
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
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75 Chs

Augustine Falls

Kol returned without Dahlia, the witches in the quarter took punishment into their own hands. I wasn't quite sure what they did but whatever it was I hoped that it was permanent. Dealing with the ancient witch was troublesome. Finn had imprisoned Klaus beneath their compound, the cell had been spelled by a powerful witch in the past to hold Mikael. Finn assured me that Klaus would never escape without any help. With our problems dealt with, the Mikaelsons all bid Freya and I goodbye and moved back to the compound. Kol wanted to travel the world Finn wanted to find Sage who had been missing since Klaus stuck a dagger in him centuries ago. Freya bid him good luck after attempting a locator spell to find her. 


Rebekah bristled at the mention of Finn's lover Marcel dragged her away before she could start insulting the woman. Once Freya and I were alone once more I collapsed in my bed with a sigh. Freya crawled into my arms and wrapped her arms and legs around me. 


"So what now?"


"What do you mean?"


"Well, after my creator abandoned me I've never really had a plan with what to do. Do you have any ideas that you'd like to put to reality?"


Freya was silent for a moment, she closed her eyes as if deep in thought. She opened them a moment later and looked at me. 


"Kol had a pretty good idea of traveling the world, we could visit Amelie before heading off to tell her."


"How do you think she'll take it, us being together I mean?"


"She's an understanding girl. I don't think she'll really throw a fit. Except maybe wanting to come with us." 


"That's fair, when do you want to head out to New York?"


"Mmm we can give it a few days, I need some alone time with you."


"You're insatiable," I watched as she grinned before slipping out of her dress. "I love it." 


A week later we had called ahead, Amelie was excited to see the both of us apparently something had happened and she had discovered her power. Freya and I had packed our trunks and sent them ahead of us to Rome, our first destination. We were now on a train headed to New York. She was looking out the window of our compartment. The passing scenery elicited a smile from her as they flew past the locomotive. 


The rest of the ride was rather uneventful, aside from an unruly passenger who had to be thrown off nothing much had happened. We got off the train in an unfamiliar street in New York, I spun around just in time to catch Amelie who planted a heated kiss on my lips. Her friends who had come with her giggled and looked away shyly. I squeezed her hips to tell her not to go too far. She hopped off and fixed her hair, greeting Freya with a smile. 


"This is Seth, and this is Freya." Amelie introduced us to her two friends. 


"It's my pleasure to meet you." I kissed their knuckles but backed away quickly when I felt Freya and Amelie glaring at the back of my head. 


"Amy, you didn't tell us your boyfriend was such a good looker." 


"Oh stop it Cassie, it'll go to his head." 


"And what is your name?" I turned to the last one who was fidgeting on the spot after being called out. 


"That's Hannah, she's a bit shy Seth so stop eyeing her like a snack." 


"Amelie, you have such gorgeous friends."


"And they're off limits!" She glared at me and dragged her friends away to the waiting car. 


"What did she mean by that?"


"Come on Seth, you were looking at the quiet one as if you wanted to eat her. And not in the sexual way." 


"I'm sorry," I chuckled looking around. "The train ride left me feeling a bit peckish."


"We'll go out for food tonight, we'll bring Amelie along to see how far she's progressed with controlling herself."


"She seems pretty in control to me." 


"We'll see tonight." 


We arrived at an extravagant hotel and a bellhop unloaded our bags from the cars. Amelie pulled her friends away as Freya and I checked in. Soon we were looking around at the presidential suite we had bought out for the week. Amelie gushed over the pool out on the balcony and I went over to the large bar to pour myself a drink. 


Freya came out of the bathroom wearing a one piece swimsuit and joined the other women in the pool. I felt my blood lust growing as I watched them laugh and splash each other with water. Amelie joined me inside a while later and pulled me into the bathroom. Her lips were on mine the second the door closed. She tore at my clothes removing them as I slipped her out of her swimsuit. A moment later I was sheathed in her warmth with my fangs in her neck. The connection pulsed pleasure into both our bodies and she let out a moan. I drank my fill before she sank her fangs gently into my shoulder, licking the blood that spilled out before the wound closed. After a few more thrusts we both climax and I'm clutching her sweaty body to mine. She's breathing hard when she's putting her swimsuit back on and leaving me in the bathroom slightly less thirsty.


I put on a pair of shorts after cleaning up a bit, I folded my suit and set it down in the master bedroom before joining everyone out on the pool. Freya eyeballed me suspiciously and sniffed the air around me when I got into the water next to her. 




"What? I was hungry, and a bit aroused. She just happens to be the one that got to me first." 


She swam over to me till she had her back to me. While facing Amelie and her friends she slid her hand down my shorts and began stroking my cock. I growl and grab her waist. Amelie and her friends look over curiously. 


"Seth, what are you two doing?"


