
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
Not enough ratings
75 Chs

Family Matters

"I was my mothers blood that we needed."  


Freya's words echoed through my head and I cursed silently. I clenched my fist, I knew I had forgotten something important. 


"Well how are we going to get our mothers blood? She's been dead nearly a thousand years."


Freya turned to Klaus. "Are you going to tell them or am I?


"Tell us what Nik?"


"What are you hiding brother?" Even Elijah looked perturbed that Klaus had been hiding something. 


"You kept it didn't you?"


He glared at me. "You kept your mothers body, after all these years." 


His siblings take a step back from him. "Is this true Nik?"


"Oh come now Bex, look at him. He doesn't have to answer. The way he's glaring at Seth is all the answer we need." 


"But why, why would you do that? We buried her Nik." 


"Why else? Unless he was feeling an awful lot of regret for something." 


"Not another word out of you!" 


He blurs towards Freya, but I stop him before he could reach her. 


"Now that's an interesting reaction. I wonder what got him to get so defensive at the 'accusation'?"


I emphasized the word 'accusation' trying to draw the rest of their attention to Freya's last sentence. Walking over to her, I take her hand before addressing her siblings who would listen. 


"We will be returning to my home, it is a safe haven that Dahlia cannot enter, it has been warded to those who would do me harm. Any of you who wish to join me in planning for the road ahead are welcome to join." 


Freya and I turn before exiting the room and headed out of the compound. 


"Do you think any of them will join?"


I looked at Freya, she seemed torn leaving her siblings behind. But she knew that the safest place was my home at the moment, Dahlia didn't know where it was and even if she did I had placed some of the strongest barriers I could create with my mental powers. Which was surprising but I wasn't complaining. I did have to recharge the barriers every week which would take a bit out of me. But it wasn't anything a cup of blood couldn't fix.


"I think Finn might, maybe Kol. Rebekah might once she figures out what Klaus has done. Elijah will probably stick by Klaus, he always has." 


"To think that he killed our mother, and kept her body." 


"I'm more surprised at the latter."


"A witches body is powerful Seth, consecrated it would add that witches power to the ancestral plane in that burial ground."


"Thankfully he hasn't consecrated her remains. We don't need your mother running around casting spells as a ghost." 


"Her spirit is most likely aware of everything, but tell me. How did you know that my charming half brother killed our mother?"


"It's one of those things that I can't tell you about. What did you mean by her spirit being aware?"


Freya smiled at me, "I'll tell you if you tell me one of your secrets."


"I'm from the future. Now tell me." 


"What? No! That's a lie. I'm not going to tell you now."


"Your problem if you don't believe me. Am I to believe Freya Mikaelsdottir is a woman to go back on her word?"


"Are you really from the future?" 


"I can't tell you that." 


"Then what was the point of blurting that out!"


"Am I interrupting something?"


We both turned, Finn was walking out of the compound with a bag in one hand and his coat folded in the other.


"We were just having a discussion about who would follow us. A sort of game or a wager if you may."


"Ah, I believe Rebekah and Kol are on their way. They were just packing some things."


I turned to Freya. "Told you."


"I never said they wouldn't you ass." 


"Speaking of ass."


Freya paled as she remembered what she had told me before. Finn let out a laugh surprising the both of us. We turned to him, Freya beat me to the question. 


"What's so funny brother?"


"Nothing sister, just that when you two argue you remind me a lot of Mikael and Esther when they were younger." 


I turned to Freya who was just in as much shock as I was.


"Is this true love?" 


"I-I don-"


"Ah Finn, it was so nice of you to wait for me. Hello Freya."


Rebekah joined us as we waited Freya began asking Finn questions about their parents after she had been taken away. Not wanting to intrude on the sibling moment I took a step back and Rebekah stood next to me. 


"So… my sister." 


"I guess I have a thing for blondes." 


"Could have fooled me." I looked at her as she turned her head away. "Marcel is also coming, he might be a newborn vampire with only a year or so in him but he's good in a fight." 


"What does Klaus have to say about that?"


"Nik doesn't get a say in my life anymore than he does Marcel's. Besides, Elijah is staying with him to make sure he doesn't do anything dastardly." 


Pretty much as predicted then, I looked at the compound just as Kol walked out through the doors. A grin plastered on his face as he slung his burlap bag over his shoulder. 


"Is everyone ready?"