
His crazy obsession

Theodora the daughter of Mr Nathan, one of the multi billionaires of his time, lived a terrible life, a life of suffering and pain, until things started crumbling down for her father. Silver the cold hearted billionaire Mafia boss. A man of known to have little or no emotions, he borrowed Mr Nathan some money for his business and he couldn't pay Nathan back. Out of his selfishness, Nathan sold his first daughter Theodora to Silver to pay him for his debt, what happens when sparks fly between them and silver ands up falling in Love with Theodora?? And she took ends up having feelings for him??, dark family mysteries are uncovered, will love triumph in the end? Read on to find out!!

Gift_Ny · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

CHAPTER 17 & 18




As they were on the way there, a truck hit their car and it rolled over and over and over the only thing that could be heard was

**MY BABY!!**

Her vision was blurry, her head oozed out blood, she slowly stretched her hand weakly to her stomach and saw blood, she then cried her eyes closed as she was weak.

She looked at him and saw him unconscious with blood dripping from his head.

People started gathering, then some started posting pictures in their social media pages.

"Are you guys crazy call an ambulance!" A man shouted.

Then one old lady called an ambulance and after some minutes they came and then broke the crushed door down and carried them out putting them on a stretcher.

They immediately rushed the two bodies to the hospital putting an oxygen mask on them.

They were in a critical condition and the doctors didn't know who to call.



Kenna was waiting for her boss and his wife but they never came, she was badly worried, for both Dora and her baby.

She then sighed and sat in her room and turned on her TV what she saw made her gasp in shock.

(TV. REPORTER)"A black car, a supposed Lamborghini had a disastrous accident at Main lane Street, the victims were discovered to be Mr Leonardo De Silver the greatest business and a lady who is supposed to be his wife.

The victims have been taken to Greystone hospital for treatment.

She instantly wore her casual clothes and went outside the guards didn't bother to ask her where she was going, they just told the driver to take her there.

They had already heard the news and wished for their boss and his wife to be okay.

As soon as the car pulled up in front of the hospital, Kenna stepped down and ran inside without minding the people around her.

She then saw the receptionist and said

"I'm here to see Mr and Ms Leonardo De Silver!"

"I'm sorry ma'am..who are you to the couple?"

"The wife is my best friend please show me their ward!"

The receptionist first stared at her and saw the sincerity in her eyes and said

"Follow me please!" She said as she lead Kenna to their ward.

"Man's is the first, the woman is the second room after!"

"Okay!" Kenna said as she made her way to Dora's room.

She opened the door and saw her best friend lying on the bed with an oxygen mask on her face and some tubes going into her body.

Some of the drips contained blood while some medicine. Kenna went to her side slowly with tears dripping from her eyes.

She pitied Dora who could have done this?

She then held her hands and rubbed her thumb over the back of her palm and prayed secret prayers for her.



"We did it boys we made it happen!" Brian said with happiness, he had won, he won the battle.

His phone then buzzed and he looked at the call ID and saw his mum and smiled.

"Hey mum!"

"Brian!!...you did it I just saw the news how in the world did you do that?"

"I told you I will avenge you, the guards said that he died"

"That's great come over let's celebrate!"

Brian chuckled

"I'll be on my way!"

He then cut the call and looked at his men and said

"You all did wonderful, take anything bills on me!"

"Yeah!!" The man screamed in unison.

He then stood up and left to his mother's house.



"They were involved in an accident?"

"Yes sir!" The man said from the other side of the phone.

"I think it's time I do what is necessary, we need to initiate our plan!"

"Okay sir!" The man said and cut the call.

Martinez rested his head back on the chair and closed his eyes.

He didn't know who this person was but somehow someone was always one step ahead of him.



"I need to go mum, I need to go back to my Silver....he could be hurt, I can't bear it mum."

"We'll go back soon dear!" She said as she caressed her hair.

"Mum please let's go back I feel something is wrong!"

"Gracie that is enough...I said we will go back darn it!" The woman yelled getting fed up

"I didn't tell you to leave him in the first place so don't f^cking stress me okay!"

"I'm sorry mum!"

"Don't be sorry, I'm already pissed!"

The woman said and left.



Ethan had come and was near Silvers bed when the doctor came and wanted to check the body.

Ethan gave him space to work and closed is eyes as tears dropped from his eyes when he remembered how he met Silver.


Silver was at the back of the school crying, he had just gotten into an argument with his father.

His father had forced him into joining the Mafia yet again but he didn't agree and got the beating of his life.

"Hi!" Ethan said with his low voice, he was on his glasses.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Silver said as he wiped his tears and raised his head.

"I'm sorry if I'm imposing I just wanted to ask what was wrong!"

"Well fuck off I don't want your pity!"

"Okay can I sit with you!"

"I said fuck off!"

"Okay I'll sit down!" He said trying to get on Silver's nerves.

He then knocked him and stood up leaving.

"Hey comeback aren't we friends?"

"No we aren't so leave me alone!"

