
How to (supposedly) survive a zombie apocalypse [Completed]

This is basically a translation made with Google of my original history. I will change some things, but is basically the same. -The image and the histories I make reference don't belong to me (obviously). -I made this history with the purpose to entertain, so don't burn my house if you get offended please. -If I have any mistake or I can improve in something, tell me, I'm here to learn

Grim_Jester · Komik
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47 Chs

A decent plan

The O- started running towards me in anger and madness.

I braced myself and kept my reflexes and attention to the maximum while I waited for him.

This time I will only use the Weekend, using the bat will only have the same result as last time.

When the zombie was about 10 meters I raised the gun and pointed it at his eyes.

The zombie reacted quickly and covered his eyes with his right forearm, which I counted on.

I moved to the right side of him and fired into the zombie's armpit aiming for his shoulder, causing him to complain in pain and get angrier.

Shooting the joints is the best option against this type, unlike the O+ his joints are uncovered.

The zombie attacked again quickly, which I could barely dodge.

The only thing that makes me able to dodge him is that his movements are very predictable, he may be aware, but that does not take away from him the idiot.

I did the same thing several times to shoot at his joints, now he seemed to be even angrier.

It was getting faster and faster, but also more clumsy and predictable.

Still, after dodging it for a few minutes the Weekend ran out of bullets and I doubt he will let me reload.

I saved the Weekend and took the bat off my back, now it's all I have left.

If he hits me I'll die, nothing more.

Seeing that I no longer had bullets, the zombie moved more erratically and less and less predictably.

Damn, why is the sergeant taking so long?, I doubt I can hold out another minute.

There was a moment when the zombie got so enraged that he rammed me without thinking and at his maximum speed, which I was able to dodge at the cost of having my vest and coat torn.

After that he continued on his way without being able to brake, then hit a wall and left it a little cracked.

That will only stun him for a few seconds, enough time to search for the sergeant.

Just when I was going to look for her, I saw her arrive with the main character's shotgun in her hands.

"What is your plan?" Emma asked seriously.

"Well, it's quite simple, hide behind me and at my signal, you move to the side and shoot the whole magazine" I said seriously as well.

"That plan is horrible" Emma said in disappointment.

"I doubt you have anything better" I said with a bit of annoyance.

"You're right about that" said Emma, ​​then hiding behind me.

After a few minutes the zombie got up again, angrier than ever.

"Come here idiot, or will you let yourself be defeated by the secondary character?" I said annoying him even more.

"RRRRAAAAAAAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!" yelled the zombie running towards Ken completely angry.

"Ready sergeant?" I asked fearfully as he approached.

"Ready" said Emma reloading the gun.

When the O- was about 4 meters from me I shouted.

"Now!" I said to then lean forward and put the bat horizontal to stop the impact.

The zombie lunged at me with all his might, dragging me back for about 3 meters, causing me to almost fly off and my bat to bend a bit.

Upon stopping him for a few seconds, the sergeant moved to the side and took aim at the zombie by putting the barrel of the gun right in his forehead and firing quickly.


After the shot I moved to the side and dropped the zombie on the ground.

The shot was enough to make him faceless, I doubt he can survive that.

Seeing him lying on the ground without moving for a few seconds, I was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Apparently your plan worked again, you should join my platoon" said Emma surprised.

"Don't even think about it, this is the last time I do something as crazy as this" I said in complete denial.

At that the sergeant gave a little laugh.

"Yes, I think I also want to retire after this" said Emma with a tired look.

"I'm going to see how my last soldier is, will you cover my back?" Emma asked calmly.

"Ok" I said in a tired tone.

We walked to the last living soldier and he appeared to be almost dead.

I have no idea what happened to him, but he seems to have all his bones broken.

"How do you feel soldier?" Emma said in a worried tone.

"I-I've been worse, b-but I can't move at all" said the soldier a little worried.

"I'll call in reinforcements, just stay alive" Emma said as she walked away and used the small radio.

As more she spoke on the radio her face changed to different expressions, from concern to horror.

I don't like that at all.

The sergeant came up to us quickly and told us.

"There are zombies A,B attacking the camp, apparently they went crazy after hearing the cry of the O-" Emma said concerned.

Damn, Halley.

Just as I was going to run towards the camp I saw that the O- was getting up again.

'I don't have time for this idiot' I thought in annoyance as I recharged the Weekend.