
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

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200 Chs

Chapter 87 Injured! Three people join hands

New world.

Barrett and his party are engaged in a fierce confrontation with the Quick Slash Pirates.

Only now, the battle has reached a deadlock.

The two natural elements were even tied with Basri. It was incredible. Even Barrett did not expect that the three of them would be in a deadlock.

The reason is also very simple, Basri is actually armed.

A pirate with a bounty of 150 million will be armed, too, how dare you enter the new world if you don't know how to be armed.

And the crew of Basri pressed the navy to fight even more.

"Chief Zefa, it seems that the intelligence is wrong." Zefa's adjutant worried.

It seems that during the time when the Quick Slash Pirate Group disappeared, their strength has improved again, and even the captain has learned to be armed.

"Don't worry, this Basili has just learned to use armed colors. The strength and area of ​​​​the armed colors are not strong." Zefa calmly said.

Although the three of them are in a stalemate, Zefa is not worried, Barrett will soon make a breakthrough, and then they can support the two.

At this time, the two of them were actually in a hurry. This was the first time they faced threats directly.

After eating the natural devil fruit, no one has ever been able to harm them, not at all, and only Zefa taught Polusalino a lesson.

But this time, Basri was going to kill both of them, and Basri was able to kill them, and then the two panicked.

This is what a person who has never experienced between life and death, the first time wandering in front of death, is the performance made.

This is also the combat effectiveness of the two, greatly reduced. They are no longer attacking, but are constantly defending, for fear that Basri will encounter them.

Barrett shook his head straight as he watched from the side, and there was no way he could only speed up the movement in his hand and let the two of them feel death. Now this is not enough.

However, Barrett had just solved the enemy in his hand, and something went wrong over there.

Basri's arm was turned into a knife, and his armed color was attached, leaving a wound on Polusalino's chest.

Poor Polusalino, who hadn't learned how to see and smell at this time, and the Devil Fruit hadn't been developed very much, just took a cut.

This time Polusalino was even more panicked and fell to the ground, looking at the wound on his chest, but did not stand up for a while.

Hey, after all, they are recruits, not the future yellow monkeys. The strong also need to grow up. Then anyone will be invincible at the start. That is a novel.

Even if it is a natural department, it must experience the baptism of blood and also experience growth.

Barrett couldn't stand it anymore. This time Polusalino's combat power became weaker, and all the pressure fell on Sarkarski.

If it is not supported, the two may have an accident.

In fact, Barrett is also panicked, he doesn't know how to be armed, and he doesn't know how to make iron.

No way, Barrett synthesized a set of armor for himself, as well as a pair of iron gloves. The gloves also have finger tigers. This is Barrett's signature weapon.


Barrett flashed to the front of Basri, blocking the two behind.

At this time, the two men were relieved, and reinforcements finally came.

Seeing Barrett standing in front of him, the two felt ashamed that they were so scared, not as good as a ten-year-old.

So the two cheered up again, Barrett also came anyway, what is afraid of, Sarkarski and Barrett stood together.

After Polusalino stood up again, the three joined forces and began to counterattack.

Barrett also had a headache at this time. This Basri was like a hedgehog and couldn't touch it anywhere. Fortunately, Barrett wore a pair of iron gloves.

Barrett took the lead, rushing to the forefront, entangled with Basri, the two people in the Natural Department originally wanted to provide remote support.

Seeing it now, it can still be remotely supported, but there is no other way, so I rushed up.

The four were entangled together.

Barrett is responsible for anti-injury, and the other two are responsible for output.

There is no way, even if Barrett wears iron gloves, there is no way to output damage. The greater the force, the greater the wear of the gloves.

And the two people who happened to be next to each other had a strong attack and didn't need to touch the blade of Basri's body.

So the three of them found the state, the scale of victory began to tilt.

Sakarski's magma, Polusalino's laser, burned the blades of Bathri to red.

Upon seeing this, Barrett found the burning, red and whitish place, and smashed it with a punch, directly breaking Bassri's arm.

Although it did not burn Barrett lightly, but fortunately, the three of them finally got a blood.

The next step was simple, and the three of them followed suit and solved Basri.

On the way, Basri also wanted to surrender, but unfortunately, Barrett needed to quickly cut the fruit and return to the ocean, and the other two wanted to wash the shame.

So the three of them automatically ignored Basri's surrender, and the battle ended and Basri's head fell.

The crew of Basri was simply solved, the battle was over, almost everyone was injured.

Even Barrett was no exception. Among the three, Barrett was the most injured, and the armor that came out of the unit was almost chopped off.

I don't know how many knives he has suffered. Fortunately, Barrett has a stronger physique, and Bathri's knife did not hurt his internal organs.

Barrett has experienced more injuries of this degree. As soon as he took off his clothes, the wounds on his body, as well as the scars left in the past, made everyone take a breath.

Although it is said that scars are the glory of a man, I have never heard of it. The densely dense body is all glory.

Even Zefa not only sighed, he had not had as many scars on his body as a child after so many years of fighting.

"Hey hey, brother Barrett, your scar is..." Huo Shao Shan asked everyone the question they wanted to ask.

These students don't know Barrett's background. Only the high-level navy will care about these things. Now that they have joined the navy, the students' background is not their turn to worry about.

"Oh, I was born in Jarzburg and went to the battlefield when I was 5 years old." Barrett replied, chewing the food in his mouth.



Everyone was puzzled, how would they know all the islands in this world.

"No wonder," Kong Ming said suddenly.

As the future staff member of the Navy Headquarters, Kong Ming is now interested in some things, and now it seems that he clearly knows Jarzburg.

"You may not have heard of Jarzburg. I also saw a newspaper recently, and I just remembered that Jarzburg is a country with endless wars." Kong Ming said.

"That's it."

"It turned out to be a country with endless wars."


Everyone understood why Barrett was scarred.

Why does Barrett have such a wealth of combat experience when he is only ten years old.

It turns out that Barrett has been on the battlefield at the age of 5, and looking at the scar on Barrett's body, one can imagine how Barrett has had the past five years.

At this time, all the students, including Sakaski and Polusalino, were in awe of Barrett.

Zefa heard the news again, although he was prepared, he couldn't help but glance at Barrett.

Barrett looked at everyone's eyes, and the chicken legs in his hand were no longer fragrant...