
His crazy obsession

Theodora the daughter of Mr Nathan, one of the multi billionaires of his time, lived a terrible life, a life of suffering and pain, until things started crumbling down for her father. Silver the cold hearted billionaire Mafia boss. A man of known to have little or no emotions, he borrowed Mr Nathan some money for his business and he couldn't pay Nathan back. Out of his selfishness, Nathan sold his first daughter Theodora to Silver to pay him for his debt, what happens when sparks fly between them and silver ands up falling in Love with Theodora?? And she took ends up having feelings for him??, dark family mysteries are uncovered, will love triumph in the end? Read on to find out!!

Gift_Ny · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

CHAPTER 19 & 20





Dora was still on her bed, she was still mad at Silver, but still somehow wished to see him.

She then stood up and went out of the room for the first time in days. She then peeped out and saw no one, she then walked to Silver's room but he wasn't there.

Where was he??

After a while, Ethan walked into the house with worry clear on his face.

"Come with me!"

"What happened?"

"Just come with me!"

She then followed him since she was fully dressed, they then went to the hospital, Dora was wondering why they were going there in the first place.

They then went into the room and saw some nurses covering a body with a white cloth.

"Please open the body, let the wife at least see it!"

The body was actually quite dirty, covered in mosses and other green things found underwater 🫧 his face wasn't quite clear but from the look of the body.

It had Silver's height, broad shoulders, the hair is as long as Silvers.

It was then everything made sense, her Silver was gone because of her own selfishness.

"What happened to Silver?"

"He is gone ma'am!"

Overwhelmed by the shock and the fact that she was hungry she fainted.



"I hope he dies, or else I will kill you as well!" Martinez threatened his men.

"He is dead sir please don't hurt us!"

"And if I hear from him again, I will hunt you down and kill you all!"

The men nodded in fear and left the room as though a ghost was chasing them.

Martinez then smirked, his plan worked and Silver is no more.

His evil chuckle resonated around the entire room, then he took stood up and left.



"Mum, Silver is...dead!"

"What how it wasn't you who killed him!"

"No it wasn't me, someone else has a sort of beef with Silver and we need to find them and make them an ally"

"Hmm.. you are right!, that person just made work a whole lot easier for us"

"So mum what do we do now!"

"We have to get you married to Dora!"

"Dora!!!.....Silver's wife!" He said still looking shocked

"Yes son for our plan to work, she is probably a weakling so it wouldn't be too hard for you to marry her!"

"Mum you know it is gonna be difficult!"

"You can do it son , I believe in you.!" She said as she patted his shoulder and gave him a light smile to ease his heart, he then smiled back at her and left the house.



"How is she now?" Ethan asked the doctor, with worry clearly written on his face.

"She is better but she is still unconscious, you know that was a big shock"

"I know, can I go and see her!"

"Yes you can, she will be up in a few hours!"

"Okay thanks for your help doctor!"

"You are welcome!" The doctor said with a smile and went back to his laboratory to conduct another test for another patient.

Ethan then entered the room and looked at her with pity clear on his face. She was deeply hurt and it tore him to pieces.

He wished that she would wake up soon cause now her life is in danger, all of Silver's enemies are going to come after her.



"Silver!" Dora called with tears falling from her face, she ran to hug him and he hugged her back.

She could feel him it wasn't an illusion, she didn't want to let go.

"Why did you leave?...do you know how much pain I was in?...I'm sorry for yelling at you....it will never ever happen again, I promise!"

He was just quiet looking at her until she pulled away and gazed into his eyes.

He was smiling, but one could tell it was a fact smile, he then held her hand and walked her to a seat in the room and sat her down.

Her gaze was still on him as she watched his every move.

He then brought another chair and sat in front of her.

"Will you let them kill me and get away with it Dora?!" He asked calmly but she then said

"You aren't dead look at you your real I touched you with my hands what do you mean by your dead" she said with tears falling from her eyes

"Dora I want you to be vicious, don't let anyone trample upon you anymore, you are no longer Dora the Billionaire's daughter but Dora the MAFIA'S BRIDE!" He said with emphasis on the Bride.

She then looked at him and siad

"I don't get you what do you want me to do?" She asked as she furrowed her brows.

"I want you to KILL!!"

Her eyes widened

"what do you mean kill?!" He started moving farther away from her not answering her question. She stood up and ran after him but he was already gone and she woke up.

She gasped trying to catch her breath, she looked around her, she was in the hospital she then stood up removing the drip on her hand.

Right now all she knew was that she would fulfill Silver's wish and become the Mafi's bride.

She then went to the hospital's changing room and wore her clothes.

Ethan woke up and saw the bed empty and went to look for her and saw her already dressed, she had a cold look just like Silver.

He then said

"I promise I'll protect you!"

She then slightly smiled and said

"I have a plan and I'll need you to help me!"

"Of course I will!"He said as they left the hospital.



Brian just got into the hideout and sat on the chair, he was happy about Silver's death but he still had another obstacle.

Silver's wife...Dora!.

He needs to get rid of her as soon as possible, she was gonna be a tough obstacle.

He then sat and thought of a plan.



As soon as one of Silver's Lambo pulled over in the driveway the guards and maids were there waiting for the news.

Dora had left earlier and didn't tell anyone why the rush but as she stepped down her expression was cold, everyone could tell that it wasn't good news.

Kenna immediately ran to meet Dora and hugged her.

"Don't be sad love...things are gonna be fine please don't worry...please don't cry"

Dora scoffed but didn't hug her back, Kenna was shocked by her reaction.

She then looked up and saw the face of the person she hugged it was as cold as ice. She didn't smile nor frown and her aura screams pain and anger.

