
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 100 Fall short

The new world, Punk Hassad.

Everyone looked at in surprise, Barrett, who was protected by Sakarski, Polusalino, and his eyes were full of shock.

Even Karp and Warring States had to admire that Barrett, who was only 10 years old, could already perform such a powerful attack.

They had to re-evaluate Barrett's future strength.

Of course, in the original book, Rikapu, the Warring States period, together with the Demon Slaying Order, exhausted Barrett's physical strength, and finally was attacked by other pirates, and this was the defeat.

At that time, Barrett was only 22 years old, and he had not yet awakened.

This shows how strong Barrett is at his peak.

If Lao Sha knew of Barrett's weakness, and then many strong men gathered fire and attacked, and then Luffy's protagonist halo added him, how could he win.

Barrett, who has been in prison for 20 years, even wants to kill all the supernovas, and then forcefully kill the Demon Order before killing the Four Emperors.

Become the only overlord of the sea.

He has this ambition and also has the strength to match it, but it is a pity that he met Wang Lufei.


"How is it?" Sakarski asked.

"The problem is not big," Barrett replied.


At this time, Kaido's body on the lake suddenly moved.

"Hahahaha, I'm not dead, I'm not dead, I am immortal, and none of you can kill me!" Kaido on the lake vomited blood, and then said madly.

"You hit him on the head? Why did you hit him stupid?" Sakarski asked.

"I'm not sure, maybe it's because my head got water just now. It's okay. You give a hand first, and I will give him another punch to wake him up." Barrett said.

Then Barrett shook his hand, and the flow crystal flowed out again, spreading around.

"I don't believe it, it won't cure you," Barrett muttered.

"Ah la la, it's terrible," Polusalino said.

Even Sarkarski looked at Barrett in a daze.

Kaido seemed to have heard what Barrett said, turned his head and looked at Barrett.

The giant has slowly risen, spread about 70 meters, and is still rising.

"What am I..." Kaido panicked.

If this is a punch, specify to die.

"Wait, wait, I won't fight anymore, I won't fight anymore." Kaido cried directly and yelled from his mouth. If you want to fight again, I will explain here.

"We have already sent someone to the Heaven Smiting Dragon. If you fight again, the two Heavenly Dragons will be beheaded to show the public." Kaido shouted desperately.

Kaido's remarks calmed everyone, how did he know about the Tianlongren, and boasted that he had captured the Tianlongren.

"Barrett, call Mrs. Zefa to see what's going on." Sakaski said.

Tianlong people must not have an accident, let alone beheaded to show the public. If this is let others know, the world government will lose face.

Barrett didn't dare to delay, he lifted his fit and took out the phone worm.

Everyone put aside their actions. The direction of this war depends entirely on this phone worm.

blue blue.

"Barrett, what's the matter?" Zefa's voice came from the phone worm.

Hearing Zefa's voice, nothing seemed to happen.

"Teacher, are the two dragons there?" Barrett asked.

Everyone tightened their weapons, ready to do it at any time.

"Oh, the boss with CP just now went to the deck to let the wind go, what happened?" Zefa replied.

Hearing what Zefa said, Barrett suddenly had a bad premonition. How so coincidental that he went out at this time.

"Teacher Zefa, you quickly go out and see if you can find the Heavenly Dragon." Barrett said anxiously.

"What the hell happened?" Zefa asked as he went out to search.

"We have achieved a basic victory in the battle here, but the people of Locks said that they have captured two dragons." Barrett explained.

Zefa became anxious at this moment. Like Barrett, Zefa also had a bad premonition, and then quickened his pace.

"Stop!" Zefa's roar came from the phone bug.

The people of Lockes finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"CP people, what are you going to do?" Zefa scolded.

The cp leader tied two dragons to the deck, and there was a video phone worm next to it, which seemed to be made public.

"If you release Locks, I will release these two Dragonites, otherwise, I will kill the Dragonites in front of the world." The CP leader said.

Hearing this, everyone understood that Lockes actually inserted his eyeliner into the CP, which was unexpected.

Warring States took out the phone worm and dialed the phone worm of Marshal Kong.

"Warring States, what's the matter?" An empty voice came from the phone worm.

"Our battle with the Locks remnant party here is about to win a big victory, but the cp has mixed into the spies of Locks, and the dragon people are held hostage." The Warring States explained.

"I'll report to the Five Old Stars." Kong said in silence for a while.

This matter was beyond their control, so Sora didn't roar or anything, let the five old stars decide.

"I see." Warring States replied.

Then, the entire battlefield fell into deathly silence, no one did it, just didn't want to stare at each other.

Only Kaido, screaming everywhere, this guy is a cheap bone, showing his immortality everywhere.

"You said, what if you kill one first before the five old stars are ordered to fight." Barrett asked.

With just such a word, Kaido was stunned in an instant, and immediately frankly, he dared not say a word.

"Barrett, don't make mistakes." Warring States reminded.

He also understands that Barrett is deterring, but he still has to say something symbolically. It is better to be Barrett down a step.

Brubur, the phone worm of the Warring States period rang.

"Warring States, Wu Lao Xing has learned about the situation. There is no way. It has been broadcast live now. I can't help it. The Tianlong people can't die, and the navy can't bear it. You can figure it out." Kong said.

"I understand, Marshal." The Warring States replied.

This will also be the first step for the Warring States to be promoted to the Marshal. It depends on how the Warring States decides.

"You have also heard that the Tianlong people can't die, and the navy can't lose face." Warring States said to the people in Locks.

"We understand, so what are you going to do?" Lingling asked.

"Me, Cap, Barrett, Sakarski, Polusalino, the five of us, if we don't make a move within one hour, you return the Dragonite." Warring States said.

"Yes." Lingling said decisively.

This is already the best result.

The five of them didn't make a move, which means that the people of Lockes would either slaughter the mid- and low-level combat power of the Navy, and then take their lives.

Or just flee desperately.

Kaido will make the right choice.

"The person who told you the decision immediately released the Tianlongren. In the name of the admiral, I promise that within an hour, I will never pursue you." Zhan Guo said.

"Yes, I believe in your character, Warring States." Newgate said.

This is the bottom line of the Navy, and Newgate understands what the Warring States is like, and he will not lose faith.

To no avail, the great escape of the Locks remnants began...