of them fall." He said while eating, then he added: "after all there is no rule that prevents the applicants from helping each other." Then he continued his 'eating'.

Menchi nodded, She agreed with Buhara's solution.

"Ok, since they chose to copy him then they should bear the same fate as him!"

"I hope you don't disappoint me, Bandages-boy!" She squinted her beautiful eyes at Shinji, the latter seems to feel her gaze, turned around and his eyes meet her.

'Menchi-chwan is looking at me!' a joyful smile appeared on Shinji's face, and he waved his hands greeting her.

"This boy is interesting" Menchi smiled after she saw Shinji waving at her.

Under Shinji's guidance, the four of Gon, Kurapika, Killua, and leorio managed to create the 'Dongpo Pork Curry Don', although there were some minor changes from his own due to their lack of skill, Shinji believes they are thousands of time better than the other applicants.

"I didn't expect you will be this good" Killua looked at Shinji and said with surprise, it seems he underestimated Shinji.

"Don't be surprised now, in the future you will see more surprising things!" Shinji smiled as he patted Killua's head.

"bastard, what do you think you are doing? don't think because you helped me you can treat me like a child!" Killua was dissatisfied with how Shinji patted his head like how adults do to children.

Shinji and others laughed at the embraced appearance of Killua.

"Let's go, guys! It's time to show them our creation!" With a long Shout, they marched under the watchful eyes of other applicants who noticed their weirdness.

They saw that Shinji and his friends unlike them, didn't bring a whole roasted scorched pig to the examiner, but just some bowels containing some meat.



Some applicants who got passed by the group of Shinji smelled the faint tempting smell in the air and swallowed their saliva.

Shinji stood in front of the examiners, and the others stood behind him waiting for their turn.

"You're finally here, Bandages-boy." Menchi smiled and said.

"Sorry for making you wait, by the way, my name is Shinji Kuroda but everybody call me Giorgio *Ahem* I mean Shinji!" Shinji stood a few feet away from her, he extended his hand to Menchi and looked at her with confidence.

Menchi stretched her graceful hand and said: "Shinji…I don't need to introduce myself again…so let's talk about your Dish first."

Menchi looked at the bowl containing golden strips of pork meat and rice, she can't help but be interested in this dish's name and she think she might have seen something similar to it but this one of Shinji seems different.

Buhara's saliva had already fallen down.

"Is this curry?"

"Right! It's a curry dish...I call it Dongpo Pork Curry."

Then he starts introducing it: "in this dish, I braised the pork belly with soy sauce, oyster sauce, and Shaoxing wine. For spices, I used star anise, ginger, and huajiao."

Menchi after listening to Shinji's introduction starts observing the dish in front of her.

"The fat and meat layer alternate to forge a Three-layer meat, I didn't expect him to know this cutting skill, moreover…"

She touched the bowl gently, and the meat starts trembling.

"This bouncy showcase your skill in controlling the temperature during cooking, honestly, from the appearance alone you deserve to get praised."

"Even Menchi praised Shinji, I'm sure we are going to pass!" Leorio who heard Menchi approving Shinji's skill was already thinking they have passed.

"brother Shinji is great!" Gon also jumped with excitement.

The others also smiled and waited for the judgment of Menchi with expectation.

"Menchi! let's hurry and taste it, I can't wait anymore!" Buhara already lost his patience, he stretched his hand and took a bowl, then he stuffed everything inside it in his mouth and starts chewing.

"Mumm Delicious! It's so tender!"

"*sigh*You never change, Buhara!" Seeing Buhara snatching a bowl of curry like this, Menchi also took her own.

Unlike Buhara, She slowly took a piece of meat and put it in her mouth.

The moment it landed, her eyes opened wide.

'So tender!' the moment she bit it, delicious juice gush out like torrents.

She completely forgot her appearance and starts eating greedily every piece of this dish.

"This dish is so devastatingly…"

"GOOD!" Menchi looked at Shinji and shouted with excitement.

