
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 86 Stalemate! Elite route

New world.

On the warship of Zefa's group, everyone was having a banquet.

"Why?" Zefa's adjutant asked puzzledly.

Barrett solved a fleet alone, and the ones on the list, including the ones he looked for before, were all at this level.

And now, there are still two natural departments that haven't worked.

"In the fleet just now, the crew were all five scumbags, and they only reached this level by the number. And it just so happened that Barrett is the least afraid of group battles. His giant is not something the crew can resist.

"And there are some pirate groups. They don't rely on the number of people to reach this level. They rely on their own strength. They don't have many crew members, but they are all elite."

"These elites are not as easy to deal with as those fighting five scum." Zefa explained.

If you raise the pirate you are searching for by one level, you are likely to encounter a two-color or even three-color domineering owner.

At that time, none of the students on the ship would be their opponent.

"I understand," the adjutant replied.

"Well, continue chasing the pirate." Zefa ordered.

"Yes." The adjutant saluted.

Next, a group of people encountered several groups of pirates. This time Barrett did not do anything, but Zakarski and Polusalino took the lead.

The students finally experienced a life-and-death battle, and this battle was far less simple than they thought.

I saw Barrett kill the Quartet before, but it was their turn, but it was extremely difficult, only two natural lines were relatively good.

The others were all injured, and there were even two serious injuries.

But fortunately, there is no disability or death.

After several battles, everyone calmed down, and Zefa decided to take a rest for a while, first, to heal his injuries, and second, to let the students sum up their experience.

Everyone refurbished for a week, until the adjutant found Zefa with intelligence.

"Sir Zefa, the information returned by the intelligence organization." The adjutant handed the information to Zefa.

"Well, I finally found it. This group of pirates is just right for them." Zefa said after reading the information.

This group of pirates is the pirate group that follows the elite route.

"Sir Zefa, let them all do it?" the adjutant asked.

Now that a suitable pirate group has been found, if it is so powerful, is it time for Barrett to take action?

"Well, I'll make arrangements and get ready to set sail." Zefa ordered.

It seems that a big battle is inevitable.

"Raise anchor, Yang Fan, set sail, goal: to quickly slash the Pirate Group."

Next, Zefa handed the reward orders of the Quick Slash Pirate Group to the students in turn.

Barrett was still puzzled at the beginning, how could anyone give such an unnamed name, Barrett understood when he looked at the reward order.

The captain is a person with devil fruit ability, and the fruit ability is also very familiar. Superman type. Quickly cut the fruit.

It is the fruiting ability of Baroque Studio, Mr.1 Daz Bowness.

It can turn any part of the body into a blade, and has the hardness of steel, which is a very convenient fruit ability.

But Bowness still doesn't know whether he was born or not. It seems that this person with the ability to cut fruits is bound to die.

Because Barrett also focused on Bowness, now Krokdal, certainly has not yet established the Baroque Studio.

There seems to be no news from Bowness, but Barrett has already deployed manpower in the West Sea.

Bowness used to be a pirate hunter in the West Sea. As long as Bowness appeared, Barrett would keep him, and he dug a corner of Krokdal.

But it wasn't because of how strong Bonis was, but Barrett looked at him quite pleasing to the eye, and there was plenty of room for development of fruit abilities.

After Bowness learned how to be armed, he was definitely a great swordsman, and judging from his character, it was not difficult to associate, as long as he was found before Krokdal, it was not a big problem.

"Report, found the Quick Slash Pirate Group." Watching Shouhui reported.

Following the route tracking on the intelligence, the group found the Quick Slash Pirate Group.

"Everyone is ready to fight, Barrett, you also participate in this operation." Zefa ordered.

"Understood." Barrett replied.

Everyone has read the reward order, and they have also learned a bit about the information about the Quick Slash Pirate Group.

The bounty is defined according to the strength of the enemy, the crimes committed, and the threat to the world.

But the captain in front of him didn't do much evil, that is to say, he was offered a high reward almost entirely because of his strength.

Captain of the Quick Cut Pirate Group: Basri, Superman. Those with the ability to cut fruits, bounty 150 million Baileys.

This strength, even in the era of the great pirate, is a proper supernova.

"Who do you give this captain this time?" Sakarski asked again.

Barrett hasn't participated in such a combat meeting for a long time, but this time Barrett did not speak.

"Sakaski and Polusalino are in charge this time, Barrett, you go to support other students." Zefa ordered.

Among these three people, only Barrett has the strongest support ability, so let Barrett support the students, this time there may be casualties.

Zefa wants to control casualties within a considerable range.



The three agreed that the three had already guessed this result.

Among the three, Sakarski and Polusalino often cooperated. Once they cooperated and worked with Barrett for half a month.

A tacit understanding has been formed, so the two of them work together, which is the best result, and the two can be elementalized, just to restrain the quick fruit.

But Barrett does not have a good defense, and Barrett's ability to cut fruits quickly is somewhat insufficient.


The two ships are getting closer and will soon enter the attack range.

This time Barrett did not take the lead in rushing over, the surrounding sea is too deep, and the giants of more than 100 meters can't show their heads.

Moreover, the enemy ships are all elites. If Barrett passed, he would face everyone's attack.

Fortunately, the enemy did not have many long-range weapons, and soon the two sides were connected.

This time, Barrett and the two natural elements rushed into the enemy's Pirate Ship.

The enemy is ready on the deck, and standing at the forefront is the captain, the one with quick fruit cutting ability, Basri.

"Dear navy, I don't seem to be doing anything harmful to the world, right?" Basri was even arguing with the navy.

Everyone was stunned.

"A pirate is a pirate, no matter what he has done or not done, the duty of our navy is to clean up the pirates." Zefa said.

This group of navies is still too young, but because of the pirate's short words, they are stunned. If you are afraid of the navy, don't be a pirate, and no one will force you.

The students recovered, and the three of Barrett had already fought with the pirates.

Two natural elements forced Basri out of the battlefield, and the three formed a single battle.

The navy was in groups of three to five, beating the crew in Bath, only Barrett, wandering around on the battlefield, waiting for opportunities, while staring at another battlefield.

At this time, what was unexpected was that the two of the Nature Department were in a stalemate with Basri, while the other navies were also at a stalemate with the crew of Basri.

The breakthrough point is on Barrett...