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Henry stood in front of the door before opening it.

"Jarvis, take over control. I don't want to deal with this process. Follow standard muggle communication protocol during the process," Henry said.

"As you command sir," Jarvis said and took control of Henry's body. He put Henry into the training simulation he wanted in his mind.

-The simulation Henry was in-

Henry appeared in a dojo, dressed in black sportswear.

"Jarvis, let's start slowly, increase the number of opponents by one every ten minutes." Henry said.

Out of nowhere, Jude Law appeared, playing a young Dumbledore. He was wearing a fighting kimono. As Dumbledore appeared, Henry's clothes changed into a fighting kimono.

Henry had received therapy many times by Jarvis in the simulation to overcome his second death. This helped him to overcome the pain and its causes. Endless anger and hatred followed his acceptance. He tried meditation to control his anger and hatred, but failed.

Jarvis advised him to try martial arts. The important thing was not that he had anger and hatred but that he could not control it, Jarvis said. It was something Henry had learnt from analysing his past life. One could only control oneself when one had power. The powerless had no choice.

Initially, Henry did not think favourably of this advice. He felt it would be useless for him to gain fighting instinct or control unless he was able to put it into his body. Nevertheless, he took Jarvis' advice and ran the simulations.

He could not gain any bodily development or reflex improvement from the simulations. Jarvis had replicated exactly what Henry's body was capable of. Henry received regular beatings during the two weeks of the simulation.

Changes began to take place in the third week. As well as learning martial arts, Henry realised something. Henry's mindset was very fragile. He made impulsive decisions in the face of enemies or in any dangerous situation. He would act according to his plans, but when faced with danger, his fragile sense of security would lead him to do the wrong thing.

It was ironic that it took a beating to make him realise this. Once Henry realised this, he continued his training simulations relentlessly. It didn't matter if he was injured or killed inside his mind; he was the god of this place. The limitation of his body allowed him to sharpen his fighting mentality. He gained almost nothing from the fights he fought, except his mindset and fight perception.

One of the biggest benefits Henry gained from the training simulations was a steady increase in his pain tolerance. His mind had infinite regeneration and his body did not develop pain tolerance in his mind. Henry was mentally acclimatising to pain.

With his constantly limited fighting capacity, fighting forced him to find the best ways or the most refined moves to avoid pain with what he had.

This training simulation was not only for physical fights, it also included magical fights, duels, group battles.

Henry started fighting in the martial art of today, mma. Henry was a martial arts lover in his past life, and mma was the pinnacle of every martial art.

This was not his first mma training. The problem was that the man in front of him had the strength of a grown man. Jarvis, at Henry's request, had made the training very difficult for him. Not only did the man in front of him have the strength of an adult, but he also had the mixed techniques of the mma champions Henry had admired in his past life.

He was a fighting demon. Apart from having the strength of an eleven-year-old boy, Henry's body did not develop regularly. He would start at the same point in every fight. This strengthened Henry's mind, getting him used to fighting the strong in a weakened state.

Although Mark I regularly sparred with Henry's body, he could not keep up with the physical development set for the training simulations. The pace of his physical development could not match the pace of the training process.

Henry planned to achieve superhuman strength by performing rituals on his body, but he lacked the knowledge to do so. He had to explore the magical world more deeply in order to analyse Jarvis' analyses and produce rituals that would suit his needs.

After two hours of mma training, Henry was lying on the floor of the dojo. Every time his arm or bones were broken, he would start the training all over again. Jarvis had advised him to set lower limits for his combat training. The limit Henry set was the death limit. He would recover and start training again before his body died.

Henry stood up and his surroundings began to change. This time Dumb was in a suit, holding an elderberry staff. Henry knew that it was useless to practice with an insurmountable difference in strength between him and his opponent. For this reason, training simulations would start at a low percentage of the opponent's power limit and increase according to the duration of the training.

Magic combat training was more strenuous for Henry. He had little difficulty at first. As the number of opponents increased, it became difficult to dodge attacks and counterattack with limited magic power. The fact that his opponent was Dumb made the training even more difficult.

Henry's face was like ice. He wasn't shutting down his emotions with Occlumency. His goal now was to have full control of his own emotions. That was why he chose Dumb as his opponent in every training session.

No fear, no anger, no hatred, no excitement, no panic. There were two things he had to have when he fought. Survival and the instinct to kill.

-In the real world-

Jarvis was coming out of the morgue. The people knocking on the door were cops. Cops bought off by Rick. They'd taken Henry to the morgue to identify two bodies registered as family. Jarvis was editing and altering the minds of each of them. Henry's regular stays in the simulation drained his magic in the real world.

This allowed him to improve his magic. At Hogwarts, Jarvis prevented Mark I from increasing the magic capacity of Henry's body through regular magic consumption. The reason for this was to escape the attention of wizards with an enhanced perception of magic. There was no need for this anymore. Jarvis had created the charm that could fool the detection of Henry's magical power.

In this way, Mark I would develop Henry's magical capacity and body at Hogwarts, and Henry himself would take care of the mind. Jarvis would improve the sensitivity of Henry's magic. So Henry would reach the point where he didn't need the Mark I.

Jarvis continued to do the necessary work with Henry's adult licence and the death of his parents. He sent Henry's letters to Flitwick and Edward, and so the process began.