"More, please give me more, this amount is so small!" Buhara on the side protested at the 'small' amount he got. But no matter how much he screamed Shinji only prepared three portions, two for the examiners and one for himself.

Buhara's greedy eyes fell on the bowels of the four of Gon and others.

"Give me all of them and I will let you pass!" Buhara tried tempting them.

"Guys just give him one and leave the other one" Shinji suggested.

The four of them nodded, In the end, each one gave him one portion and left the other one for Menchi.

"You have surprised me, bandages-boy! This dish definitely deserves to be rated as five stars! " Menchi looked at Shinji and was full of shock and surprise, she didn't expect this boy's cooking skills will be this good.

"Please don't call me bandages boy, My name is Shinji, remember it!" Shinji can't help but complain about being nicknamed bandages boy by Menchi.

"I know I know, let's return to our topic…"

"Shinji Kuroda, congratulation, you pass!"

Menchi said with a satisfied smile, the surprise Shinji brought to her is great.

"Right Shinji, would you like to become a gourmet hunter? If you are willing then I will personally train you into a qualified gourmet hunter!"

Menchi felt that Shinji's 'talent' is very high, it would be wasted if he didn't become a gourmet hunter.

She is even ready to guide him personally if he is willing to become one, maybe he can become her new teammate in the future, who knows?

Of course, there is some selfishness too, if she were to mentor Shinji and the latter got promoted to a one-star hunter, then she will be able to upgrade to two stars-hunter!

"Gourmet Hunter?"

"Right, as gourmet Hunters we travel all around the world searching for rare ingredients, we not only got to enjoy exploring undiscovered territories, but we also earn a lot of money, just selling a rare ingredient will allow you to live a lifetime worry-free! How about it? Do you want to become one of us?"

"Just an ingredient will allow you to live worry-free for a lifetime?" Leorio was shocked by Menchi's words, if what she said is true then he also want to become a gourmet hunter!

"Don't think about it, Leorio, gourmet hunters always encounter dangerous magical beasts, I heard that those rare ingredients will always be guarded by monsters. With your strength, you will surely die!" Kurapika instantly shattered Leorio's Dream.

"Damn, you can't allow me to dream peacefully, smart-ass bastard!" Leorio was dissatisfied by Kurapika's words. But he also knows what he said is true.

Shinji put his hand below his chin and starts thinking carefully about Menchi's proposal.

' Originally, my goal is to become a blacklist hunter, which will allow me to hunt criminals, earn soul points, and money, and at the same time clean this filthy world, three birds with one stone. But it seems becoming a food hunter also isn't that bad.'

'Becoming a food hunter, just like what Menchi said will allow me to travel around the world and at the same time encounter various beasts and monsters, which will help me earn soul points and become stronger. Moreover, I think even those rare ingredients may earn me soul points, which is worthy of verifying.'

'Ok it's decided, I will become both of them!'

Shinji looked at Menchi who was waiting for his response with anticipation.

"Before answering your question, I would like to know, can a person belong to more than one type of hunter at the same time?"

"Huh?" Menchi was caught off guard by this question, even the group behind him and buhara.

They looked at Menchi waiting for her answer.

"I think it's possible since there is no rule that specifies that a person can only belong to one type of hunters but most of the hunters focus on only one field due to limited time and energy."

She said everything she knows.

"Ok, I accept your offer, I will become a food hunter but only if you are going to be my guide, and also I will be a blacklist hunter a the same time."

"Great! then after you get the hunter license we shall meet!" Although she doesn't know why Shinji wants to become a blacklist hunter, she didn't care as long as he becomes a gourmet hunter, she is sure to let him realize how wonderful their job is.

Then it was the turn of the four of Gob and others.

Menchi waved at them and said: " all of you have passed, since your dishes are just a copy of the first one there is no reason to waste time."

"We passed!" Leorio screamed with excitement.

"Thanks to Shinji's help or else we will suffer the same fate as the previous ones." Kurapika felt lucky that they have a teammate like Shinji.

Then Menchi stood up and said loudly: " the second phase of the hunter exam ended, only five people passed!"

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