
Honkai Impact: Invictus.

A man who lived without direction in his life. No dreams, no aspirations. Day after day, just living aimlessly bored to death in his mind. What if I could just live like one of those busybody protags. Troublesome, but, at least I would truly live. Hi guys, I just really love the characters of HI3 and I think mihoyo did them dirty lmao. I'll try to make a sort of happy ending, because, this is depression impact.

Khay_Cee_Padua · Derivasi dari game
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272 Chs

Chapter 20: Decisions

I drove to the nearest MOTH base, as I was nearing to it some guards stopped me.

"Halt, let us check you 1st. Then we'll transport you to another city."

They then checked me of any honkai corruption, injuries, etc. As they confirmed my identity one of them asked. "Mr. Einheri is that correct? Please follow us to Shenzou (honkai china), we had orders to lead you there."

"Alright, let's go then." As I expected, they're waiting for me. We then boarded a plane that's going to a MOTH base there. "Hey, do you guys have any phones or computers I can use? I need to contact someone."

They quickly gave me a laptop. I need to contact the others and tell them I'm okay, especially Eden. "Hey guys, I'm alive and well. I'm currently en route to Shenzou. Let's meet up later if you guys are there as well."

I then slumped on my chair, thinking of resting for a few hours while on the flight. I quickly lose consciousness as the stress of fighting and moving around caught up to me. I'm quite exhausted mentally as well.

One of the agents then made a call "Dr. Mobius, we are currently in a plane to Shenzou. The VIP Einheri is secured."

Mobius: "Excellent! Lead him to my private quarters when you arrive at the base. Tell him we have an important discussion to be had. Understood?"

Agent: "Yes ma'am!"

I woke up to the vibrations of our landing, "Ugh, so we've arrived." I shake my head to lose my drowsiness. We quickly boarded a car and I silently waited until we arrive.

In the distance I saw a heavily fortified base. "Pheeeew, that's a huge base. So? What's next? I imagine someone wants to talk to me no?"

Agent: "Yes sir, follow me please. You have an important discussion with them, they informed us."

Ein: "Lead the way gentlemen.".

We walked for a few minutes until we reached a door. The agents then quickly left me, a bit frantic. "Huh, that's interesting. The person in here must be important and scary for them to scuttle away like that."

I opened the door and it was dark, I saw a woman that was in front of a computer. "How many times do I have to tell you Klein. You can't get a vacation until we finish this part of our project!" She shouted.

After shouting, she faced towards me and was quite surprised. It was quickly gone though, as she scrutinized me from head to toe with a glint in her eyes while licking her lips.

This woman is either a horn dog or a bit crazy I thought. "So, you wanted to talk to me? I'm Einheri. Call me Ein, you must want me to be a researcher in MOTH or something don't you?"

Mobius: "Yes, that's right. I'm Dr. Mobius, quick on the uptake aren't you? I like that, I believe that you'll be a great asset for MOTH. I saw your presentation about editing our genomes to become perfect!" She said with a certain madness on her face. "Quite impressive I must say."

Yup this woman is a little bit crazy. "Thank you, so I'll be working under you correct? Then I have a condition before being a researcher here."

Mobius raised a brow "What is it? Speak."

Ein: "I want to be a soldier too." I need to fight stronger honkai beasts, and me just being cooped up here will make me rusty. Swinging at air and dummies don't exactly make you improve.

Mobius: "What!? No! Even if you fought that templar for a bit, that doesn't mean you can take on honkai beasts. You'll be a researcher and will stay here!"

Ein: "I understand, nobody saw me fight it extensively after all. But I killed it you know? I didn't just distract it and escaped." I shrug.

Mobius: "Are you right on the head? Those things can decimate whole squads of soldiers with honkai energy weapons, in the report, you fought it with cold weaponry."

Ein: "Well how about I show you?" Mobius is one of those mad scientist types for sure. If I show her my inventory and prowess, she'll definitely keep it to herself. Hah, ironic that the ones that are a bit crazy can be more trustworthy. I mean, it's because I'm too valuable and mysterious but you get the point.

Mobius frowned "Well, show me then? I don't see its corpse or footage of you fighting it."

I then took it out with a heavy thud on the floor, the templar still glowing.

Mobius froze as her analytic mind calculated answers for the supernatural phenomena. "Y-you have a pocket dimension that has temporal properties!?" She shouted, aghast.

Ein: "Simply, yes. Why? I don't know. I can just store and take out things."

Mobius: "Are you a pseudo herrscher or something?" She looked at me with scrutinizing eyes filled with interest.

Ein: "No, I don't have honkai energy after all now do I? As for how I killed it, how about we go somewhere deserted so I can show you?" (Wink)

We quickly departed and arrived to a training ground without people. Now for my stats, they've changed quite a bit.


(I decided to overhaul the stats and skills so it won't be too ridiculous, calculating everything.)


Strength: Class 5 (1-5 metric tons)

-Capable of lifting small trucks, cars, etc.

Speed: Subsonic (120-600 km/h)

-Capable of moving at speeds faster than the eye can track reliably, includes move, reaction, and combat speed.

Intelligence: Genius

-Has immense knowledge at different branches of science. Capable of executing complex strategies under pressure and calculating future actions to a certain extent.

Durability: Superhuman

-Capable of taking hits that will destroy walls sparingly.

