
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Komik
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200 Chs

Chapter 99 White Hot! Terrible battle

The new world, Punk Hassad.

The navy and the remnant of Locks fought together frantically at this time.

Locks' crew knew in their hearts that at this time, they had already broken the boat, and if they didn't work hard, or died, it would be better to push the city's underwater prison.

So they rushed like crazy, crazy.

Fortunately, the Navy is not paper-cut, especially the cadets in the Naval Academy, all of which are the focus of the battle. At this time, the effects of the elite training have already appeared.

These navy rookies can already compete with the crew of the veteran pirate group.

After all, everyone has several six styles, which are not ordinary moves. It can be said to be a little superman, plus number suppression.

In short, the navy cadets are a show, with various operations and skills, and the other people on the show have scalp numb.

It may be the crew of Lockes, most of whom are belching in the Valley of Gods, and I haven't seen a few that can be beaten here.

So on the periphery of the central battlefield, the navy has also achieved an overwhelming advantage.

The battle continued, and finally Lingling spoke.

"Go hard, everyone can't hold on anymore," Lingling shouted.

Although there was no battle damage in the three battlefields in the center, the middle and lower crew members of Lockes suffered heavy casualties.

"Don't hide it, our navy is not comfortable." Warring States roared.

War is to kill people. The Warring States Period just wants to minimize casualties. For the three groups of navies in the high-end battlefield, as long as one group can draw hands.

The battlefield below will be much better and casualties will be much reduced.

Hearing what the two said, the two gangs started to exert their strength at the same time, and the battle became fierce, and it was about to start desperately.

Karp and the Warring States period, at the same time, accumulate their strength, ready to make the strongest blow, as the beginning of the white-hot stage.

Upon seeing this, Lingling and Newgate also gathered their strength and prepared to resist their attacks.

The Gun of Elbaff. Prestige!

Bone Fist. Stellar!

Earthquake. Earth cover!

Shock. Vacuum!

Everyone looked in the direction of the two battlefields, it was like a scene of purgatory.

The collision between Karp and Lingling produced a shock wave, and wherever the shock wave went, all the terrain turned into a plain.

The feet of the two were clean, just like a large Shenluo Tianzheng.

The blood donated from the corner of Karp's eyes was obviously affected, and Lingling was vomiting blood.

Although his sword hit the corner of Karp's eye, Karp's iron fist also hit him. That huge force directly injured Lingling's internal organs.

Lingling was seriously injured.

On the side of the result, the opposite is true.

All the ground was turned up, forming hills.

Spatial cracks are still raging in this space, the space is simply shattered, and rocks and mud are flying everywhere.

It is even crushed into powder by space cracks.

The Warring States was also attacked by the space rift. The Great Buddha shed golden blood, which stopped the bleeding in a short while.

With this resilience, if you say that the Warring States did not awaken the Devil Fruit, Barrett would not believe it.

Look at Newgate again. At this time, Newgate knelt on one knee, and the blood in his mouth kept flowing. The shock wave from the Warring States period damaged Newgate's internal organs.

Newgate was injured internally, which may also lead to the recurrence of Newgate's old illness in the later stage. Because of such an attack, the damage caused is almost irreversible.

In other words, this punch of the Warring States period will leave Newgate with hidden wounds.

Unless there is some rare treasure, such a hidden wound, I am afraid that Newgate will follow Newgate for a lifetime.

"What should I do? Or let's try our best?" Sakarski asked.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Polusalino always said these few words.

"Even if we don't work hard, it won't work," Barrett said.

Because at this time, Kaido had already rushed over desperately, it seemed that he wanted to work hard, after all, Newgate and Lingling had already worked hard.

If he was a fighting madman no longer desperately, he couldn't justify.

"You help me fight for a while, and I have to do my best." Barrett retreated behind the two and said.

"Allah, isn't it? You won't be able to fight first? Who are you not against?" Polusalino panicked.

His own defensive power is extremely weak, and Barrett has the highest defensive power here.

"Shut up, I'll fight, you're covering from behind." It was Sarkarski who came forward.

He gave Polusalino a look.

Porusalino suddenly understood, firming his eyes, behind Sakaski, outputting crazy, and shining Kaido's eyes.

Kaido was briefly blinded and could not see the direction of the attack, although he could use his sight, hearing and color.

And behind, around Barrett, the flow crystal madly swept the surrounding land in a radius of 150 meters.

Then a large number of liquid crystals began to flow back, gathered around Barrett, and then continued to spread upward, until 150 meters above the ground.

"Haha, this kid is quite capable." Looking at the huge monster in the distance, the Warring States Period exclaimed.

"Is this the giant of the Hammered Island?" Karp looked at the huge monster and thought of what the crane said before.

"Ah la la, Sakaski, are we two staying away?" Polusalino trembled as he looked at the huge monster.

They knew the power of this punch, even if they hadn't seen the punch that Barrett smashed the island.

But some time ago, they also saw the scene of Barrett punching a pirate boat, which was shocking.

"Retreat, stay away." Sakarski said.

Seeing that the giants were already formed, they were no longer needed here, so the two of them began to retreat, let Kaido feel the punch.

"Kaido, take it, the ultimate cannon!" Barrett shouted.

Everyone watched this scene idiotically, Kaido had no time to dodge, the area of ​​​​his fist was so large that Kaido could not escape the range of the fist at all.

No way, Kaido gritted his teeth and could only resist desperately.

"Come on kid!" Kaido shouted.

Whether it can live or not, depends on this, Kaido actually raised his fist and moved hard towards the giant's fist.

Two disproportionate fists collided together.

The giant's fist began to shatter, and the boulders were constantly falling. Just when the people of Lockes were rejoicing, Kaido's arm was bent.

After all, he couldn't hold such a huge fist.

Then the giant's fist hit Kaido and fell to the ground.


With a loud noise, the earth began to sink, and the earth tore apart around the point of the fist.

Spider-web-like cracks spread everywhere, with a radius of 5 kilometers, and the ground was sunken for nearly 10 meters.

At the point of the punch, he was punched out of a bottomless hole.

The giant collapsed, Barrett vomited blood and fell to the ground, while Kaido seemed to have been shot into the bottomless cave.

Suddenly, a towering water column gushed from the entrance of the cave, and Barrett seemed to have penetrated the surface, and groundwater poured up.

Then Barrett stepped on the moon step and came to Sarkarski and them.

Kaido was also washed out by the water jet.

I was lying on the water, motionless...