
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · Televisi
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75 Chs


Once everyone had settled into my estate I began telling some basic rules. Such as no feeding from the servants and workers. They could get their blood from my supply in the cellar. Fighting was to be had in the courtyard if unavoidable, if things were damaged liable parties were to pay for them. Finally my study was off limits to everyone except for Freya. She wouldn't find my outline book and even if she did I had written it in code that only I knew. Sure I was planning on telling someone eventually. I was just cautious in trusting anyone in this world. 


Klaus had for some reason also kept his fathers ashes, Kol had been able to steal some before leaving the compound. We needed some of Esther's blood, and unfortunately it was proving rather difficult. Everyone had been throwing ideas around on how to get a bit of the blood. 


"It's a thousand year old corpse, would there even be any blood left in the body to collect?"


"The hard part is getting back into the compound. Niklaus no doubt has doubled security around the property."


"Well he hasn't sent anyone after any of you as of the moment, that has to be good news right?" 


They all turned to look at me as if I had grown a second head. 


"Nik is plotting something, it's what he does." 


"Bex is right, in all the lifetimes I've known my brother. I know for a fact that he does not take betrayal lightly. All of us leaving him is a grave offense in his mind." 


"We can expect him to work with Dahlia, our brother has always searched for power or those with the ability to grant him his desires."


"Finn, you cannot be serious."


"I believe it to be the most likely outcome Freya."


They continued to discuss possible outcomes and a workable plan. I got up and poured myself a stout drink and looked out the window at the near empty street. Something felt off, New Orleans was never this quiet in the afternoon. Before I could turn to warn the others, the entire house began to shake. 


Finn blurred to Freya's side protectively and Kol went rover to Rebekah. Marcel joined me by the window as I peeked out again. 


"What do you see out there, Reaper?" 


I glared at him as he grinned at me. "Never thought I'd hear that name again."


I had nearly forgotten that Marcel had served in World War 1. He had been a part of a unit that I recalled were a Brotherhood of some sort. Hearing the name they gave me fighting in the trenches made me grimace at the overly edgy moniker. 


"Your reputation precedes you, I had my suspicions when I first saw you. They had posters of you up around the camp I was in." 


"Marcel, let's focus on the current problem yeah?"


I peeked out of the window as the house shook again. I spotted Dahlia and Klaus standing side by side at my gate.


"What's the plan?"


I turned to look at everyone who had made there way over to where Marcel and I were taking cover. Paintings and shelves were falling over as the house violently shook again. I turned to Marcel, 


"Down by the cellar there's a trunk filled with guns, they're loaded with wooden bullets laced with vervain. There's also a case of stakes and bladed implements if that's more your speed." 


Marcel dashed off to find the weapons without another word. Freya turned to me,


"Freya, inside my vault is a grimoire. The rest of you help her find a spell that can help us take Dahlia down. In the meantime, I'll go and try to negotiate." 


Freya gave me a quick kiss before taking Finn and Rebekah's hand dragging them off to my vault. I stood up and straightened my suit, dusting it off slightly before stepping out of the home just as Marcel came back with a Browning Machine Gun and a few belts of ammo slung around his shoulders. 


"Prove some cover fire when I give you the signal. You'll know when you see it."


He nods and blurs towards the roof as I begin to walk towards Dahlia and Klaus. The pair look at me as I approach. Klaus grins as Dahlia thrusts her hands out at me. Feeling a wave of magic wash over me I sigh before continuing to walk forward. 


Dahlia frowns and redoubles her effort, this time the wave of magic is three times as strong. Still, the rune Morgana carved into my bones held true and I continued unphased. 


"If you could be so kind to cease your pointless siege on my home it would be greatly appreciated." 


Dahlia attempts to fling a stake at me with magic and I lazily wave my hand stopping it mid air. Beads of sweat appeared on her forehead as she pushed the stake. I sighed and with a snap of my finger the stake exploded sending shards of wood flying through the air. 


