
How to (supposedly) survive a zombie apocalypse [Completed]

This is basically a translation made with Google of my original history. I will change some things, but is basically the same. -The image and the histories I make reference don't belong to me (obviously). -I made this history with the purpose to entertain, so don't burn my house if you get offended please. -If I have any mistake or I can improve in something, tell me, I'm here to learn

Grim_Jester · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

The alpha cry

The O- got up slowly, and just as I was about to shoot him in the face again, he did something I didn't see coming.

He smiled.

A macabre and crazy smile, his face almost completely destroyed and the blood in his mouth only made it more chilling.

Even my hand shook for a moment preventing me from shooting.

The O- raised his hand and with it crossed his own chest pulling his heart out.

And followed by this I heard the worst and highest sound I have ever heard.

"*SSSCCRREEEEEEEECCCHHHH!!!!!!!*" the zombie yelled in agony.

The sound was so high-pitched that my ears instantly started to bleed, causing me to fall to the ground.

And so it stayed for a few seconds until I was knocked unconscious.


My whole body aches, my ears are ringing, and my brain is not working properly.

I remember there was something important that I had to do, but I don't remember what.

A few seconds later, the answer hit me like lightning.


I have to find Halley, I have to see if she's okay, I have to get up.

When I opened my eyes I realized that the sergeant was in front of me, guarding the area.

I got up slowly alerting the sergeant and making her take notice of me.

"H-- a-e y-- ok--?" Emma said with concern.

I can barely hear her, my ears are still ringing.

After a few more seconds, I was able to hear a little better.

"S-sergeant, what happened to the zombies and the O-?" I said with concern.

At my question the sergeant's expression changed to a gloomy and sad one.

"Sorry engineer, the last cry of the zombie made all the zombies A,B die and infect the camp completely" Emma said in a gloomy tone.

Before that answer I was silent for a moment, and then walked towards the camp.

"Where are you going engineer?, There is no one left to save" said Emma trying to persuade Ken.

I didn't answer her, I just took the bat and continued walking slowly towards the camp.

Along the way I became more and more nervous and realized reality with each step, causing me to start jogging towards the camp, then running like I have never done before.

This can't be happening, right? Surely there is some way to solve this, right?

I have to think of something, whatever, maybe they evacuated before the attack, maybe the guard took her away from the camp.


Everything will be fine, for sure I worry more, for sure she is fine.

It's just me worrying about more like I always have, it's just that little voice that always bothers me with the worst case scenario.

I kept running for a few minutes until I reached the camp, which was completely full of bodies lying on the ground, both zombies and humans.

The scream killed all the zombies regardless of their blood type, so there is still a hope that she is okay.

There is still an opportunity, even if it is small, I still have something to hold on to.

I looked inside the store where she was, as well as all the places around it.

I did not find anything.

T-that's good, that means she might be fine elsewhere.

But my mind never left me alone, not unless I went through the entire camp.

I wanted to shout to find Halley, but was afraid of getting a response from one of the bodies on the ground.

It's difficult to find something here, it's still covered in spores and they blur my vision.

So I followed my intuition and looked in every place I pass.

Every place I checked without finding Halley made me feel a little relieved.

Maybe she really ran away, yeah, I just cared more.

Still, my body kept running and searching every place without finding anything at all.

I was about to look for a place to sit down and calm down a bit, when I saw Halley's guard sprawled on the ground.

I walked over quickly and grabbed him by the vest pulling him close to my face.

"Where is Halley?" I asked with utter concern.

I don't want him to answer me, somehow I know the answer, even if I want to deny it, but if he confirms my fears ...

"I-I had to leave her to help with the a-attack" said the barely conscious soldier.

"What did you say?, Why did you do something so stupid?!!, You had a damn job!!, I left you in the care of the most important person for me and you leave her for saving other idiots?!!!" I said in total anger as I shook him erratically.

I put the soldier down and ran as fast as I could in any direction.

And after searching for a few minutes, I could see what I didn't want to see.

Halley, my little Halley, lying on the floor unconscious.