"Nothing much love, just ignore us. Freya was just mad that I forgot something." 


I felt her ease my member out of my shorts and pressed it against her rosebud. I growl out a warning but Freya just turned to me and grinned. She pushed us back against the wall of the pool until half my length sank into her ass. I bit back a groan and tightened my grip on her hips. Amelie narrowed her eyes and looked at Freya's flustered face and my barely concealed grimace. She grinned evilly and floated over to us and started teasing Freya's breasts. Freya yelped in surprise and I watched as Amelie's friends blushed and looked away. 


Freya bucked her hips taking in another few inches. Amelie's lips met mine before she turned to Freya, they shared a rather passionate French kiss and I felt my organ twitch deep in Freya's back door. I groaned out loud when Freya began to grind her rear into my hip once she had me fully sheathed in her. Soon we migrated over to the bed and things turned into a haze of bliss. 


Waking up a few hours later with both Freya and Amelie snuggled into my arms on opposite sides I sighed. Then I felt a weight on my waist and my eyes widened in shock. Hannah and Cassie were also in bed naked with us. Satisfaction etched onto their faces, dried bodily fluids stained their thighs and smiles on their faces. Freya woke up first looking around the aftermath of our group activity and she sighed. 


"How did it end up like this?"


"You started it. I just wanted to enjoy the afternoon sun." 


"Two other girls Seth, two."


"Relax, you and Amelie are enough for me." 


Amelie stirred away and looked at her friends before giggling. 


"Finally managed to get them to break out of their prudish shells." 


"Amelie! Have you been corrupting the innocent women in your school?" 


"Seth, you shouldn't talk. The noises you were getting them to make were down right sinful." 


I turned to Freya and she raised her hand. "Don't look at me."


I sighed, soon Hannah and Cassie woke up and apologized. We assured them that it was alright and they went to the bathroom to wash up before excusing themselves back to the women's dorm. Amelie bid them farewell and came back into the room looking happier than she did that morning.


"So you don't have a problem sharing me with Freya?" 


"As long as she doesn't have a problem sharing you with me." 


"Fine, you mentioned your power this morning over the phone?"


"Oh yeah," She extended her hand. "Watch, I don't need to access my magic to do this." 


Freya and I watched as arcs of electricity came to life between her fingers. She smiled and dispelled her power before looking at Freya. 


"Have you discovered your power yet?"


"No, not yet." Freya narrowed her eyes at the auburn haired vampire. 


"Amelie, how did you discover yours?" 


"Oh! Right, I was walking back to the dorms one day when a professor I had never seen before attempted to inject me with vervain. It didn't work as he expected so he tried to stab me. I blasted him back with this power, I summoned a large bolt of lightning that put him in the medical wing." 


"Any idea why he'd come after you?" 


"Not really, he said something about being a good test subject for 'Augustine' but I did some research on every company and program on campus and I couldn't find any mention of this 'Augustine'."


"Seth, Seth are you alright?"


Morgana's spell blunted the anger I felt, I clenched my fist and sighed. 


"That's because it's a secret society Amelie, Freya you most likely have never heard of this group before too yeah?" 


They both shake their heads and I continue. 


"Augustine is a secret society of scientists hell bent on exterminating the vampire race. Damon Salvatore may have run into them in the past." 


"Is that the blue eyed brother?"


"Yes, why?"


"I saw him and his brother being dragged into an abandoned building weeks ago. I went after them to try and help but when I went in the building was empty." 


"So they've made their move. Amelie, I'll need you to show me this building." 


She nods and walks over to a map of New York on the wall. I followed her and Freya stood close by behind me. Amelie began to list out abandoned buildings that were closed for construction or some other odd excuse. Freya made note of several that piqued her interest. 


"Okay we'll split up and search the buildings. We'll meet up here where Amelie last saw Damon and Stefan once we're done searching."


They nodded in agreement and before they made to go search for the shadowy organization I gave them a few more words of warning. 


"They may be humans but do not underestimate them, they could catch you off guard with some device of theirs. Don't let them get too close, deal with them at a distance and if you have to, then kill them quickly." 


The two gave me kisses and hushed 'be carefuls' before blurring away into the darkening sky. I took off into the air and flew around spotting an empty building below me. I landed on the roof and reached out with my power. There was nothing in there, not even a secret room. 


I flew to the next one and did the same, I found a few empty cells in this building but no wayward Salvatores. Landing on the next building I felt magic steeped into the walls and grinned. They were hiding something in this one. I reached out with my power and destroyed the ward stones in the walls. I flew over to the front entrance and kicked the doors down. Several scientists jumped up in surprise. A guard came running at me with a stake and with a wave of my hand he was reduced to a red stain on the wall. The scientists froze at my display of power. 


"Now that I have your attention, would someone explain to me what you lot are doing here?"