"Okay bestie!"

He said as he left him alone.

One day, Ethan was being mocked because he wasn't rich at the time, and the ladies called him disgusting names, while the guys were hitting him.

"Broke a$$ nigga"


"Can't even afford $hit!" They all cursed and Ethan cried.

"Shut the fuck up people!" Silver came with his slightly bass voice, everywhere became silent.

"He is with me and if you ever lay a finger on him, I swear I would break them all!"

They all swallowed their saliva as he went to his level and said

"Stand up a$$hole!"

Ethan stood up and followed Silver out.

Silver and Ethan became two peas in a pod, they were very close that people often mistook them as brothers.

Silver helped Ethan family by stealing money from his father, although it was bad his father wouldn't give him a dime even if he begged.

Ethab then swore an oath that he would always be by Silver's side.


Silver's eyes slowly fluttered open and Ethan immediately rushed to his side.

"Are you okay?"

"Where am I, where is Dora?" He said almost getting up from the bed.

"She is fine, she is resting!"

"I need to go see her!"

"She needs rest and so do you!"

"Ik fine lemme go see her!"

"Don't lemme get mad at you I said rest she is fine!"

Few hours later, Dora's eyes opened and her gaze met the drips fixed to her hands, the oxygen mask to her face, she blinked to wake herself up and gently removed the oxygen mask.

"M....my.....my....ba....baby!" She muttered in a low voice as she placed her hand on her womb.

Kenna had slowly woken up and stared at Dora. She then hugged her tight not wanting to let go.

Dora didn't hug back, Kenna was shocked by her sudden action and said

"What's wrong?"

"Where....I....is..the doctor?"

Kenna immediately went to meet the doctor and the doctor followed her to check on Dora.

The door opened and the doctor came in and ran some little tests on Dora when Dora asked

"How is my Baby?"

The doctor then took a deep breath and said

"Ma'am based on our analysis, you lost your baby" he said in a low voice.

Dora's eyes widened as tears started dripping from her eyes, she had lost her baby. The doctor felt pity for her, she cried and cried, she didn't seem like she would stop.

"I'm so sorry Dora!" Kenna consoled.

Dora didn't budge she kept knocking crying, after a few hours she just closed her eyes and slept, she was I a stage of her life where she didn't want to see ar talk to anyone.


Silver had recovered a little and had heard the news, he and his wife was getting discharged today. He stood up from his bed and walked to her ward.

She was still like he left her, silent, she didn't even move. He then sighed and said

"It's okay love, don't be sad!"

She didn't say a word or spare him a glance. He then used his hands to move her chin.

"Hey look at me, it gonna be okay, i still love you!"

She still didn't say a word.

He then stood up and left, after a while the nurse came and dressed Dora up for her leave, they had given her clothes before but she didn't touch them.

After the nurse finished dressing her up and gazed at her with pity in her eyes, she knew what Dora was going through.

She then sighed and left.

Then Ethan, Silver and Kenna came and Dora stood up.

"Let's go!" She said as she finally spoke.

They all followed her as they entered the car and drove home. The drive home was quite silent, nobody Dora just stared at the window in silence.

As they pulled over they all alighted from the car and went inside.

Dora went to her room and Silver followed her then went to her side and sat close to her, he then touched her shoulder and she said

"I want to be alone please!"

"I know but at least what do you wanna eat?"


"You haven't eaten in days, you are so thin, your skin is so pale!"

"I said I'm not hungry!" She said her voice was a little louder.

He then stood up and left.

After a couple of days he came back and went to meet her, she had been in her room all this while not eating or drinking anything.

He then opened the door and saw her on the bed her eyes weren't closed but her head was on the pillow.


She was still silent.

"What is with the silent treatment, I have tried to be nice with you but you aren't even making things easy!", he yelled slightly.

"Making things easy, I lost my child!!"she yelled back

"It wasn't only your child but my child too!"

"Do you know how it feels like to lose the baby in your womb?"

"Why are acting so selfishly, since we came back from the hospital, you hardly ever talked to me, why because you think it's me who is the cause of your miscarriage!"

"Yes it is your fault!!!, you are supposed to protect your child but you just let him die I hate you, you killed my baby Silver!"

"I killed your baby Dora!"

"Yes you did!"

He then slammed the door and walked out, he was going to have a little drink.

He was mad at his wife but couldn't say a word that he would regret for the rest of his life.

He then pulled over at Julians Bar. And ordered a drink for himself. He drank it's whole content and ordered another and kept drinking.

He then stood up and drove hiss car off to his house when he got stopped by a couple of hoodlums.

"Come down from your fucking car!"

He then scoffed and said

"Fuck off ass holes!"

They then broke his car window and opened the door, they then punched him, he punched them, they were about 8 so it wasn't easy for him.

They then continued hitting him they beat him brutally and he was dying slowly, then one then stabbed a poisonous injection into his body.

He's eyes closed slowly, the men observed his movement and carried his body and threw it in the flowing water near by. He was gone!...


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