
His crazy obsession

Theodora the daughter of Mr Nathan, one of the multi billionaires of his time, lived a terrible life, a life of suffering and pain, until things started crumbling down for her father. Silver the cold hearted billionaire Mafia boss. A man of known to have little or no emotions, he borrowed Mr Nathan some money for his business and he couldn't pay Nathan back. Out of his selfishness, Nathan sold his first daughter Theodora to Silver to pay him for his debt, what happens when sparks fly between them and silver ands up falling in Love with Theodora?? And she took ends up having feelings for him??, dark family mysteries are uncovered, will love triumph in the end? Read on to find out!!

Gift_Ny · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

CHAPTER 15 & 16



Silver then took a deep breath and said

"I was born into the Leonardo clan. My father being the clan leader, I was quite a weak boy who didn't reach his standards....I didn't want to fight nor become the monster I am now!!"

"Shh you are not a monster!!"

"I don't think you would say that after I finish!"

She looked shocked for a while before she got herself back.

"My father forced me into joining the Mafia through series of training including the one where.....where!"

Tears started dripping from his eyes.

Dora held his hand and hugged him tight, never wanting to let go, she caressed his hair to soothe him and then he pulled out and he continued.

"Where I killed my mother!" Dora was shocked, but she didn't let it show, from his expression one could tell that he didn't mean to do it.

"It okay, say no more dear!" She then hugged him again before, he pulled out of the hug and stared at her lips her gaze was also on his lips.

He then moved his face closer to hers, she then closed her eyes and pouted her lips and he then crashed his lips gently on hers.

It felt like time froze, their lips moved in unity as Silvers hands explored her body.

Their tongues were fighting for territory in each other's mouth, she moaned from the pleasure.

He then pulled away and looked at her lovingly, he then mouthed a 'thank you', she then smiled and said

"Your welcome!"



Dora was in her room, she had been sick for a while, she had been throwing up frequently and losing strength, at time she even felt dizzy.

Kenna then opened the room door and saw her pale friend on the bed, she then went to her side and said

"We need to go to the hospital!"

"I know but i feel a little dizzy"

"Or lemme call the family doctor"

Dora then nodded in agreement, then few minutes later the doctor had come to the house, Silver was at work that day so it was only Dora and Kenna.

The doctor then examined her and a smile crept to the woman's face, Dora looked at the woman with confusion clearly written over her face.

"What happened?!" She asked.

"Congratulations ma'am you are pregnant!"

"What!, I'm pregnant!" Tears of joy started falling from her eyes, she was so happy Kenna heard it and went to her side and hugged her and said

"I'm gonna be an Aunt!"

"I'm gonna be a mummy!!"



"She is pregnant sir!" The old man said with a bow

"Thanks for the info, you can go and ask my assistant to give you your payment, good work!"

"Thank you sir!"

"This is the perfect time to strike, I've waited so long for this and now I have the chance I will take it!"

He said as a dark chuckle left his lips.

"This gonna be fun!"



Silver entered the house and immediately the aroma of his wife's delicious food, entered his nostrils.

"Mm" he moaned and made his way to the kitchen.

He saw her cooking the food, he then smiled at his wife and hugged her from behind and kissed her neck almost making her lose her senses.

"Good evening darling!" He said as he pecked her cheeks.

"Good evening, I made dinner!"

"I can tell!"

"Go upstairs and freshen up then come back down for dinner!" She ordered him like a mum would do to her child.

"But I wanna eat now!" He said with a pout, acting like a child.

"If you go, I promise to pay you with something later!" She said and he nodded in agreement.

"Okay honey, I can't wait!"

"Naughty boy!" She said and he left to go freshen up.

After a while he came downstairs, he was wearing a casual, navy blue t-shirt and sweat pants.

He then made his way to the dining table and sat down putting a napkin on his thighs, she then came and sat down.

The maid then came and served Silver his favourite red wine.

Silver licked his lipa and asked

"What occasion is it?!"

"Honey I want to tell you something!" She said as her face got serious, the air around them tensed up, he was shocked by her sudden change of mood.

"Sure what is it?"

"I'm pregnant!"

His eyes widened he then stood up and went to her he carried her and spin her around.

"Ik going to be a father" he said as he dropped her down and looked at her lovingly, he then kissed her.

"You have made me the happiest man on earth!" He said and she smiled at him cutely,

" I know."



As the lady came down from the building she was instantly flooded with fans. She then smiled at them sweetly and entered into her car.

"Le chauffeur me ramène à la maison!" (Driver take me home!"

The man nodded and drove to her house.

This woman is none other than Juliette. She is the most famous actress and Model, known for starring in many notorious French films.

She then walked into her big mansion and the sadness engulfed her again, she was suffering from sickle cell anemia and was gonna die soon.

But she couldn't die until she fulfilled her dead mother's wish.

Which was to find her lost twin sister.

"Where are you twin sister?" She asked no one in particular getting tired of the pointless searching.