"W-We don't have to explain ourselves to you beast!"


I turned to the female scientist who had spoken. I blur over to her and blur back to where I was standing. She struggled against my grip and I noticed an engagement ring in her finger. I smiled sadistically and searched the room until I found the man wearing the matching ring. 


He looked worried as I held his fiancé in my arms. I wrenched her white lab coat open exposing her neck. Brushing her hair to the side I looked at her fiancée as I sank my fangs slowly into her neck. She let out a groan of pain as my teeth broke her skin. I snaked a hand around her, holding her intimately as I began to drink. 


"Okay! Stop! Let her go." 


I kept my fangs in her neck but I stopped drinking her blood. I looked at the man, he had tears running down his face.


"No, don't tell this demon anything Tom." 


The woman called out weakly and I grinned after taking my fangs out of her neck. He took a step forward toward me and I bit back down on his fiancés neck. She screamed as I spun her around and began to drain her of blood. Her hands struggled to pry me off as sobs escaped her lips. Her struggle weakened and she eventually stilled. Her heart barely a flutter in her chest. 




The man rushes at me with the stake the guard had dropped. I froze him and everyone else where they stood. I looked at him and smiled. 


"Evelyn. That's a beautiful name, I'll have to remember it if she's to be my new vampire bride." 


I bit into my wrist and stuck the wound into Evelyn's mouth. She tried to push my arm away and clenched her lips shut but I grabbed her by the throat and forced her mouth open. My blood stained her teeth red as she drank. She began to sputter and cough as she slowly began to turn. I laid her gently on the floor as I turned back to the frozen scientists. 


"You don't need to tell me what's going on here, I already know." 


I unfroze Tom, he struggles against my power. "Augustine won't stop coming after you." 


"Oh Tom, after tonight. There won't be an Augustine left."


Evelyn stood up and walked over to me. Tom looked at her tears in his eyes. 


"Evelyn my Angel, run. Run while you still can." 


"Tom, I'm no longer yours." 


His eyes widened in horror as Evelyn walked over to my side and began kissing me passionately. My hands wandered on her body and caressed her curves. She bit onto my lower lip and let out a moan as I nipped her neck. 


"You, you foul creature! What have you done to Evelyn? Evelyn baby! Run, he's got you compelled." 


"On the contrary Tom, she was compelled when she was with you. When she transitioned into a vampire those compulsions wore off. If I had to bet, I'd think one of your colleges here is the culprit. I can not compel people after all." 


Evelyn walked over to an older scientist and pointed him out to me. 


"It was him, he compelled me to work my way into augustine. He had me seduce you so that you'd let him into the wards." 


I released my hold on Tom, pulling Evelyn back to my side. I grinned and released the vampire as well. They both glared at each other and attacked. Evelyn didn't so much as blink as she watched the man she had been previously engaged to fight the vampire. 


The vampire slashed Tom across the chest, Tom fell to the floor groaning. We watched as Tom was picked up by the hair and the vampire sank its teeth into him. Tom screamed but not before driving the stake through the vampire's heart. The two fell onto the floor, the vampire turning gray and Tom turning pale as his blood leaked out of the wounds he had sustained. Evelyn walked over to him and took his hand. 


"Goodbye Tom." She said as she put the ring on her finger back into his hand. 


Tom coughed up blood and groaned something. I floated the remaining scientist over to where I stood and offered a hand to Evelyn. 


"You must be feeling hungry my dear." 


She smiled at me and jumped onto the remaining scientist who screamed out just as Evelyn tore into his throat. She finished her meal moments later and I wiped the blood from her face. She pulled me into another heated kiss and we fell to the floor. Our kiss turned primal, she fumbled with my pants as I bunched her skirt up on her waists. Pushing her undergarments aside I sheathed myself into her with a groan. There was no passion, just a need to mate and couple with her. Moments later we climax together and I empty my seed into her. She gasps as the sensation and clenched around my length. 


After cleaning up and straightening out our clothing we set fire to the building and left to go to the last one, there we met Amelie and Freya who looked at me dubiously. 


"We left you alone for a few hours and you've already snagged another woman." 


"This is Evelyn, she used to work for Augustine but now she's mine. Treat her nicely, I think we could benefit from her research."


"Right, her research. "


"Freya, what's that supposed to mean?" 


"I think she can smell that we've had sex." 


"Oh come on, you've already fucked the new bride?" 




"Yeah since you're pretty much Dracula at this point."


"You did refer to me as 'your new bride' back there." 


I looked at Evelyn. "Not you too, don't join in on their mischief." 


"It's true, Dracula had three brides: a redhead, a blonde and a brunette. I'd say all you need now is a castle." 


"Oh for fucks sake, enough with the Dracula jokes. Let's just go find the Salvatores." 


I walked past them and into the last building, ready to wipe out the rest of Augustine.