"What are you?" 


"I'm a vampire." 


"You lie! No vampire is stronger than I, not when I channel an original vampire and the might of my full coven." 


"I was wondering what you did with Elijah, stabbed the very brother who stuck by your side. My how far you've fallen, Niklaus." 


"It was your doing that led me to such a path!"


"I didn't drive away my siblings with my paranoia, and as tempting as it was I did not murder whole villages for insulting me." 




"That is enough child. We will destroy this witch with our combined efforts." 


"Oh for fucks sake, all you people always assume I'm a witch." 




Klaus charged at me, teeth bared in a snarl, I quickly swatted him away and moved to dodge Dahlia's attack but I wasn't fast enough to dodge the follow up. I felt stinging pain as she tore my heart from my chest with a triumphant look on her face. 


"Fuck! That hurts, what is it with you lot and tearing hearts out." 


Dahlia's smile faded as the heart she held crumbled to dust and the blood shot back to my body. I felt the familiar itch as my wound stitched itself shut and rush as a new heart grew from nothing. Horror was etched on Dahlia's face as she pointed a finger at me. 


"You! Who gave you those tunes carved into your bones." 


"Wouldn't you like to know, evil bitch." 


I froze her in the spot just as Klaus recovered and rushed at me. I froze him mid air and dropped the both of them on the gravel driveway. Marcel appeared on my side looking a bit disappointed. 


"I didn't get to shoot the Browning." 


"You'll get your chance eventually." 


"Why didn't you do that freeze thing at the beginning?"


"Because it would have made things awfully boring Marcel, besides I'm kind of regretting it now because this is the third suit I've ruined this month." 


"Never been a fan of suits." 


"Don't let Elijah hear you say that."


Marcel lets out a chuckle just as Finn and Kol run out of the home. Rebekah and Freya trail close by behind them and Freya looked at me dubiously.


"Seriously?" She said pointing at the two frozen mid pose on the ground.


"What? Negotiations failed." 


"Why were we even worried about them attacking when you could have just done this?"


"Honestly I don't know," I shrugged "Must have slipped my mind." 


Freya stomps over glared at me. "You could have frozen them at any time and we wasted all that effort planning." 


"I'm sorry," I scratch the back of my head. "I'll just freeze everyone who wants to fight next time and ruin all the fun." 


"Oh stop, you do that already. You'll need to make this up to me." 


"Oh? What did you have in mind?"


"I was thinking. Maybe running me a bath and joi-"






"Can I watch?"




We all turned to Kol who shrugged. "What? If they're going to be so open about their relationship I figured they'd let me watch."


"Sister please refrain from mentioning the intimacies you share in your relationship while I am in the room." 


"Guys we're forgetting something important here!" 


I drew attention to the immobilized Klaus and Dahlia, the two were converting so much fury with their eyes. Finn and Kol took a person each. 


"I'll take Niklaus back to the compound, we have a dungeon made specifically for him that should let him reflect on his actions." 


"Then I'll take Dahlia to the witches, they'll know how to deal with her." 


I handed Kol a pair of magic restraining cuffs, "Those should restrain her magic completely." I turned to Finn. "Keep an eye out for Elijah, Dahlia mentioned how she was channeling him when I fought her and Klaus." 


They went their separate ways and we headed back to the house. Using a bit of my power along with Freya's magic we made short work with repairing the damages. Marcel and Rebekah disappeared together after helping the servants with injuries. Freya and I sat in my study, she was in my lap showering me with kisses. Pulling away she got off and sat across from me. 


"So why didn't you just kill them? Your power seems to be able to do just about anything."


"While it is a powerful ability, it's only an ability that lets me move things with my mind. While I could crush them I doubt that it would put them down for long." 


"So you're not all powerful?"


"No, I've never claimed to be." 


"Mmm, about that wager." 


I raised an eyebrow as she got up and took my hand leading me back to my bedroom. 


"I think we have the house to ourselves."