Her husband then came in and kissed her forehead and said

"My Love you are back!, how was your day?" He asked as he sat close to her and wrapped his hands around her neck.

"Stressful as usual but you make it better!" She said as she pecked his lips.

Adrien was his name, they got married early last year and dated 4 years before that.

"Don't worry, you'll find her someday!".

She then nodded and rested her head on his broad chest.



Steven was woken up in a dark room, he thought he was in his bedroom, he then tried moving but discovered that he was tied up.

"F**k!" He cursed and tried cutting the room but no it was too strong.

Then the sound of heels kissing the floor could be heard as Gina entered the room, her face was dark and void of emotions

"Gina!, What the f**k is this?" He asked.

"Oh honey, are you tied up?" She asked with an evil smirk on her face.

"What do you want to do Gina?" He asked again.

"I'm just paying you back for the times you've hit me!"

"Hit you!..I have right to do that I'm your husband!"

"F**k this God forsaken marriage, I captured you to end you!"

"What do you mean?"

"I forgot I married a dumb man!"

"Don't you dare touch me!"

She chuckled and went to the table to carry the loaded pistol.

"I'm going to make you death slow and gruesome!...I hope you can survive the first round of torture!"

"You'll regret this!"

She then walked to him and shot his leg and arm.

"Argh!!" He groaned in pain, his blood splattered everywhere.

"Are you hurt?!" She asked in a mocking tone.

"We are just getting started!"

She then got a knife, and started giving him little cuts around his body. His screams filled the room.




Silver had just come out of the shower, Dora was on the bed with her nightie she was busy reading some books she found in the library.

He then came closer to her and threw the book away.

"Hey I was reading th.....!" Her words got stuck in her throat. Silver was looking so damn sexy right now.

His wet hair which stuck to his face giving him the dreamy look.

The water droplets that traced down to his abbs down to that V-line. She gulped

His rosy scent was just filling her nostrils.

"You promised me to have fun with me!"

"I know and I will when ready!"

"But I'm so h*rny for you right now!"

He said, she didn't say a word, he then kissed her lips. Sucking on it gently, so delicately like as though it was an egg and could break easily.

Her hands were tracing invisible circles on his back, she wasn't wearing a bra so his hands easily touched her boobs, he pressed it softly and she moaned in his mouth.

He then used his hands to play with her nipples, she moaned again, she then grabbed a fist full of his hair as she was losing her mind right now.

She felt intoxicated in his arms, his minty breath was making her crazy.

The kiss then changed from a slow and gentle one ot a hot and hard one.

He then bit her lower lip and her mouth opened, he then stuck his tongue into her mouth and began to play with her tongue.

They then pulled away and he looked at her and said

"Thanks for coming into my life Dora!"

"Thank you for also coming into my life!"

He the kissed her again, the air around them seemed to charge with electricity. Their lips barely grazed, yet the touch sent shivers down their spines. The world around them melted away, leaving only the two of them, lost in the moment.

Their lips met again, this time with a soft, gentle pressure. The kiss deepened, their mouths moving in sync as they explored each other's lips. The sensation was like a spark igniting a flame, warmth spreading through their veins.

Their tongues danced together, the sweetness of their lips mingling in a tender caress. Time stood still as they lost themselves in the kiss, their hearts pounding in unison.

He then started kissing her neck, sucking on it slowly, she moaned.

His hands moving to her p***y to tease it a little. When his hands met an obstruction, he tore it off immediately.

He then removed her shirt, and sucked on her already erect nipple.

This man knew how to make her go crazy

she then stopped him and turned over so she was above him. She slowly unbuckled his belt. Her hands then grazed his d**k.

His d**k became harder. She then caressed it from the boxers to tease him a little and it was working.

He was eagerly waiting for her to handle him.

She then pulled down his boxers and his manhood came it view.

She then stroked it slowly and seductively, he groaned, form the pleasure. She then stroked it faster and faster until he was about to reach climax when she stopped.

He furrowed his brows a little, before she then climbed on him and took him in at once, this wasn't their first time so her p*ssy had already adjusted to his manhood.

She then moved up and down and he then put his hands on her waist to direct her and damn she was doing quite well.

She was like his drug his obsession, his addiction. His crazy obsession.

They enjoyed themselves till 12 night.



She woke the next day, she was quite tired in-between her legs aches from last night's events.

But her husband wasn't in the room,

Where was he? She asked herself

She then wore her robe and walked downstairs to look for him only to see him in the kitchen cooking.

"Good morning!"

"Good morning love, come eat breakfast!" He said looking at her lovingly

"We are going to the hospital today to check how our baby is doing!"


She then ate and then got dressed and followed him to the car.

They went to the hospital, the doctor did some tests and confirmed that she was fine.

They then entered their car and drove off, because Silver had planned a date without her knowledge.

As they were on the way there, a truck hit their car and it rolled over and over and over the only thing that could be heard was

**MY BABY!!**


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