Transmigrated in to Harry Potter's body at the age of 7. Might have major changes to the story plot of the movies So please do enjoy [Harry Potter Universe] Donation :
( Combat Chamber)
" You see Harry unlike other families, we Blacks believed in only power. So before we can teach you any of our trade summon the Family magic. " said Scur
"Ek kallár maktrinn ór the darkestrinn hour. Magicrinn til binð reality til okkarr welm. Maktrinn vitumk inn granðinn illusionist. Maktrinn ór blackanórr blacks ek kallár þú svar minn kallsvár ek segðumk meiri svá þat munu" said Harry(call upon the power of the the darkest hour. THE magic to bind reality to our welm. The power found in the grand illusionist. The power of the Blacks of Blacks I call on you answer my call So I said more so it be).
Suddenly a overbearing force come and suppressed everyone bearing the Black Bloodline in the room. Figures started to appear taking the form of 3 Ravens which quickly took flight and flied straight into Harry chest signifying Harry As HEIR to their family.
" By Odin's beard, To summon not one but all the Family guardian spirits. You young Pup have power and great amounts of it. Now to introduce my self, I am Scur Blackmoor mastered the magic of illusion Specifically The battle aspect of it. Think about Information is the greatest aspect of any war, District and break the chain of info and you have pretty much won. That's what I going to teach you, make them look left while you attack right. The guardian spirits cover the 3 aspects of our family magic. The main Raven is our Illusions and Black magic, The second Biggest is our memory/Occlumency, The third is our Animagus affinity. But enough Talk I will train you how to wield a blade and our magic as an extension of that blade, These descendants of mine messed up my saying about staying pure to the family, Family above all else was the foundation of Clan Black, come..." Said Scur
( 2 years later)
" Come Harry fight " Said Scur watching Harry Combat 25 combat dummies at once
" Make them look left Harry, compile them too" Said Scur
" You know what! Fuck it, this better be worth it Scur" said Harry
" You use Illusion battle magic as if it was Forged for you specifically, you scare me young Harry, You took my training as if like a fish to water. I have nothing left to teach. Carry on too the next " said Scur
" Thank you for the lessons Scur " said Harry
" Hadrian, You must understand due to my actions our family left our noble roots and took on a more of a Anglo-Saxon adaption. Similar but not the same as I did not Change our Family's Guardian spirit to birth a new but Powerful, now I think about it. When The Peverell Family conducted their ritual so did we, which gave birth to a new magic in our blood By combining illusions and Animagus. It gave birth to Metamorphmagus as we changed from Blackmoor to Black. When yours wipe out the world's knowledge regarding The Peverell's expect for 3. We never forgot thanks to our guardian of memory. Enough about history the will be time later. First Introduction is First I am Sir Bolder His majesty's Shadow. You see the Potter deal with external enemies while the Blacks dealt with internal ones and information gathering and securing.. I am Lord Commander of the Order of the Black Lotus. The Crown's what is this word...Ah! yes spy and Assassin. The Blacks of Old we the Crown's Shadows . I'll teach you in the arts of the mind, Knife wielding , Information gathering and torture and our Assassination techniques ." said Bolder
" How are we doing to do this? " asked Harry
" Same way that foul Herold did, Kneel" Said Bolder
" I will unto you Hadrian Descendant of Black mine Knowledge and skill, I will onto you mine blade[ Nightmare] to remove the line tethering them to reality, With skill and strength remove your enemies and those that wish harm to the Family, Do you Hadrian accept to being mine student till time comes for the student to be the teacher?" stated Bolder
" I accept" said Harry
" Than Come we have to sharp your instincts" said Bolder
( 2 years later)
Harry was seen wielding. Being overshadowed by Bolder
" Come Hadrian you Have completed the training and adapted the style to your liking Now Kneel and Repeat after me..." said Bolder pulling out his Dagger and standing in front of Harry
"Grant me courage O'lord"
" Grant me Courage O'lord" said Harry
" For I am thy servant"
" For I am thy servant" said Harry
" And guard me with strength onto battle"
And Guard me with strength onto battle" said Harry
"That I may crush thy enemies "
"That I may Crush thy enemies " said Harry
" As dust before the wind"
"As dust before the wind" said Harry
" Amen" said Harry
" Rise a Knight Sir Hadrian, Lord Commander of the order of the Black lotus" said Bolder
" I am Ragnar the wise, Young Jarl, Similar to Bolder I will share mine Knowledge, Come Harry grab my hand." said Ragnar
As soon as The Knowledge transfer was complete, Harry sat down and started to meditate building up his defences, while also reading through the rune information and searching for his Animagus form.
( 6 months later)
Even Ragnar was shock seeing Harry's defences, in Harry's mind magic can not pass though the void covering this area hence hand to hand combat to reach his memories. You start by entering the first floor and you have to defeat Sandy Cheeks, level 2 is Master Roshi, Level 3 is Goku, level 4 is Shota Aiziwa, level 5 is BLACK WIDOW, Bucky, Captain America and wasp. The Final level is Batman, Rock Lee, Black Canary, Po, Master Shifu and Master Oogway.
Anyway Harry Found His Animagus form or Forms which are:
Silverback Gorilla
and King Cobra
Which were enhanced to the max which means According to Ragnar, Harry is quite beloved by the family magic to be given such forms of power.
( 6 months later)
Harry can frequently change between forms, Trained it so much it bought his transformation time to 2 seconds flat. After mastering Occlumency Harry discovered his missing a huge chunk of memories of his life before leaving the chamber at the Potter Castle. Moving on from That Harry was walking to the Ancestor Hall
" LORDS OF HOUSE BLACK A WORD, Presenting Sir Hadrian Potter descendant of Black, Heir of House Black, Lord commander of the Order of the Black lotus. We have been bought to witness the claimant of the House ring, which by now is just a show for formality seeing as much the family magic's love the child." said Ragnar
Harry than again like before sat in the heirship of House chair and the bowl appeared with only the Black family Heir ring. Harry slipped it on and got to know all of the Black family properties and assets but never the full amount as he was just an Heir. Harry smiled figuring he was rich from the Potter inheritance alone but Now he was beyond being just rich.
" I thank thee for the knowledge you have bought me, Go you may Rest. Once again thank you" said Harry
" With you on the helm house Black has nothing to fear, Remember Harry Family is power." said Scur as all The Blacks of Old disappeared into the void to join the Potters once again
" This place got quite again, Lets see what the Slytherins have in mind..." said Harry