She the gulped and pulled away and stepped back bowing her head low.

"I'm sorry ma'am for hugging you like that please forgive me!"

"Come with me!" She finally said and went into the building with Ethan.

They then entered one of the secret rooms in the mansion closed the door tight and sat on the couch's.

Dora sat on one while Kenna and Ethan sat on another.

"So by now you are wondering why I called this meeting!"

There was eerily silence, before Ethan then spoke.

"What's the plan boss?!"

"Well I want to hear what you want to say!"

"Boss, how about you go into hiding to train for the battles ahead then you come back out and kill all the enemies that killed your husband!"

"Don't worry about training, im the wife of a Mafia boss, so using a gun is nothing!"

"But you never really got training!"

"Silver trained me, last year on everything I need to save my self and also hiding is for the weak, don't you ever in your life underestimate me or else you will meet an early demise!" She warned and Ethan gulped.

"Sorry ma'am!"

"I want you to train Kenna on self defense because from now on things are gonna get bloody!"

"Yes Ma'am!"They both chorused

"Tomorrow we are going to a new location and Kenna pick someone to be in charge of the house!"

"Yes ma'am!" She said and left.

She then thought for a while for a plan before resting her head on the table.



Bloody angel, the goddess of the underworld she was responsible for all the killing happening in the Mafia business.

She was also Theodora de Silver. The wife of the late Mr Silver.

She was given that name because she looked like an angel and because she was a bloody killer.

Believe me, she is worse than Silver

She sat on her chair in her office as she stared at the board with pictures of Martinez men pinned on it. She then looked at her next target. Valentino Gonzalez. He is one of the most skilled killers of Martinez.

He is gonna be tricky to kill him, she wanted to end him in a slow and painful way because she had discovered that he was one of the men who had attacked Silver that night.

She then lit up a cigar and puffed out the smoke from her nose and mouth making her look as badass.

The door opened and Kenna came in looking savage as well.

"Aren't you coming to eat Alessia? " She now goes by Alessia although her name is sill Dora but she doesn't want the men of the underworld to know her.

"Bring my dinner here and tomorrow I'm going to meet Valentino!"

Kenna then nodded and was about to leave when Dora said

"How are the trainees doing?"

"Some are still failing but aside from that they are fine!"

Dora had found out that Silver had some trainees which he handled but now she was make them stronger.

"Give me the names of those failing!"

"Alexa Gracie, Holland Gu, Richardo Thompson and Genevieve Grayson"

She then stood up and went to the training room and watched from the doorway as Tiffany trained them.

"Alright Motherfuckers, I want you all to try and disarm my little friend over here!" She said as Ethan stepped out his hands behind his back.

As the first one tried to twist Ethan's hand, Ethan being flexible and strong twisted his hands and shot the trainee on the leg.

"Arrrgh !"the trainee groaned in pain.

"You need to be smart and quick if you wanna be a Mafia boss someday!" Tiffany said and it was then they noticed the dark aura in the room.

"Are you dumb?" She asked the trainee and the trainee who happened to be Ignacio almost peed in his pants.

"I'm sorry ma'am!"

"What kind of weakling is this, you don't apologize in the underworld you kill brutally!"

He was quiet.

"Should I show you how it is done!"

"Answer me you a$$hole!" She yelled

"Yes ma!"

She then glanced at Gracie and said

"Come over lemme test you!"

She gulped and walked to meet her removing the fear on her face. Dora saw this and smirked wickedly she actually liked how brave she looked, she knew that the girl was trembling inside.

She then said

"Hit me!"


"Hit me!" She said more loudly and she moved closer to her.

Gracie then threw a heavy punch and it hit Dora making her bleed on her lips, she then looked at her with death clear in her eyes.

She then said

"Hit me again!"

The girl then was about to punch her again when she held the punch and twisted her hands totally dislocating it.

"That's how you do it so do it again!"

The boy then did it well and she left and made her way to the Computer room and saw Katelyn working on the computer.

"Have you found him?"

"Not yet the algorithms are quite complicated!"

She only sighed and went to sit down. And wait for Katelyn to find Valentino's location.

"Found him!" She exclaimed.

"He is at Girdle Garden, I think he is on a date!"

"Perfect time to cause some drama!"

She then went to get prepared for the evening, she wore a body hugging red dress torn at the front to her knee revealing her sexy legs.

He long hair was curled to perfection making her look like a princess.

She then wore her rose scented cologne and wore her red lipstick and went.



"You look beautiful tonight dear!" He said as he held the box tight underneath the table.

"Thanks love" Shimmer said

He then signalled the waiter to get the food he pre-ordered in. They then brought some peach cobbler and Some fires rice and Chicken. With a red wine the finest of it's kind.

"Wow you ordered my favorite!"

"Anything for you!"

She then smiled and digged in, she was quite starved.


A black Bugatti pulled over and Dora stepped down looking as dazzling as usual and went into the restaurant.

She then sighted the waiter going to the back and immediately understood that he went there for privacy. She then went to the back and said

"Val my baby are you cheating on me?" She asked as she faked tears.

"Who the fuck are you?!"

"It's me Iris, the love of your life, you promised to meet me at the Aquarium restaurant but you didn't show up, I had to ask your friend before he told me you were with a woman!"

"What I've never met her!" He said as he gazed at Shimmer, she was looking quite mad.

"So you are cheating on me.... Sasha was right!", she said as sh stood up and ran.

He wanted to follow her but he was blocked by Dora.

He then looked at her angrily and pointed his pistol at her with his grip on it tight.

"Who the f^ck are you?"

# "I'm the mafia's bride!"


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