
House of Potter

Transmigrated in to Harry Potter's body at the age of 7. Might have major changes to the story plot of the movies So please do enjoy [Harry Potter Universe] Donation : https://www.paypal.me/SibongileIviwe

Iviwe_Mzimba_9747 · Movies
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28 Chs

Cp 15

( Knock, Knock)

" You may enter Harry."

" Thank you Alpha, You summoned me?" said Harry

" I need you to head to the Bayou and set a meeting with Hayley's pack, The Crescent Wolf "

" As you wish Alpha" said Harry leaving the room

" Whilst you heading please call Hayley here"

Harry nods

( 10 min)

" Klaus you called for me?" asked Hayley

" Yes my love, I've sent Harry to contact you Birth pack to arrange a meeting.

" You know the name of my birth pack?" asked Hayley

" Yes, The Crescent Wolf Pack, The Labonair clan. As by us accepting each other we married but the are rituals that are usually done at weddings to merge packs. Mine the North East Atlantic and yours The Crescent Wolf."

" After that what than? " asked Hayley

" Than my love, we merge all the Packs in the Bayou and I became Alpha, the King of New Orleans wolves, with you as my Luna, my Queen. The Cub our Heir the First of Many if you allow me the Chance."

" So when are we doing this?" asked Hayley

" As soon as Harry comes with an Answer"

" So what we do until than?" asked Hayley smiling seductively

" I got a few ideas of what we could do to pass the time"

~~~Ring Ring~~~~~~Ring Ring~~~~~~Ring Ring~~~~~~Ring Ring~~~

{ Yes} Klaus

{Alpha, alpha Jackson Kenner of The Crescent Wolf has Agreed to the meeting, we will meet the day after tomorrow.} Harry

{ Thank you Harry, You can come back to the pack } Klaus

{ Thank you Alpha} Harry

" Now where were we?"


" Thank you for agreeing to this meeting Alpha Jackson. This is mine Alpha Nicklaus of the North East Atlantic and his mate Andréa Labonair. Without forgetting to introduce myself I'm Noah Aumont elder of the Pack as agreed the beta wait outside." said Noah

" Our pleasure, I am Mary Dumas. This is the Alpha Jackson Kenner of the Crescent Wolf Pack" said Mary

" Excuse me, am I wrong by thinking that Labonair are the alpha of this pack."

" Yes, usually they are but when they died and young Andréa Labonair disappeared we had to improvise, adept and overcome. hence Jackson became Alpha and the betrothal between them" said Mary

" What betrothal? "asked Hayley

" Your parents intended for you to marry Jackson" said Mary

"But that will not happen as Hayley is my mate and she carries my cub, so Jackson who will we sort this"

" That Alpha Nicklaus I do not know" said Jackson

" Single combat, wolf forms or human forms ." said Mary

" Yes I agree but we should up the stacks a bit, the winner becomes Alpha to both Packs than we elders will conduct the rituals" said Noah

" I have no problem with fighting as a wolf, you Jackson?" flashing his blood red Alpha eyes

" Agree we fight as wolves, let us call our packs " said Jackson flashing his eyes


As the moon stood at it's peak, two packs could be seen in the bayou. The North East Atlantic pack and The Crescent Wolf pack. Nicklaus and Jackson looking and sizing up each other in the middle.

Wolf-Jackson ran as swiftly as the wind towards wolf-Nicklaus who met him head on. Jackson quickly changed direction and was soon chased by Klaus. Jackson suddenly stop and went back to Klaus as they soon began fighting. A fast pace battle of biting, snarls and grunts soon followed.

While Jackson may had experience fighting as a wolf, he could not stop the force of nature that was Klaus. His power between two soon became known as Klaus went in for the kill and clamped his canine teeth around Jackson's neck forcing him to submit immediately before the teeth could break the skin. Jackson submitted by laying down and exposing his underside while whimpering, it was either that or death.

Upon Jackson's submission the crescent wolf pack went silent waiting to see what would happen to Jackson. Klaus Healed Jackson and run into the Woods, Howling in victory signifying his success which was soon followed by his pack and the crescent wolf pack.


"NOW this is the law of the jungle, as old and as true as the sky, And the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die. As the creeper that girdles the tree trunk, the law runneth forward and back; For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack."

" Thank you for sparing my life, you had no reason too." said Jackson

" You are a good warrior Jackson with you alive and Harry by your side, Training the pack will be simple and more warriors available means more protection for my mate and cub. Now call the elders so that we get this show on the road."

" Yes Alpha" said Jackson

( Scene shift)

" Elders are we Ready?"

Than Mary had the Alpha of each pack pour their territory's soil into a bawl and pushed the bowl with their front legs and spilled some blood mixing it with the soil and special herbs to create a paste.

Mary than used the paste to draw a triskele symbol on their foreheads and the alphas pack symbol on the pledge of fealty. Mary had the alpha's make a handprint on the contract before the paste dried and faced the Alpha's

" Do you renounce your alpha status and accept Alpha Nicklaus Aumont Mikealson to be your Alpha, Bow before him and submit to him" said Mary

Jackson did so

" Do you welcome their submission and accept to be their alpha, if so mark them with your scent and lead the celebration" said Mary

Klaus Hugged Jackson and released a howl so deep it shacked the tree. So Howls began joining, with Jackson and the rest of the pack joining in.


[ For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.] Klaus thought as he watched the pack by the camp fire drinking and dancing as he and Hayley bathed in their pack presence whilst the pack enjoyed the gift and blessing of nature. A clear and beautiful night, stars shining bright and the winds chill and gentle. Klaus could feel the warmth of family, the bond of having a pack. Klaus smiled throughout the night. But all good things must end....