
Cp 14

" Nicklaus, Rebekah has arrived, so has the Marl coven. " said Elijah

" Thank you for the notice brother, Go be a host for them, I'll be down there now. and do send Harry up here. "

"Of course, Brother." said Elijah

Elijah exits the room. A few minutes pass and Harry opens and enters the room and faces Nicklaus.

" Alpha, you call for me?" asked Harry

" Yes, Find me 2 male witch bodies preferably dead and place them in the dungeons."

" As you wish, mine Alpha" said Harry.


Nicklaus welcomes Rebekah he moment he saw her and began talking to her while leading her to the chamber that has Elijah and that coven.

" Welcome Home, Sister, I hope you had a successful trip?"

" Yes, Brother of mine, I received what you asked for( Showing Nic the urns and two tubes filled with blood.) See mint condition, Brother." said Rebekah

" Yes, Sister I see very well, Lets head to Elijah and That coven."

They enter and See the Coven standing and waiting for them. Klaus heads to the head of house sit, to his right was Elijah and besides him was Noah. To Klaus's Left was Rebekah besides her was Jerry . At the opposite end sit the coven leader and in corresponding seats, sit his coven.

" Thank you for waiting, May we carry on with introductions. I am Elijah Mikealson. My Family's head Nicklaus, my sister Rebekah. The gentleman you see are packmates to My Brother's pack." said Elijah

" Thank you for the introduction, Lord Elijah, I am Thomas the Third, the new leader of the Marl coven as my father has passed. But due to the debt of service my father has to lord Elijah I'm obligated to serve. My coven is not that large but we are powerful." said Thomas

" Thomas, I have 3 rituals I need your coven to do for me. After that is done you will have fulfilled you fathers debt to Clan Mikealson. So while we wait for my agents to work we shall eat and drink to our happy cooperation."

Which they proceed to do as they were waiting for Harry and his.

(40 minutes pass)

" Alpha, I have completed your task" said Harry

" Thank you harry, Ladies and Gentleman we can proceed with the night."


"You will be summoning my Brother's spirits from the other side, so that I can talk with them. Anything spoken in this room will be kept hidden. Do I have your word."

" Yes, Lord Klaus" said Thomas

" Good, You May channel power from me to do the summoning. He is a spell tailor made for the summoning. You have 30 minutes to read though. "

( Gives Thomas the spells for every ritual they will be doing tonight)

(30 minutes later)

" Lord Klaus we are ready to began" said Thomas as they began linking up hands with Klaus

" Holy Shit, so much magic flows through you Lord Klaus" said ??

" But of course I am the Original Hybrid, I never said that for Show"

" Let us began, Magic spirit gamall ok wise vér kallár þinn gift til leggjaptrr spiritanórr Finnr ok kol sons ór mikeal til svar before kind ór blood, spirit ok love

komvérr await þinn return bróðira.(Magic spirit old and wise we call upon your gift to bring back the spirits Of Finn and Kol sons of Mikeal to answer before family of blood, spirit and love. Come we await your return Brothers.)

Finn and Kol suddenly appeared.

" Leave us."

" Who, What, Where, When and Why?" asked Kol looking around

" Brothers, You surely didn't think I would forget about you."

" Nicklaus, Why have you bought us here?" asked Finn

" Brothers, I am in need of your help"

" You need our Help! Wow what happened that THE GREAT NICKLAUS MIKEALSON WOULD NEED OUR HELP." said Kol

" I have bought new life to our family"

" You mean..." said Finn

" Yes, I have somewhat gotten a mate and a cub in one sitting. Brothers"

" What do you need?" asked Finn seriously

" I will bring you guys back, but not as Vampires but as Witches. The years and strength you accumulated as vampires will be shifted and changed into magic power, strength and presences. All I need from you guys is to introduce the world to the Mikealson Coven. "

" Wait, really how?" asked Kol

" All the years I've kept you daggered I was Researching of a way to give you power in your mortality. I'm proud to say I've found it. So do you agree?"

" Yes brother, Bring us back and we will serve you well, For Family" said Finn

"For Family" said Kol

" For Family"


" Harry, Jerry bring in those bodies, Elijah , Rebekah please bring Hayley"

" Brother why bring Hayley here?" asked Elijah

" All those with Esters blood must be present for this Ritual. Harry and Jerry place the bodies in the circle in the centre. Sister welcome back, and Good evening my Love"

" Evening Klaus, Rebekah said you need me?" said Hayley not sure what was happening

" Yes my love please stand in the smaller circle below their feet. Brother, Sister take the circle next to the arms. Sister open and spread Finn's ashes on the body on the right, and do the same for Kol on the body on the left. Now using Mikael's ashes draw a circle with the bodies in the middle"

" am I done Now, Brother?" Asked Rebekah

" Almost Sister, Almost, Now draw the Runes in the space between the huge circle and the one made from father's ashes for:

* longevity

* Victory

* Strength

* Growth

* Insight

* Protection

* Warrior

* Power"

" How about Now?" asked Rebekah

" Take Mother's Blood and draw a circle on the forehead of the bodies and make the bodies drink the remain amount. Than call the coven to conduct the ritual."

" Witches get in here" said Rebekah

" You may begin the ritual, Thomas"

" Yes lord Klaus" said Thomas placing his both his hands on Klaus's shoulders and that started a chain reaction we the coven we do the same until the last member.

( They began chanting)

"Magic spirit gamall ok wise vér kallár þinn gift. Molð vesselrinn ór þinn gifteð fran asheanórr fallenrinn. Nýtatt asheanórr faðirinn sem baser fyrir maktinn ór kindrinn. Nýtatt blooðinn sem lifeliner til gefandir til bodyrinn. Vér pleað fyrir life, makt ok love."

"Magic spirit gamall ok wise vér kallár þinn gift. Molð vesselrinn ór þinn gifteð fran asheanórr fallenrinn. Nýtatt asheanórr faðirinn sem baser fyrir maktinn ór kindrinn. Nýtatt blooðinn sem lifeliner til gefandir til bodyrinn. Vér pleað fyrir life, makt ok love."

"Magic spirit gamall ok wise vér kallár þinn gift. Molð vesselrinn ór þinn gifteð fran asheanórr fallenrinn. Nýtatt asheanórr faðirinn sem baser fyrir maktinn ór kindrinn. Nýtatt blooðinn sem lifeliner til gefandir til bodyrinn. Vér pleað fyrir life, makt ok love."

(Magic spirit old and wise we call upon your gift. Mold the vessel of your gifted from the ashes of the fallen. Use the ashes of the father as a base for the power of the child. Use the blood as a lifeline to give breath to the body. We plead for life, power and love)

The bodies began to twist and turn, shifting inform to resemble the bodies of Finn and Kol. The Ghostly forms of the brothers disappeared and the bodies on the ground started drawing breath. As the ritual was done Klaus and Hayley were happy at the increasing security for cub.

" Haha, it worked, better than I expected"

"Yes, it did brother now we should head to sleep as it was a busy night after all." said Elijah

" You right again brother, let's all head to sleep, you will proved room for our guests brother, sister sleep well. Let's leave my love" taking Hayley's into a princess carry and proceeds heading to their room.