Stamina: Superhuman

-Capable of persevering through hours of intense movement and combat. Doesn't need to sleep for multiple days at a time without consequences.


Honkai energy resistance

-Tolerance type skill that can resist the effects of Honkai energy i.e. corruption, mutation, etc.

natural elements resistance

-tolerance type skill that resist stimuli i.e. heat, cold, toxins, chemical irritants, electricity, diseases, etc.

resist physical damage

-tolerance type skill that resist physical types of damage to the body. i.e. blunt force, slashing, piercing damage, etc.

neural signal acceleration

-enhancing type skill that lets neural pathways be more efficient and faster due to increase in synaptic activity, neurotransmitter production, dendritic spines for more neuron connections, and increase myelin in axons for faster electrical signals. Gives more calculating power to the brain and increase to reflexes.

Eidetic memory

-Mental type skill that can perfectly store any information in the brain with perfect recall

Metabolic Control

-Physical type skill that can control the metabolic processes of the body i.e. hunger, hormones, heart rate, healing, anabolism and catabolism, etc.

(Basic explanation on catabolism: muscles, sugars, and fat turn to energy. anabolism: protein, sugars, minerals turn to tissue, fat, bones.)

Enhanced body

-enhancing type skill that increases the body's durability, flexibility, senses, elasticity etc. Gives: harder and denser muscles, bones. flexible joints, elastic tendons, etc.


I told Mobius to set up some cameras that can measure speed. Some big chunks of metal as well.

"Well then professor let's test some of my prowess shall we?" I then quickly ran, cracking the concrete as I stepped hard. When I stopped I saw that my speed is currently 300km/h give or take. As for the metals, I lifted a chunk that's approximately a ton over my head.

"Well Mobius, impressive, no?" I looked at her and she was just staring at me, dazed.

Mobius: "How is that possible without augments!? I must know how your body works! Are you sure you're not some kind of honkai beast!?" She asked me frantically.

"Woah, those are questions for the 3rd date ma'am. You'll know eventually." I smirked at her.

Mobius: "Fine, but I'll know how you work. Science demands it." She ignored my teasing.

Ein: "Yes, yes. How is Mei by the way?"

Mobius: "She agreed of course. Go and meet your little group, I now have more things to work on because of you."

She left with her gathered data and I went to the gang. I knocked on Eden's door after I asked a bit on where it is. "Knock knock. You've got a delivery." There was a thud in the room, and with hurried steps it quickly opened.

Eden: "Ein!" She quickly hugged me and then grasped my face with her hands. "You got us worried sick mister! Don't do that again okay!?"

Ein: "Hah, I'll try. I took care of it didn't I? Don't you worry about me too much." I kissed her forehead.

Eden: "I'm gonna call everyone, stay here." She then ran like the wind.


I waited inside Eden's room for a bit as they suddenly busted in from outside.

Everyone: "Ein!" Elysia and Mei then hugged me.

Mei: "We were so anxious! I even woke up without you in the group. I'm glad you're okay." She said, teary eyed.

Elysia: "I know you could beat that scary thing. You went woosh as you fought it after all. You even let us escape without you."

Himeko slapped me on the back "Hahaha I knew you'd come on top. You're my teacher and boss after all."

Kevin: "I'm glad you're okay Ein, you gave us quite a scare back then."

Su: "Hah, you're quite reckless aren't you Ein?

I hugged Elysia and Mei back as I laughed "Don't worry, what's important is we're all safe." He then thought of his parents, showing a sad expression for a split second that was noticed by the sensitive Elysia.

"Good news guys, me and Mei are now researchers here in MOTH, how about you guys? What's your plan from here on out?"

They all sighed. Pondering for a bit, Himeko was the 1st to answer.

Himeko: "I think I'll sign up as a soldier, I need to be near my employer after all." She smiled at me.

Elysia: "Ooh, I'm pretty confident on my athleticism. I think I'll sign up too, Ein can polish me up to standard as well." (wink)

Su: "Hah, I asked if I can get in as a researcher as well. But, they refused. I don't have enough qualifications they said."

Ein: "That's okay Su, I think you should continue your research in a hospital for now. We'll help you with your findings too.

Su: "I guess, send me some of your papers about honkai energy okay? It will help a lot after all."

Kevin: "I'm not sure yet, but if I don't make a decision I'll be separated from Mei and most of you guys. With my martial arts training with Ein back then I think I'm qualified to become a soldier too."

Eden: "I'll still perform around the world. I might only see Ein from time to time, but we can still talk online anyway. I think I'll help a lot of people with my performances, it'll give them some respite.

Ein: "Good decision Eden. How about you guys though, are you sure you want to be soldiers? This isn't fun and games you know."

Soldier trio: "Yeah, we've decided."

Elysia: "Train me lots Ein! Okay?"

Kevin: "Yeah, we need everything that we can use."

Himeko: "Take care of me Ein."

Ein: "Hah, you guys. I'll run you to the ground so you can fight well okay. Nobody's gonna be complacent."

"One more thing though... I'm back." I smiled at them.

Everyone: "Yeah, welcome back Ein."


Heya guys, now their roles are set. I was so salty I almost didn't want to make this and just rest for a few days. Damned app deleted my draft when I was about to finish. Well I'm writing on a phone though so it's kinda hard. Thanks for reading!